The wound was so severe that the patient was seriously injured.

For a moment, Zhang Yi even suspected that Li Mingliang had some kind of depression.

Could the wound on his hand be caused by depression and suicide?

Or is he a masochist? ! ?

Anyway, Zhang Yi was frightened by his arm.

And it was obvious that the wounds were a combination of new and old wounds.

It was really strange.

After taking a closer look at Li Mingliang's expression, there was nothing else except a little bit of subtle nervousness.

It was no different from a normal person.

With full of doubts, Zhang Yi decided to see what he did first.

If this person really had any masochistic and suicidal tendencies, he could just get treated at Union Hospital.

"Okay, subcutaneous suture, right? Subcutaneous suture is a basic skill that every surgeon must take. For doctors of your level, the passing score is not my requirement for you. Let's get started!"

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Li Mingliang.

They wanted to wait and see what subcutaneous suture he was going to do.

The tools doctors use to practice suture are nothing more than pork, pig's trotters, pig's large intestines, chicken feet, etc., or grapes from fruits.

But there were no tools on Li Mingliang's table, only some suture needles and threads that the hospital had prepared.

Seeing that Li Mingliang didn't move, everyone couldn't help but frowned in confusion.

"What's wrong with this guy? Why isn't he moving? Is he going to take the exam?"

"Hey? Why didn't I see what he was going to sew?"

"Yeah, what was he going to sew? Pig intestines? Or tendons?"

"Hey? What's wrong with him? Why is he lifting his trouser legs in public?"

"Hiss...!! Fuck! Look at his legs! There are so many knife wounds on his legs! So dense and scary!"

"Oh my god! Why are there so many scars on his legs??! What's wrong with him? Has he been assassinated before?!"

Every move of Li Mingliang simply shocked everyone present.

Even Zhang Yi didn't know what this guy was going to do.

He looked like a quiet, calm and introverted person.

But he actually lifted his trouser legs in public to reveal his scarred legs!

Who would have thought that this man had such a serious tendency to self-abuse? !

Not only did he cut his wrists and arms, but he also didn't let go of his own legs? ! ?

The foreigners in the corner were also stunned.

Isn't this the site of the operation test?

What is this person doing? Performing a striptease?

When did China become so open? ?

In the shocked and puzzled eyes of the crowd, Li Mingliang took out a one milliliter syringe from his backpack.

There was actually liquid medicine in it.

Then he was seen using iodine disinfectant to disinfect a large area of ​​his legs? !

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi frowned.

It seems... he knows what Li Mingliang is going to do.


Just as Li Mingliang was about to inject the liquid medicine in the syringe into his leg, Zhang Yi stopped him.

"What are you doing? Where are your operating tools? Don't tell me... your suture object is yourself!"

Li Mingliang pursed his lips slightly and said seriously: "Yes, it's me."

Hiss! !

Hiss! !

Oh my god!

There were gasps in the whole operating room.

Good guy!

This guy is such a ruthless guy! !

He actually sutured himself? ! ?


So he sutured the wounds on his arms and legs by himself after giving himself anesthesia? !


When they thought of this, everyone felt creepy!

Damn, this guy looks inconspicuous, but he turned out to be a ruthless guy!

Oh no!

This is not ruthless.

It's crazy!

He should be a madman!

Upon hearing this, Jin Zhenglun hurriedly stopped him: "No, no, no, don't be so serious, it's just a suturing test, you can just use ordinary large intestine or meat."

Unexpectedly, Li Mingliang did not give in at all: "No, this is my own choice, I hope you can agree. Doctor Zhang also said that this operation test only requires us to use the operation we are best at, and I am best at subcutaneous suturing, but this subcutaneous suturing can only be perfect when suturing real skin. So, please don't stop me, Doctor Zhang and Dean Jin, I have anesthetics, and I will pay attention to what I should pay attention to."

Good guy.

What he said was reasonable and well-founded.

And it was true... Zhang Yi did agree.

Jin Zhenglun didn't say anything else

, he looked at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi looked at him and said seriously: "Okay, you are an adult, if you want to choose this, then start."

When everyone heard this, their eyes widened!

Damn! Zhang Yi actually agreed!

Oh my god!

It's so exciting~!

On the operating table, Li Mingliang nodded slightly to Zhang Yi.

Then he injected the local anesthetic into the sterilized thigh skin.

Seeing this scene, the foreigners couldn't help but exclaimed!

Chen Du didn't have time to translate the conversation between Zhang Yi and Li Mingliang just now, and Li Mingliang directly took the needle and stabbed his thigh!

Didn't this make the foreigners almost drop their jaws? ?

"Oh my God, what is he doing?!"

"Your Chinese operation exam is too real...!"

"Isn't he going to take the subcutaneous suture test? Chen, tell us quickly, what is he going to do?!"

Chen's lips were dry again and again, and he didn't expect that while he was drinking a sip of water, Li Mingliang actually stabbed himself with a needle!

He quickly translated the cause and effect to his colleagues.

After learning that this guy was going to do subcutaneous suture on his leg, these foreigners, even Ryan, were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Oh my God.

These Chinese people are too fierce!

They are still playing hard for a small operation test? !

It's really awesome!

I admire you!

This trip to China is really worth it~!

The foreigners' discussions are endless.

But this did not disturb Li Mingliang's mood.

After all, the only reason that made Li Mingliang nervous was that he was demonstrating his operation in front of Zhang Yi for the first time.

He had worked hard for so many years and devoted himself to surgery. He wanted to become the best surgeon in China!

He even endured the pain and operated on himself to improve his operation!

He did it so that he could empathize with others!

He did it so that he could practice suture to perfection!

But one day, he saw Zhang Yi's operation video.

The suture was like art! The hands were like ghosts and invisible!

It seemed weak, but it sutured every part firmly!

Even if you don't look carefully, you can hardly see that it was once a long wound!

Such a magical person simply made Li Mingliang crazy!

So, after receiving the news that Zhang Yi wanted to recruit apprentices, he signed up immediately.

For this reason, he also quit his original job in the hospital.

Before leaving, he swore!

He must become Zhang Yi's apprentice!

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