There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

The same character is evaluated differently in the eyes of different people.


Fang Yuan does not need to evaluate Hitler.

He only needs to tell the story and show the life of Hitler to the audience.

As for how to evaluate him?

That is the audience’s business.

It’s that simple….

Fortunately, he did not choose a script or a novel.

This third-person perspective narration style storytelling has done a good job of this task…….

【In Alois’s plan, he hoped that Hitler would follow his path and become a civil servant.】

【But he was soon disappointed】

【Hitler was not interested in this】

【When he was young, Hitler’s favorite subjects were history and painting.】

【He likes heroic stories in German history】

【This made him feel deeply proud of his nation.】

【When Hitler learned about the historical origins of Germany and Austria in class, and when he heard the public’s call for the establishment of a”great unified German Empire”, he quickly regarded Germany as his spiritual homeland.】

【As he himself said: Germany was his childhood dream and secret love.】……

Here it comes!

As expected!

This is a protagonist whose personal destiny is deeply bound to the destiny of the country!

And this bond between him and the country was firmly tied at the beginning of his life!……

When he saw this paragraph written by Fang Yuan,

Little Li was more certain of his guess.

If nothing unexpected happened, this story would develop as he guessed!……

Little Leo commented

“Although we don’t know what this story about Hitler will ultimately be like”

“However, judging from the background setting and the portrayal of the protagonist’s childhood experience by contestant No. 111, it is not difficult to guess a few things.”

“First, Hitler regarded Germany as his spiritual homeland.”

“This made him yearn for Germany”

“Secondly, Germany historically unified Austria.”

“Therefore, in this story, there will be unity”

“So it is not difficult to guess that the protagonist named Hitler will go to Germany.”

“Moreover, he will complete his painting career in Germany and become a world-renowned painter through his own efforts!”

“In the process, he encountered the era of the unification of Germany and Austria.”

“And in this wave of unification, what happens in the process of national unification will have a crucial impact on Hitler’s life!”

“And ultimately shaped his achievements!”……

Leo is not only an actor in this world, but also a very good screenwriter.

In Hollywood, there are many stories that combine personal background with the times. The related creations have almost formed a complete template.

Therefore, this speculation about the subsequent story is in line with the mainstream creation direction of current film and television scripts.

It is very reasonable…….

Jiang Wen nodded.

Obviously, he also agreed with Leo’s speculation.

“The fate of the individual is combined with the fate of the country, with lofty aspirations”

“Now the story has been framed.”

“Moreover, the setting of this story framework is also very consistent with the development status of popular film and television works.”

“Contestant No. 111’s approach and approach show great potential”

“If he is able to handle this story and not go off track, it should be easy for him to advance.”……

Jiang Wen was generous with his praise.

This was not because Fang Yuan was a Dragon Countryman.

But the growth potential of the story itself was worthy of praise.

As far as the frameworks shown now are concerned.

If the subsequent stories were handed over to an experienced screenwriter, it would not be difficult to become another classic Hollywood commercial film like”Lord of War”…….

At this time,

Miyazaki suddenly spoke

“Although my work is mainly in the field of animation, I don’t know much about the creative process of movies.”

“However, through the explanations of Director Jiang and Mr. Leonardo, I now have a rough outline of the story that contestant No. 111 will create.”

“But, I think there is another problem now…….”……

Suddenly, he changed the subject.

“Now that we can all guess how the story will develop”

“So, can this contestant’s story still be considered exciting?”……

When Miyazaki Hayao said this,

Jiang Wen, who had just given a positive review, was stunned.

Leo next to him paused and frowned…….

Miyazaki’s meaning is very simple. If the story develops as they speculate, it will indeed be qualified. It may even reach the level of excellence. But! Don’t forget where this is! A creative competition!


The Creative Competition is a stage for showing creativity, innovation and all kinds of unconstrained ideas.

Why is it so popular?

Isn’t it because of the constant emergence of new trends, which bring new vitality to the film, animation, game and other creative industries?

But now, you can all guess the subsequent development of the Hitler story.

So, can such a story still be considered a creative story?……

Miyazaki Hayao didn’t need to explain.

Everyone understood what he meant.

For a moment, several people couldn’t help but be silent.

Yes, the story is a good story.

But no matter how good the story is, once it falls into clichés, it can make the audience easily guess the subsequent development.

Then can such a story still be called good?……

“Mr. Miyazaki’s remarks make sense.”

���There was a lull in the conversation.

Mamtim then took over the topic.

“On the stage of our”Wen Si Quan Yong Creative Competition”, creation, innovation and creativity are very important.”

“But what Mr. Leonardo and Director Jiang said just now were just their speculations.”

He said with a smile

“How will contestant No. 111 complete this story?”

“Until the full story is revealed, none of us will know.”

“I think we can look forward to it.”

“What if he could surprise us?”

“Bring a brand new story?”……

Mamtim was warming up the audience.

He was also speaking for Fang Yuan.

You can guess, but you can’t just draw conclusions about Fang Yuan’s story. What if he can really bring surprises and present a Hollywood story that is not so templated?……

“Look, he started writing.”

Noticing Fang Yuan paused for a moment and then started writing again,

Mamtim reminded him.

So everyone looked at the screen…….

This time, their eyes were filled with obvious curiosity and expectation. Will the Hitler described by Fang Yuan really become a standardized film and television story as Leo speculated ? Or……

Will it take a different path?……

In the room,

Fang Yuan tapped the keyboard.

With a series of crisp tapping sounds, new words appeared on the paper.

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