He took a taxi to the city center, the night watchman community.

The night watchman community is a row of single-family villas where the night watchmen live. The outermost villas are the houses of the first-level night watchmen. Going inside, the villas of the senior night watchmen are more luxurious.

Two first-level night watchmen stood at the door. Lin Fan showed the night watchman ID card he had just received, swiped the card, and entered the community.

He lived in the outermost row of villas. According to the house number, he found his villa.

This is a villa with a garden, three floors high. There is also a standard off-road vehicle for night watchmen parked at the door. The license plate number is: Shou 10002.

Lin Fan was looking at his villa. The door of the villa next to him opened. A short and strong young man with dark skin came out. He was stunned when he saw Lin Fan, and then greeted him warmly.

"Hello, my name is An Zhenzheng. We will be neighbors and comrades in the future."

"Lin Fan."

Lin Fan stretched out his hand and shook An Zhenzheng's hand.

An Zhenzhen looked at Lin Fan's villa, then looked at Lin Fan, as if he was about to say something.

"Just tell me what you want to say."

"You asked me to say it, so I'll tell you, you are my 108th neighbor, all my previous neighbors died, and they didn't live more than a week..."

At this point, An Zhenzhen realized something and hurriedly said, "I'm not cursing you to death, this is the fact..."

"No, I believe you can live a hundred years, don't mind, I sometimes speak a little bluntly."

Lin Fan's forehead was black, "Then you are really a neighbor, whoever becomes your neighbor will die..."

"You can't say that, they all died on dangerous missions, you can't blame me."

"Then why are you still alive?" Lin Fan asked back.

"I'm lucky and lucky." An Zhenzhen said seriously.

An Zhenzhen was very enthusiastic. Seeing that Lin Fan was new, he took the initiative to tell Lin Fan a lot of life-saving knowledge.

"Level 1 Night Watchmen are cannon fodder. If you want to survive, besides being lucky, you have to find a way to move up. As long as you become a Level 2 Night Watchman, you can get rid of the status of cannon fodder and don't have to go out to perform dangerous tasks often."

"Then why are you still a Level 1 Night Watchman?"

"I am lucky. I also want to be promoted to a Level 2 Night Watchman, but it is too difficult..." An Zhenzhen was a little distressed.

"If you want to be promoted to a Level 2 Night Watchman, you must kill at least one Level 2 Dark World creature alone!"

Lin Fan listened patiently. An Zhenzhen has been a Night Watchman for three years, and he is still only a Level 1 Night Watchman. In his words, the mortality rate of Level 1 Night Watchmen is close to 80%. Most people can't live for a few weeks. He lives so long because he is lucky.

And if you want to be promoted to a Level 2 Night Watchman, you need to make meritorious deeds to get a chance to copy a Level 2 superpower. If the copy is successful, you will become a Level 2 superpower user and then become a Level 2 Night Watchman.

Of course, copying a Level 2 superpower also has risks. If the copy fails, you will die.

"No more talking, brother, which team are you from? Let's see if we have a chance to go out on patrol together."

"I'm from the first team."

"What a coincidence, I'm also from the first team, then I'll apply to go out on patrol with you tonight, and take you with me."


Level 1 night watchmen need to patrol the night, and they have to go out every night. Of course, they are scheduled, and they patrol for two hours at a time. After the patrol, they can rest for a whole day.

If you want to survive, you can only pray that your two hours of patrol will be safe.

But it's not peaceful recently. There are always creatures from the dark world appearing, resulting in an increase in the casualties of the first-level night watchmen.

The previous owner of Lin Fan's villa died just a few days ago, and the first seven days haven't passed yet.

Lin Fan was a little unhappy. This villa has been occupied by more than a hundred people, and they all died.

"I have the Shadow Realm and the Shadow Demon, so I shouldn't be so unlucky to die..." He took a deep breath and opened the door of the villa.

It was very clean inside, and the furniture was all brand new. After each owner died, everything they had during their lifetime would be burned, and new furniture would be purchased. There were also special people to clean the place.

If you are hungry, there is also a canteen here, and all food is free.

The treatment is good, but the mortality rate is too high.

Lin Fan checked all the rooms one by one, and finally turned on the computer in the room, took out the law enforcement device, and prepared to see what was inside and why the mechanical sect was so persistent in hunting him down!

The law enforcement device was inserted into the computer, and a folder instantly appeared on the computer desktop. Lin Fan clicked to open the folder, and a video appeared.

Chapter 10 Undercover List, 98 People

A figure appeared in the video, it was the middle-aged man who died that night, and he was telling his story.

"My name is Li Qingshan, I am a first-level night watchman, and I am also a first-level investigator of the Federal Investigation Department. I found that there are many members of the Mechanical Cult in the Night Watch Department. They are undercover in the Night Watch Department. After my six-month investigation, I compiled a list."

In the video, a long list appeared, including names, positions, and photos of each person.

A total of ninety-eight people!

Eighty first-level night watchmen, ten second-level night watchmen, five third-level night watchmen, two fourth-level night watchmen, and even one fifth-level night watchman!

The Night Watch Department has been infiltrated so deeply!

As the captain of the first brigade of the Night Watch Department, Wang Ming is a core figure of the Night Watch Department, but he is only a fourth-level night watchman!

I didn't expect that there were two fourth-level night watchmen and one fifth-level night watchman who were undercover!

If this list is handed over, the Night Watch Department will cause a big earthquake!

No wonder the Mechanic Cult wants to kill him!

Most of the people on this list belong to the Mechanic Cult members. They have infiltrated the Night Watch Division over the years. This list is just the tip of the iceberg!

Because there are many bases in the Federation, Qucheng is just a Class C Federation base, and there are already so many Mechanic Cult undercovers!

There may be more undercovers in other Federation bases!

Suddenly, Lin Fan's door rang.

He took a deep look at the list and photos, and then pulled the law enforcement device out of the computer. This law enforcement device is now a hot potato. He doesn't know whether he should hand it over to the Night Watch Division!

What if he hands it over and it falls into the hands of the undercover?

Because the Night Watch Division has been completely infiltrated, this law enforcement device is very likely to be taken away by the undercover in advance!

He didn't dare to trust the Night Watch Division!

Moreover, if he handed it over, the undercover could easily lock him and he would be assassinated!

Whether he handed it over or not, he would be in danger!

"Wang Ming..."

He thought of Wang Ming, the captain of the first team. Wang Ming's name did not appear on the list, but he was not sure whether Wang Ming was an undercover from other dark world organizations!

"Who should I trust? Who should I hand it over to?"

He was a little confused. There was no one trustworthy in the entire Night Watch Division. The top management had been infiltrated!

He took a deep breath, erased his traces on the computer, walked to the door, and saw a stranger standing outside the door through the peephole.

"Who is it?"

"Hello, I am Wang Wei, the captain of the first squadron of the ninth squadron of the first brigade. I am here to inform you about the night patrol."

Lin Fan opened the door. A tall young man stood outside the door. There were two blood-red spear patterns on his cuffs, representing his identity as a second-level night watchman. The blood bar above his head was 100%, LV2!

Lin Fan happened to be assigned to Wang Wei and was a member of his team.

"Hello, captain!"

"Lin Fan, right? Our team is responsible for building the streets at 11 o'clock tonight. We will patrol for two hours. Remember to come and gather on time." Wang Wei said coldly.

"Got it, Captain."

Wang Wei said, and left without looking back. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Lin Fan. After Wang Wei left, Lin Fan walked back to the room calmly, closed the door, and then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Because Wang Wei was one of the people on the list, one of the ten second-level night watchmen undercover, and a member of the mechanical sect!

He had a hunch that he would be in danger during the night patrol.

He thought that he would be much safer as a night watchman, but he didn't expect the danger to come so quickly.

If Wang Wei attacked him during the two-hour night patrol, he would be in danger. Fortunately, he saw the list in advance and knew that Wang Wei was an undercover.

He decided not to hand over the list for the time being. After all, he didn't have any trustworthy night watchmen now, and he couldn't even trust Wang Ming.

Li Qingshan was killed before he had time to hand in the list, or he encountered the same situation as him, and didn't know who to hand it to, and there was no one to trust!

For night patrols, he could only act according to circumstances. If Wang Wei really attacked him, he was not afraid, as he had killed LV2 before!

At 10:50 p.m., An knocked on Lin Fan's door seriously.

"Lin Fan, I got assigned to the first squad of the ninth squadron through connections. We will be teammates in the future!"

"You..." Lin Fan didn't know what to say. This guy who killed his neighbor really got assigned to the same squad with him through connections.

"Why are you frowning? It would be great if we could patrol together and go to get off work together in the future. If you encounter danger, I can still take care of you."

"Okay." Lin Fan had nothing to say.

At the gate of the night watchman community, the captain of the first squad, Wang Wei, was already there. In addition to Wang Wei, there were ten other members in the entire team.

At this moment, except for the night watchman community, which was still brightly lit, the streets outside were dark. Except for the street lights, all the lights in the houses had gone out.

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