"We're patrolling the construction streets tonight, let's go."

Wang Wei said very little. After seeing the people gathered, he led the team towards the construction of the street.

The construction street is two kilometers away from here, so they need to walk and run there. Fortunately, the night watchmen are very physically fit.

Theoretically speaking, Lin Fan does not need to watch the night, because when each night watchman is recruited, he needs to go through at least three months of special training to make them familiar with guns, and they will also be given an opportunity to copy the first-level superpower. Let them become level one superpowers with the ability to protect themselves.

But because the nights have been uneasy recently and many night watchmen have died, Lin Fan, a specially recruited superpower, does not need to undergo special training and can directly patrol the night.

A group of eleven people ran towards the construction street. During the process, Lin Fan was always wary of Wang Wei. He was also observing the other team members. Fortunately, in their team, except for the captain Wang Wei, No one else is on the list.

Wang Wei's expression was as usual, and other than leading the team coldly from the front, he didn't look back at anyone.

If Lin Fan hadn't known that Wang Wei was on the list and was an undercover agent of the Mechanical Sect, he would have thought that Wang Wei was a good captain.

An Zhenzhen deliberately walked to the back to join Lin Fan. He talked more.

"Lin Fan, please walk with me tonight on night patrol. I will do my best to protect you. If you really encounter a creature from the dark world, you must not be impulsive and listen to me. Otherwise, what will you do? Even the dead ones don’t know.”

Lin Fan suddenly looked much more pleased with An Zhen. Although this guy had killed many of his neighbors, he probably really wanted to protect him.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"All my neighbors are dead. I don't know why. The first time I met you, I thought you were a kid. You should live well for me. I don't want to change my neighbors again!"

At eleven o'clock sharp, their team appeared on Jianshe Street on time.

"Work in pairs, patrol separately, and report to me every half hour."

After Wang Wei finished speaking, he asked his team members to form their own teams. An Zhenzhen formed a team with Lin Fan as a matter of course. The two of them went to the west, and the others also formed two teams. As for Wang Wei, he patrolled alone.

The construction street was six kilometers long. Everyone was divided into six teams, and every two people patrolled a block of one kilometer. Lin Fan and An Zhen went to the farthest kilometer to patrol.

PS: Friends who come from anime, please go to the anime comment area to guide your comments so that everyone can read the book as a starting point. Many people can’t find where to read the book. Please help, let more people know that the original book is here.

Chapter 11 Patrolling the streets, the white-haired boy

On the dark streets, there are solar street lights every 100 meters. Perhaps because of the rain during the day, the street lights are very dim at night.

Lin Fan and An Zhenzhen walked side by side on the dark streets and patrolled. Lin Fan used to be an ordinary person. At night, he would sleep obediently and never dare to come to the streets.

At this moment, as a night watchman, he patrolled the dark streets with a different mentality.

Apart from anything else, the street environment is a bit weird. Except for the street lights, everything around is dark, and danger may rush out of the darkness at any time.

Every night watchman has an energy rifle and an energy shield. They are not helpless when encountering danger.

"Lin Fan, in fact, night patrol is not very dangerous. As long as we survive these two hours, we can have a day's rest. During this process, if we find anything unusual, don't rush there."

"By the way, it's best to pray that no residents ring the alarm bell during these two hours, otherwise we have to go and protect the residents. This situation has the highest death rate among night watchmen!"

"Also, the law enforcement cameras must be turned on at all times and cannot be turned off. Our night patrols are all connected to the Internet. We have law enforcement cameras recording them at any time. We are not allowed to attack ordinary people!"

An Zhenzhen was a chatty person, constantly chattering into Lin Fan's ears and explaining to him the precautions for night patrols.

Lin Fan could only nod. Of course, he also listened carefully to An Zhenzhen's words. After all, An Zhenzhen was a first-level night watchman who had lived for three years, and every word he said was based on experience.

"Many night watchmen die because they are eager to perform meritorious services or are too impulsive. As long as they are a little more obscene and don't be the first to rush forward when something happens, they will not be able to perform meritorious deeds, but there will be no problem in surviving."

An Zhenzhen's main focus is obscene development. He does not seek meritorious service. As long as he can survive and An An can safely receive the basic salary of 100,000 yuan a month, he will be very satisfied.

He has decided to apply for retirement after working for another one or two years. As long as a night watchman can work for five years without dying, he can apply for retirement. Retirement also comes with a retirement salary. A first-level night watchman can get 50,000 yuan per month!

Lin Fan's eyes can see through everything in the dark, and no one can hide from him. Therefore, the darkness next to him is as bright as day to him, and no one can ambush him.

"Didi didi..."

Suddenly a rapid siren sounded in the darkness, and An Zhen's expression changed drastically.

"It can't be so unlucky that someone rang the alarm bell so quickly."

Lin Fan took out his mobile phone. There was a map on the phone. The construction street they were patrolling was divided into six areas, and the alarm bell came from the third area, which was not part of the area they were patrolling.

However, the night watchmen have express regulations that no matter what street they are on, as long as they hear the alarm bell, they will go to the location of the alarm to rescue civilians as soon as possible. Therefore, they must go to three areas.

"We'll go over there now. You must remember what I said. Don't rush forward like a fool. We'll just stay behind."

An Zhenzhen warned Lin Fan seriously again, and then the two of them headed for the destination. During this process, if Lin Fan ran faster, he would be scolded by An Zhenzhen.

"Why are you running so fast? As long as it's not in the area we are responsible for, we don't have to take responsibility. We can go over there slowly. Maybe someone will have solved the problem by the time we get there, and we don't have to take risks."

Lin Fan slowed down a bit. What An Zhenzhen said made sense. He looked at An Zhenzhen deeply. It made sense that he could live for three years. This guy is a veteran.

"Lin Fan, An Zhenzhen, where are you? Please come to support immediately. I'll give you 30 seconds!"

Captain Wang Wei's voice sounded in the headsets of the two.

"30 seconds, then we'll go over there in 30 seconds!" An Zhenzhen taught Lin Fan again.

In the dark, it only took Lin Fan and An Zhenzhen 20 seconds to reach the destination, but after arriving here, the two did not go over there immediately, but reached the destination in 30 seconds.

The destination was a residential area. Many night watchmen came to the neighborhood. They surrounded the community. Many people had already entered the depths of the community. An Zhenzhen pulled Lin Fan and ran directly into the crowd surrounding them and found a place with the most people.

In his words, even if there were creatures from the dark world running out, they would not dare to run to crowded places. They were the safest here.

Lin Fan admired An Zhenzhen in his heart. This guy's survival ability was really amazing.

There were more and more night watchmen, not just their team, but also night watchmen from other teams were rushing over one after another. There were explosions in the community.

The night watchmen were performing their tasks inside. The residents in the community were hiding in their rooms, trembling with fear, and dared not go out. They could only pray that the night watchmen would solve the danger as soon as possible.


Energy shells flew into the sky, illuminating the night sky, and the battle was very fierce.

The night watchmen surrounding the community outside could not see the battle inside, but Lin Fan was different. His eyes could see through all obstacles and see the battle in the community.

He saw dozens of night watchmen surrounding a white-haired boy. The flesh and blood on the white-haired boy's body was wriggling. Half of his body was wriggling flesh and blood, and the other half was normal hands and feet. He looked extremely scary.

The energy bullets of the surrounding night watchmen hit his body, but could not kill him. The bullets were swallowed by the wriggling flesh and blood on his body. Half of his face was flesh and blood, and the other half was a normal face. His eyes were blood red. He roared ferociously, as if he was saying something to the night watchmen.

"Flesh and Blood Sect!"

Lin Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this boy was a member of the Flesh and Blood Sect.


The boy suddenly turned into a ball of wriggling flesh and blood, and wrapped a first-level night watchman. The night watchman screamed and was swallowed by the flesh and blood and died.

The surrounding night watchmen were terrified and retreated while shooting, but the boy was too fast. In the darkness, a ball of flesh and blood was like a gust of wind, and instantly wrapped another night watchman. In just a few seconds, four night watchmen were swallowed by him.


Lin Fan saw that the boy's health bar was 100%, and there was another LV2 behind him.

The night watchmen who surrounded him were only level 1 night watchmen, and they were no match for him at all, and were slaughtered by him.

At this moment, four or five level 2 night watchmen went in, surrounded the boy, and stopped his slaughter.

The boy turned into a ball of flesh and blood, and rushed out of the community without hesitation. He seemed to be very familiar with the surrounding environment. He chose the weakest place to rush out, where there were only two night watchmen.

Chapter 12 Hunting time, counter-killing undercover


The flesh and blood rushed out and instantly devoured one of the night watchmen. The other night watchman turned around and ran away in fear.


The boy's evil laughter came from the flesh and blood, as if mocking the fragility of the night watchmen. He rushed into the street, and the four level 2 night watchmen behind him chased out with ugly faces and continued to chase him.

"See, he escaped from the weakest place and didn't dare to break out from our direction at all."

An Zhenzheng gently touched Lin Fan's shoulder.

Lin Fan nodded. An Zhenzhen's ability to survive was indeed amazing.

"All night watchmen, listen to my order. Immediately block the surrounding streets and kill this man with all your strength!"

A loud shout came from the earphones of every night watchman. The night watchmen surrounding the community all dispersed and began to chase the white-haired boy.

"Don't run too fast. Go to where there are many people."

An Zhenzhen calmly led Lin Fan to where there were the most people. They followed a group of night watchmen.

Lin Fan's eyes could see the location where the white-haired boy escaped. In his vision, everything around him seemed like a 3D stereogram. The surrounding buildings could not block his eyes. He could accurately see that the white-haired boy ran to the next block, and four level 2 night watchmen were chasing him.

On the roof of a building, a level 3 night watchman appeared. The health bar above the head of this level 3 night watchman was 100%, and there was a LV3 behind him.

The level 3 night watchman stared coldly at the white-haired boy who was shuttling on the street below, watching him suddenly jump out and devour the level 1 night watchmen one by one.

Although there were four level 2 Night Watchmen chasing him, they could not keep up with his speed and could only watch him slaughter the level 1 Night Watchmen.

"See, this is why the level 1 Night Watchmen are cannon fodder. Just a level 2 member of the Flesh and Blood Sect can kill so many of us!" An sighed seriously.

Lin Fan nodded. In just a short while, at least ten level 1 Night Watchmen died here. The death rate was extremely high.

Although the treatment of the Night Watchmen was good, they had to be alive to get it. Of course, the Night Watchmen who died would also receive a pension to their families.

"Not good!"

Lin Fan's eyes were always on the white-haired boy. He saw the white-haired boy rushing towards them.

More than 20 Night Watchmen gathered together. They didn't expect that the white-haired boy was so brave. The most important thing was that they also had a level 2 Night Watchman here, who was Lin Fan's captain Wang Wei.

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