Others hadn't seen the white-haired boy coming yet, only Lin Fan, who could see through the darkness, saw it.

"Let's go!"

Lin Fan pulled An Zhenzheng and dodged to the side without hesitation. An Zhenzheng didn't quite understand why they had to leave. As soon as they left, the white-haired boy rushed into the crowd, and at least three night watchmen were devoured by blood and flesh. Even Wang Wei couldn't stop him in time.

However, when Lin Fan looked at Wang Wei, he found that Wang Wei hesitated for a moment, and he didn't stop him at the first time.

Moreover, Wang Wei glanced at Lin Fan intentionally or unintentionally, and when he saw that Lin Fan was safe and sound, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"He wants to kill me!"

Lin Fan's heart skipped a beat, and he was sure that Wang Wei's hesitation just now was intentional. Maybe he and the white-haired boy had colluded, and the white-haired boy was coming for him. Sure enough, in the darkness, the white-haired boy rushed towards him again.

"Take care of yourself."

Lin Fan jumped into the grove next to him without hesitation and hid in the darkness. An looked at Lin Fan's disappearing figure seriously, was stunned for a moment, and then decisively ran in another direction.

The white-haired boy followed Lin Fan into the dark grove, but there was no trace of Lin Fan.

"Hey, where are the people?"

The white-haired boy looked around in confusion. He saw Lin Fan rushing in with his own eyes, but he didn't see Lin Fan after he came in.

Lin Fan hid in the darkness and looked at the white-haired boy calmly. The white-haired boy circled in the woods and ran from another direction.

The night watchmen outside couldn't catch him at all, or...these night watchmen didn't want to catch him!

"If it's just to kill me, then you really think highly of me!"

Lin Fan looked coldly at Wang Wei on the street outside.

After seeing the white-haired boy follow Lin Fan into the woods, Wang Wei asked all the night watchmen to stop chasing and kill, and wait and see what happened. This doesn't care about Lin Fan's life or death!

"Alas..." An looked back seriously at the white-haired boy who followed Lin Fan into the woods. He sighed, knowing that his new neighbor had died again.

"Am I really a neighbor-killer?" This was the first time he doubted himself. He didn't think it was his problem before, but now that the 108th neighbor was dead, he was a little skeptical about life.

Other night watchmen also came here one after another. Lin Fan looked at the night watchmen outside in the dark coldly. He found several more names on the list, including two second-level night watchmen!

Among the crowd, there were seven or eight first-level night watchmen on the list.

He understood that perhaps the white-haired boy and these mechanical sect undercovers had jointly set up a plan, and the target should be him, but it was a pity that many of the real night watchmen died.

Lin Fan looked up at the roof of the building next door, where a figure stood, with a blood bar above his head of 100%, LV3, which was a third-level night watchman.

Lin Fan squinted his eyes and finally saw the face of this third-level night watchman clearly. He was also on the list!

"To kill me, so many people were dispatched, including a LV3!" Lin Fan was stunned. It seemed that the Mechanic Cult really tried every means to kill him for that list!

"Want to kill me, right..."

Lin Fan was not a person who would not fight back after suffering a loss. Looking at the undercovers of the Mechanic Cult outside, he decided to fight back. He shuttled through the darkness and quietly approached a first-level undercover.

The man was staring at the grove, completely unaware that a black fog was covering him. When his figure was covered by the black fog, he was completely swallowed by Lin Fan before he could even make a sound.

[Experience +1]

Hunting time!

Lin Fan, who was hidden in the darkness, was hunting his target like an excellent hunter. He prioritized killing the first-level night watchmen on the list.

A total of eight people!

The gang was scattered in different locations, just in the dark. Lin Fan assassinated them. When he killed five people, the fifth person screamed, alarming the others.

Wang Wei looked at the place where the fifth person disappeared, and felt a little uneasy. When he looked around, he found that several people had disappeared, and these people who disappeared were their undercover agents.

"What's going on..." Wang Wei's heart trembled. Their undercover agents were being assassinated. Who was doing it!

Chapter 13 Shadow Demon Level 2

In the darkness, Lin Fan turned into black fog and enveloped a first-level undercover agent again.

In a few seconds, the blood bar was cleared.

[Experience +1]

There were only two first-level undercover agents left.

Wang Wei was anxious, and the other undercover agents in the dark were also anxious.

The third-level night watchman on the roof of the next building soon received the news passed to him by Wang Wei.

"Someone is assassinating our undercover."

"Do you know who it is?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen the other party yet."


The third-level night watchman was furious and jumped down from the roof and landed steadily on the street.

His eyes injected coldly into the darkness, trying to search for the enemy in the dark.

At the same time, Lin Fan also attacked the remaining two first-level undercovers again. Although the two first-level undercovers had received the hint, they still couldn't avoid Lin Fan's assassination.

[Experience +1]

Eight first-level undercovers were all devoured by Lin Fan, and he gained eight experience points.

"It's your turn!"

Lin Fan looked at Wang Wei.

Wang Wei was organizing other night watchmen to search around, trying to find the enemy in the dark. As for the white-haired boy... he seemed to have forgotten.

But they couldn't see Lin Fan, who was hiding in the darkness. Lin Fan quietly approached Wang Wei, who was searching on a street at the moment. Lin Fan suddenly enveloped him.

"Who is it!"

Wang Wei always remained alert. When the black fog enveloped him, he reacted. His hands instantly turned into mechanical gun barrels. He didn't care about exposing himself. Energy shells pierced through the black fog. Lin Fan groaned. The energy shells could cause him a little damage, but it was not a big problem.


Lin Fan enveloped Wang Wei, took a ten-meter step, disappeared on the street, and came to a small forest next to him. Here, he devoured Wang Wei. Seeing Wang Wei's blood bar gradually decreasing, his heart was calm.

Some night watchmen passed by the outside of the small forest and did not find any abnormalities inside.

"He's here."

The white-haired boy was targeted by the night watchmen again. Night watchmen kept surrounding him from all directions. He suddenly felt a little desperate.

But he was crazy. Not only was he not afraid, but he rushed into the Night Watchmen and kept killing them one by one. He was not afraid of even the Level 2 Night Watchmen and dared to go up and fight.

"Wang Wei, where are you?"

Lin Fan was devouring Wang Wei when he heard a cold voice coming from Wang Wei's headset. Lin Fan knew that it should be the voice of the Level 3 Night Watchman.

Wang Wei wanted to make a sound, but now he was being devoured, and his health bar was only 30%. He couldn't say anything at all. He could only stare at the black fog in front of him unwillingly. He couldn't see anything and couldn't make a sound...

Until his death, he didn't know who was killing him.

[Experience +10]

After devouring Wang Wei, Lin Fan added another ten experience points. With the previous eight points, his experience points are now a total of 78 points.

There are also two Level 2 Night Watchmen undercovers, and the Level 3 Night Watchmen undercover.

He is thinking whether to devour the two Level 2 Night Watchmen undercovers as well. In this way, his experience points can be close to 100, which can meet the experience points for upgrading talents.


Just as he was thinking, the white-haired boy suddenly came to the woods beside him. He was very surprised that he hadn't looked for him yet, but he walked with him.

The white-haired boy was slightly injured. He stood in the woods, half of his body was flesh and blood, and the other half was normal. At this moment, his body was trembling slightly.

"Damn, it hurts."

The white-haired boy cursed in a low voice. The flesh and blood in his body were constantly squirming. Pieces of iron were squeezed out by him, and blood dyed half of his body red.

Lin Fan quietly approached the white-haired boy. While the white-haired boy was recovering from his injuries, the black fog instantly enveloped him.

In the black fog, a ball of flesh and blood was struggling and squirming constantly. The white-haired boy roared and growled angrily.

"The blood bar is only 70%!"

The white-haired boy had 30% of his blood bar knocked off by the night watchman, and now only 70% is left. Under Lin Fan's swallowing, he stopped resisting after struggling for less than a minute.

Lin Fan felt that the flesh and blood of the white-haired boy was like cancer cells mutated. His body seemed to have undergone genetic mutation. Could this be the body structure of the Flesh and Blood Sect?

"Who are you?"

The white-haired boy said weakly. He couldn't figure out who was killing him. He couldn't even see the enemy. There was darkness in front of his eyes, as if he was blind.

But no one answered him in the darkness. His blood bar decreased little by little and finally became zero.

[Experience +10]

Lin Fan was overjoyed. His total experience value reached 88 points.

His eyes passed through the darkness and saw that the third-level night watchman was looking for him in the darkness. As for the two second-level undercovers, they were also searching separately...

He disappeared from the spot in an instant, taking a ten-meter step, shuttling in the darkness, and killing one of the second-level night watchmen undercover.

The second-level night watchman undercover was standing in an alley, looking around, his figure looming in the darkness.

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