A cloud of black mist fell silently above his head, instantly surrounding his figure.


He roared in horror. However, he did not struggle for long as Lin Fan swallowed him. This alley was very remote and there was no one else except him.

Two minutes later, Lin Fan devoured this second-level Night Watch undercover agent and gained ten experience points again.

"The experience value is 98 points, and there are still two points left."

His gaze penetrated the darkness and locked onto another second-level night watchman undercover, who was less than 500 meters away from him.

He walked ten meters in the darkness and soon came to the man's side. The man was talking on the phone and did not notice the danger coming. When the black fog enveloped him, the cell phone in his hand also fell to the ground.

"Hey, what happened? Talk!"

The voice of the third-level night watchman came from the mobile phone, but there was no one there anymore.

Lin Fan wrapped the man and disappeared. He had arrived at a remote corner where no one would disturb him and he could safely devour him here.

A few minutes later.

[Experience value +10]

"108 experience points!"

Lin Fan looked excitedly at the light curtain in his mind.

When the experience value reaches 100, three selection boxes will automatically pop up, allowing him to choose one of them.

[Consume 100 experience points to upgrade the talent Shadow Realm]

[Consume 100 experience points to upgrade the talent Shadow Demon]

[Consume 100 experience points to draw a random talent]

His thoughts moved and he chose to upgrade his talent Shadow Demon without hesitation.

His main attack method now is Shadow Demon. As for Shadow Realm, there is no need to upgrade it for the time being. He was very excited to randomly draw new talents, but he felt that it would not be too late to make himself stronger first, and then draw new talents if he had extra experience points!

[Consume 100 experience points to upgrade the talent Shadow Demon to level 2. Upgrading...Upgrade successful]

[Name: Lin Fan]

[Talent: Shadow Realm Level 1 (0/100)]

[Talent: Shadow Demon Level 2 (0/1000)]

[Experience value: 8]

Chapter 14 The Undercover Agent on the Assassination List

At Shadow Demon Level 2, Lin Fan can become more perfectly invisible in darkness and shadows, and his teleportation range is expanded from ten meters to twenty meters!

The speed of devouring the enemy has more than doubled. If he encounters LV2 again, he can easily devoure the opponent.

"I can be considered LV2 now!"

Lin Fan took out his cell phone, turned on the camera, and took a selfie in the mirror. Sure enough, he saw that the blood bar above his head had changed.

100%, LV2!

The most important change is that he is no longer as weak as before during the day. Shadow Demon has made his physical fitness several times stronger, which is completely comparable to the physical fitness of a first-level night watchman.

Speed, strength, hearing, thinking and reaction ability, mental ability, etc. have all been enhanced in all aspects.

During the day, he also has the power to protect himself!

During the day, he should be equivalent to LV1.

Night is his home court.

In the darkness, he saw countless night watchmen still searching around, and he also saw the furious commander of the third-level night watchman.

He had eliminated all the undercover agents at the scene, except for the third-level night watchman.

He weighed it again and again, but still did not dare to take the risk of attacking this third-level night watchman. The gap between LV2 and LV3 was like a world between heaven and earth. Without absolute certainty, he could not take risks.

He emerged from the darkness, no longer invisible, and came out onto the street.

Soon a night watchman discovered him, and when he saw that he was also a night watchman, he left him alone.

Lin Fan glanced at the third-level night watchman. He calmly ran towards the night watchmen, eventually blending into the crowd and searching the surroundings with everyone.

"Hey, Lin Fan, you're not dead!"

An Zhen's strange scream came from the side. He stared at Lin Fan up and down as if he had seen a ghost, and even reached out to touch his arm.

"You're really not dead!"

"You want me dead, don't you?"

"No, no, no, it's too late for me to be happy. I just find it a bit incredible. How did you survive in that situation!"

"I have better luck and a hard life!"

"It seems that you are as tough as me. That's great. By the way, have you seen the captain?"


Lin Fan remained calm. Wang Wei had been killed by him long ago and would never appear again in this life.

"Be careful. There is a killer nearby who is hunting the night watchmen. More than a dozen people are missing!" An Zhenzhen looked solemn and pulled Lin Fan toward the place with the most people. He said that crowded places are safe.

Lin Fan kept a low profile as much as possible, not wanting to meet the third-level night watchman.

But the more he didn't want to meet, the more things went against him.

The third-level night watchman came to them, looked at everyone coldly, and finally fell on Lin Fan.

Lin Fan also saw the third-level night watchman clearly. He was a young man with a scar on his face. His eyes were cold and he gave Lin Fan a hard look like a razor blade.

"We'll be on patrol all night tonight, and we'll get off work at seven in the morning!"

Yang Tao finished speaking coldly, turned around and disappeared at the end of the street.

"Damn, this is just exploiting the workers!" After Yang Tao left, An Zhenzhen muttered dissatisfiedly. The night watchman only had to watch the night for two hours a day.

Now, Yang Tao asked them to patrol all night, which directly quadrupled the number and increased their probability of death.

"Alas, too many night watchmen died tonight. We who are still alive can only do more work."

Everyone was very dissatisfied. Night patrols are scary in themselves. Now they may die if they patrol until dawn, but they have no choice.

An Zhenzhen only dared to speak softly, not too loudly, for fear that someone would report it.

"Lin Fan, we will stay in the neighborhood where we patrol tonight. If we encounter creatures from the dark world again, we will pretend not to know!"

An Zhenzhen gave Lin Fan another suggestion.

"You will be punished for this." Lin Fan blinked.

"As long as you can stay alive, the punishment is nothing, and it's just a fine of one month's salary!" An Zhenzhen said painfully. If you don't obey the command to support, you will be fined one month's salary at the least, and you will be fired directly at the worst.

"One month's salary, so let's go."

Lin Fan didn't want to lose a month's salary because of this, and he was not afraid. If he couldn't beat him, he could hide in the dark.

"Lin Fan, remember, only by living can there be infinite possibilities. Do you know how those people before you died? They were killed because they were reluctant to give up their wages and ran over to support."

"Just like this time, according to reason, we shouldn't come here either. Isn't it just a deduction of one month's salary? Look at how many people died!"

An said seriously, Lin Fan agreed, but his situation was special... Not only was he not afraid, he was also very excited. He was short of experience points now!

"Yeah, you make sense." Lin Fan pretended to agree.

He made up his mind that if there were really creatures from the dark world, he would go there to earn some experience points.

Lin Fan looked up at the sky. The overlap of the two worlds was accelerated a lot. When the two worlds completely overlapped, the creatures from the dark world would descend in large numbers. At that time, it would be really devastating. He must improve his strength before the two worlds completely overlapped.

Eternal night is coming!

He felt a sense of urgency and felt that his time was a little insufficient. He needed to improve his strength as soon as possible.

He looked into the darkness and saw Yang Tao. Yang Tao did not leave. He was standing in the darkness and watching Lin Fan.

Lin Fan lowered his head and pretended to glance at the darkness unintentionally. He knew that Yang Tao did not leave and it was very likely that he was the target.

"He wants to kill me!"

Lin Fan was uneasy. He had solved 11 of the 98 people on the list tonight, and Yang Tao was the 12th.

Originally, he planned to hand over this list to the Night Watch Division and let them solve these problems.

But now, he felt that there was no need to hand in this list!

Is there a possibility that he can kill all the people on this list alone to increase his experience points and improve his strength!

This idea came after he killed Wang Wei and others, because he did not feel any guilt for killing these undercovers, and he could also increase his experience points and improve his strength. Why not?

Why hand in the list?

He did not feel anything about making meritorious service...

Wang Ming had hinted to him before that if he really got the law enforcement instrument, he could hand it in and get a chance to make meritorious service.

Now he understood that Wang Ming was probably testing him. Wang Ming didn't know whether the law enforcement instrument was on him or not. If he really handed it over, then there would be two consequences. One was to make merit, and the other was to be assassinated!

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