"Space, solidify!"

Old Man Corruption roared.

Suddenly, the spaces around Lin Fan suddenly solidified, as if solidifying, forming space walls, preventing his figure from leaving. He suddenly felt that he had bumped into space walls, and he could only The terrifying speed smashed into the space wall, but the speed was severely reduced, and the corrosive old man instantly shortened the distance between him.

"Hey, boy, do you think you can run away if you have angered me?"

The corrupt old man was proud, and a bloodthirsty voice came from behind. He looked like he was determined to defeat Lin Fan. The distance between him and Lin Fan was constantly shrinking. As the distance got closer and closer, the space dimensional pocket was swallowed up. The power became stronger and stronger, and Lin Fan's speed was affected by the devouring power, and the decline became more serious. Coupled with the solidified space walls, Lin Fan was as if he was trapped in a swamp, unable to leave quickly.

Seeing that the corrupt old man was about to catch up with him, Lin Fan took a deep breath.

"Not only can you control space, I can too!"

Lin Fan used Control of All Things to instantly control the space walls in front of him. These space walls were formed under the control of the Corrupted Old Man, but he could also control their decomposition.

The next second, a gap opened in the middle of the space wall in front of him, just enough for him to pass through.


"This is impossible!"

When the old man Corrosion felt a gap cracked in the middle of the space wall he controlled, he was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Fan with an ugly face. He watched helplessly as Lin Fan flashed past the space wall, and the space behind him The wall seemed to be clearing a path for him, constantly opening gaps in the middle, allowing Lin Fan to pass through unimpeded.

The corrupting old man increased his power and tried to control these space walls. These space walls even combined freely to form walls like space shields, blocking Lin Fan's face. Some space walls even slapped Lin Fan directly. And go, prepare to take him down.

But these spatial walls were controlled by Lin Fan to control all things to create a gap in the middle, allowing him to shuttle through. One spatial wall turned into a spatial sledgehammer and hit Lin Fan, but the middle part suddenly appeared. There was a hole. When the space sledge hammer came down, Lin Fan walked away from the hole in the middle without suffering any harm at all.

"You actually control the power of space!"

Old Man Corrosion's eyes widened. He had never seen a human with such a terrifying talent in his life, who could actually control space. The several powers he saw from Lin Fan now were all very powerful, and he was shocked.

A person who possesses multiple powers is already very powerful. Being able to control all these powers to a powerful level shows that this person has unlimited potential. He seemed to have seen Lin Fan's future. A majestic figure stood there. Between heaven and earth, it is like a supreme being.

He took a deep breath. He was immediately torn between killing Lin Fan today or completely offending a future self-esteem.

"This kid has endless potential, it's hard to offend him!"

The corrupted old man looked at Lin Fan with an ugly face. Lin Fan used the control of all things to shuttle through his solidified space wall, and soon distanced himself from him. He probably couldn't stop Lin Fan, and the space dimension pocket was also He put it away in an instant, he didn't dare to push it too hastily.

Lin Fan's potential was endless, and he was likely to be the supreme leader in the future. He was now chasing Lin Fan but could not kill him. If he pushed too hard, he might completely offend Lin Fan to death. He stopped.

Lin Fan in the distance was also suspended in the sky, looking down at the corroded old man below.

"Old guy, why don't you stop chasing me? Keep going!"

Lin Fan deliberately provoked and corrupted the old man.

After hearing this, the corrupt old man was so angry that he vomited blood. He covered his chest and took a deep breath to calm himself down. When he thought that Lin Fan might become the Supreme in the future, he felt better. He couldn't catch up with the Supreme. It's normal to look like a young man, it doesn't mean he's weak.

He took a deep look at Lin Fan, turned around and went underground, directly back to the lake. He must kill those night watchmen and vent his inner anger.

When Lord Corruption turned around and entered the underground, Lin Fan was also flying with Old Man Corruption in the sky. Both of them could see each other's figure. Within five thousand meters, Lin Fan watched the figure of Old Man Corruption shuttle underground. He finally determined that Old Man Corruption was flying. Go to that lake.

He quickly arrived at the edge of the lake after hundreds of miles in a blink of an eye. Once there, he controlled some gravel and soil nearby and directly filled up the large holes next to them, so that the lake water could not flow into them.

Corrosion When the old man stood here before, the corrosive liquid flowing on his body corroded many large pits. These large pits were connected to the lakes, allowing the water in the lakes to continuously flow into these deep pits. In this way, The water in the lake became less and less, and the water level was falling. The night watchmen inside had no way to hide. Seeing Lin Fan standing on the shore, the night watchmen inside breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, the figure of the Corrosive Old Man emerged from the ground next to him. Seeing that Lin Fan had been waiting here for a long time, the Corruptive Old Man fainted. He had already given up chasing Lin Fan. Unexpectedly, Lin Fan would appear again. Come here.

"Boy, I have no enmity with you. You take your Yangguan Road and I cross my single-plank bridge. Why are you here? Are you really angry with me?"

The old man was furious and cursed, but Lin Fan was unmoved and stared at him calmly.

"My friends are here. What's wrong with me being here? But why did you come back again?"

"To tell you the truth, with me here, you can't touch them at all. Either you leave or we fight!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the old man's eyes narrowed. He was so angry that he was threatened by someone who was not as strong as him. This was the first time in his life.

"Are you threatening me?"

The old man's eyes flashed with murderous light, staring at the night watchmen in the water. He wanted to force these people out and kill them all to vent his anger. He wanted to vent the anger he suffered from Lin Fan on these people.

Lin Fan did not give in and stood in the void opposite the old man.

"I'm just threatening you, so what?"

Lin Fan's words made the old man Corrosion completely lose his temper. He glanced at the night watchman hiding in the water viciously, and then the corrosive liquid on his body flowed wildly, flowing directly on the ground. A drop of corrosive liquid can corrode a big pit, not to mention the corrosive liquid that is like flowing water, which is all over the ground and directly corrodes deep pits that are bottomless.

These deep pits are connected to the lakes next to them, and the water in the lakes immediately poured into these deep pits. The water level of the lakes was dropping wildly. Lin Fan used the control of all things without hesitation, controlling the soil next to him to creep, slowly filling these big pits, filling the big pits, and then controlling the water inside to flow back into the lake.

The old man Corrosion drained the water out, so he controlled all the water and returned it to the lake to keep the water level in a balance.


The old man worked hard to corrode deep pits, and finally led the water in the lake to the deep pits, but the water was controlled by Lin Fan and flowed back to the lake, and the deep pits were also filled up bit by bit with mud and other gravel.

Lin Fan filled up as many deep pits as the old man corroded. The water in the lake could not flow out quickly, and would be controlled by Lin Fan to return to the lake, so that the water level of the lake would remain balanced and the night watchmen inside would not be exposed to the outside.

"I don't believe it!"

The old man's temper also came up. He frantically corroded big pits and tried to drain all the water in the lake, but Lin Fan was completely against him, trying his best to control the water and deep pits, so that the old man could not succeed.

The two of them were deadlocked for more than an hour, and the night watchmen in the lake became spectators. They were stunned and frightened to see Lin Fan and the old man who were confronting each other. Now the result of the struggle between the two determined their life and death.

All the night watchmen prayed that Lin Fan could be better. If Lin Fan failed, then they would be forced out by the old man of corrosion and killed.

"Damn it, damn it, where did you come from? How can you be so hateful? I am so angry!"

The old man of corrosion could not bear it soon. The corrosive liquid on his body was very precious. With high-intensity consumption, he needed to rest for a long time. Lin Fan and him were completely at odds, and he could not continue with Lin Fan.

Although Lin Fan's face was pale, no one knew how long Lin Fan could hold on. Anyway, the old man of corrosion could not bear it. He didn't want to waste time here. The two fought for an hour or two, and the water level in the lake only dropped by a few centimeters. This made the old man of corrosion almost vomit blood. He traveled through countless worlds and it was almost difficult to encounter a situation of being aggrieved. Today he was too aggrieved and was bullied by a junior. If this spread out, his reputation would be gone.

"Just wait, I will seek revenge on you later!"

After the old man of corrosion said this cruel word, he went directly into the ground and left this place. Lin Fan watched the old man of corrosion leave calmly.

Within 5,000 meters, there was no trace of the old man of corrosion. In order to make sure that the old man of corrosion had left, Lin Fan flew to the sky and followed the old man of corrosion. The old man of corrosion looked back and saw that Lin Fan was chasing him. He was so angry that he accelerated and directly got rid of Lin Fan. Lin Fan locked the old man of corrosion in the sky and finally saw the old man of corrosion come to another lake. There were a group of dark world creatures hiding in this lake. Seeing this, Lin Fan was relieved and turned back to the previous lake. The old man of corrosion went to target the dark world creatures, which had nothing to do with him. He could also take the opportunity to rescue the night watchmen in the lake. Soon, he returned to the lake and looked down at the night watchmen below. "Everyone come out, he has left, you are safe, you should leave Yucheng now!" Lin Fan's voice spread throughout the lake, and the night watchmen hiding in the lake heard it, but no one dared to come out. "I will leave Yucheng soon. If you don't come out, you will surely die when he comes back!" Lin Fan's words moved many night watchmen. They knew that Lin Fan could not always stay by the lake to protect them. They also saw the fight between Lin Fan and the Corrupted Old Man. The Corrupted Old Man had ways to deal with them, whether it was digging a pit or filling the lake, he could force them out and kill them.

If they don't come out and Lin Fan leaves, they will really be finished. A night watchman emerged from the lake. Finally, they jumped out of the lake and came to the shore. They stared around in horror. Seeing that the old man of corrosion did not appear, they also shouted to the night watchmen hiding in the lake, asking them to come out as soon as possible.

Suddenly, one by one, the night watchmen rushed out of the lake. The strength of these night watchmen varied. The weak ones were only level 2 superpowers, and the strong ones were also in the first and even second god realms.

"Lin Fan, thank you for saving us!"

Many of these night watchmen who came out knew Lin Fan's true identity through the official website of the night watchmen. They gathered around Lin Fan. If there was no Lin Fan this time, they would probably have been hiding in the lake. Their fate was doomed. They would be forced out by the old man of corrosion and killed. All the night watchmen in the lake came out and looked at the dense crowd. There were at least thousands of people hiding here.

"Everyone leave now, I'll help you keep an eye on him!"

Lin Fan looked in the direction of the Corroded Old Man. He flew into the sky. Within 5,000 meters, he would be the first to know if the Corroded Old Man appeared.

The group of night watchmen by the lake bowed deeply to Lin Fan, remembering Lin Fan's kindness to them. Then, they quickly broke through in the opposite direction, preparing to leave Yucheng as soon as possible and find a safe place. This Yucheng could not stay any longer. Staying here would only lead to death.

"We will remember you, Lin Fan!"

In the minds of these night watchmen, Lin Fan is their savior. They owe Lin Fan a life. In the future, they will do whatever Lin Fan asks them to do. In the federation, the hierarchy is strict, with only superiors and subordinates. Generally speaking, loyalty is not very high.

But now this group of night watchmen, together with the night watchmen rescued by Lin Fan in Kuncheng, are full of faith in Lin Fan. Lin Fan saved them. Although Lin Fan's level or strength is not as strong as some night watchmen, they know in their hearts that they owe Lin Fan a life, and they will find an opportunity to return this life to Lin Fan in the future.

Many people believe that Lin Fan will become stronger and stronger.

"Maybe we can become his followers in the future, and we can vote for him in the federal election!"

Many powerful god-level night watchmen looked at Lin Fan deeply, and then turned away. They already had a plan in their hearts. After this group of night watchmen left, Lin Fan learned from them that there were other lakes in this rain city, and it is very likely that some night watchmen are still hiding in them.

Lin Fan nodded. Seeing that this group of night watchmen had completely left the rain city, he also wandered around several nearby lakes again. In these lakes, there were night watchmen or dark world creatures hiding.

As for the dark world creatures, Lin Fan didn't care. He only saved the night watchmen.

With his rescue, batches of night watchmen came out of the lake, and then followed his guidance and left safely. Before leaving, everyone remembered his figure deeply. Lin Fan's reputation within the Federation gradually rose, and he already had a group of loyal fans supporting him!

Even he himself didn't know that many people were already supporting him, and some people were even planning to wait for him to be elected in the future and become the leader of the Federation. They believed that with Lin Fan's talent, he would definitely be able to reach that step in the future.

And everyone who wants to reach the last step needs someone to support them, and now they have become Lin Fan's supporters. They may come from different factions, and the people they originally supported were also different people, but now they all support one person, that is Lin Fan!

"We will remember your life-saving grace, and we will repay you in the future!"

Some god-level night watchmen said to Lin Fan very seriously. Their words were a promise, but Lin Fan couldn't understand it now, because he didn't think about becoming the leader of the Federation, so he didn't hear the deep meaning of these night watchmen's words. He just felt that he had saved some people, but he didn't know that these people had made up their minds to support him in the future.

"He doesn't seem to understand what we mean."

Some god-level night watchmen saw Lin Fan's expression and knew that Lin Fan didn't take their words seriously, or didn't understand what they were saying at all.

"Don't worry, he is still young now. When his realm is improved in the future, he will understand what we mean. We just need to help him then."

These god-level night watchmen are all cunning and sly, and they are all experienced. They left silently and will repay Lin Fan in the future.

Lin Fan really didn't hear the hidden meaning of these god-level night watchmen's words. He just saved people.

Soon, almost all the night watchmen in Yucheng were rescued by him.

He passed by a lake where dark world creatures hid. The water in the lake had been drained, and the dark world creatures in it disappeared.

"It seems that he was forced out and killed by that old man!"

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