"It's time for me to leave too. I'll continue to go to other war zones to accumulate experience points!"

Chapter 170: Hundred Thousand Mountains, Blood-Eyed Bats, Warship Wreckage, Blood Pool.

In Yucheng, the old man Corrosion is looking for lakes all over the world, forcing out the people inside, and then killing them to vent his anger.

What annoyed him was that he met Lin Fan at several lakes. Seeing Lin Fan, he gritted his teeth in anger, but he could only turn around and go to other places. He didn't want to meet Lin Fan, nor did he want to continue fighting with Lin Fan. He knew he couldn't do anything to Lin Fan.

"Good boy, wait, I will make you pay the price in the future, and I won't bother with you today!"

After the old man Corrosion made a harsh remark, he turned and went underground and left.

After the old man Corrosion left, Lin Fan called out the night watchmen in the lake and asked them to leave quickly. Batches of night watchmen were rescued by Lin Fan in this way.

Lin Fan shuttled through the Rain City until he rescued all the living night watchmen in the Rain City. He took a deep look at the location of the Corrosion Old Man, then turned and left.

When Lin Fan left the Rain City after traveling 900 miles in an instant, the Corrosion Old Man looked back at the direction where Lin Fan left.

"This bastard is finally gone, thank God! I hope I won't meet him again in the future!"

The Corrosion Old Man had been paying attention to Lin Fan's movements. Seeing that Lin Fan really left, he breathed a sigh of relief. If possible, he really didn't want to meet Lin Fan again. Now he couldn't do anything to Lin Fan, and when Lin Fan's strength became stronger in the future, he would be even more helpless against Lin Fan.

He knew that Lin Fan had unlimited potential and might become a young supreme in the future. He didn't want to make enemies with Lin Fan, nor did he want to be suffocated by Lin Fan. The only way was to stay away!

After Lin Fan left the Rain City, he quickly headed forward. He held his mobile phone in his hand, and there was a map on the phone. This map was a detailed map of this area, with many cities and war zones outside the city marked on it.

"Shiwan Mountains!"

Shiwan Mountains is the closest horrible battlefield to him. It can be said to be one of the most terrifying battlefields in the entire western region. There are countless night watchers and dark world creatures fighting in the Shiwan Mountains.

Shiwan Mountains was originally an uninhabited area in the real world. Even the Federation did not dare to send night watchers into it casually, but the Federation never gave up exploring the Shiwan Mountains. From time to time, some federal task forces would be sent into the Shiwan Mountains to explore and see if the value of the Shiwan Mountains could be developed.

But many of the federal task forces that entered the Shiwan Mountains disappeared, and few people actually sent back news. Even if they came out alive, they did not bring much value, because they did not dare to go deep into the depths of the Shiwan Mountains. They only dared to wander around the periphery. Those who entered the depths never came out again.

Shiwan Mountains is a forbidden area for humans and a terrifying uninhabited area. Even the god-level night watchmen who enter the depths may not return.

As the dark world overlaps with the real world, densely packed creatures from the dark world descend into the real world. Several space cracks hang over the Hundred Thousand Mountains, which are the passages from the dark world to the real world. Batches of creatures from the dark world come to the Hundred Thousand Mountains through these passages.

In order to prevent the creatures from the dark world from entering the real world from here, the federal night watchmen ventured into the Hundred Thousand Mountains and tried to use space explosives to blow up all those space passages, so they had an encounter with the dark world creatures that came to the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains are divided into the deep and the periphery. The night watchmen are only responsible for closing the space passages in the periphery. As for the space passages in the deep, the night watchmen dare not go in, and they don’t have to care, because the deep of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is a real forbidden area, and the god-level night watchmen go in and never come back. Those dark world creatures that descend from the deep will most likely die in the deep of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, or even fail to come out.

There are three space channels outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains. The federal night watchmen are trying to get close to these three space channels and blow them up, but they paid the price of blood. Countless night watchmen fell outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and they did not close these three space channels!

Outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains, you can see warships flying into the Hundred Thousand Mountains. These warships are from the night watchmen and the creatures of the dark world. Once the warships of both sides meet, they will attack each other without hesitation.

It can be seen that the wreckage of warships is lying on the ground, with thick smoke and burning fire. Corpses are lying around the warships, showing that a terrible battle has taken place here, and many people have died on both sides.

In the outer area of ​​Hundred Thousand Mountains, roars and fighting sounds are heard from time to time. There are still amazing battles in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, especially the battles below the three space channels are the most intense. People are fighting everywhere in the sky and underground.

When Lin Fan came to the outskirts of the Shiwan Mountains, he looked at the wreckage of warships lying around and the bodies of those who had died not long ago. He also took a breath of cold air. There were too many dead people here.

The bodies at the scene were densely piled up together, and blood flowed like a river. Before entering the mountain, the battlefield outside was so tragic. At a glance, the ground was full of corpses and wreckage of warships.

Lin Fan was hiding nearby, looking around. Within 5,000 meters, he saw some night watchmen and dark world creatures hiding in the dark. Both sides sent people to watch around this battlefield. Once they found the enemy coming, they would probably carry out assassination activities or tip off the enemy at the first time. Lin Fan's arrival did not alarm anyone, and no one on both sides could see him.

He shuttled through the battlefield and saw some dark world creatures and night watchmen who were not yet dead. However, these people only had a few percent of their health bars left. Seeing that they were dying, he did not hesitate to make a move to finish them off and earn experience points. He harvested both night watchmen and dark world creatures. Even if he did not kill them, these people would die within three minutes. Instead of doing so, it would be better to turn them into his experience points.

For those night watchmen who could still be saved, he would help them survive.

For those who really could not survive, he would solve their pain and send them on their way. As for the dark world creatures, he was merciless and killed them all the way.

As he passed through this war zone and the wreckage of warships, he also harvested 100,000 residual blood experience points.

In front of him, a towering mountain appeared. This mountain was the first mountain outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Beyond this mountain, there were endless mountains, just like the wrinkles of Mother Earth, one after another, and the battlefield was at the innermost part. Lin Fan had already seen some people fighting in front.

The Night Watchmen and the Dark World creatures fought wits and courage outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains. They fought between the mountains, and both sides suffered damage. However, these were only the outermost battles, which were not eye-catching and could not attract Lin Fan's attention. Lin Fan looked up at a space channel in front of him. He had to go to the most intense battlefield. Only there could he harvest a lot of experience points!

Lin Fan crossed the first mountain without hesitation, and after crossing this mountain, he came to the top of the second mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, looking down, he could see many Night Watchmen fighting for life and death with the Dark World creatures, or one side chasing the other. They were just some sporadic battles, and there were also some wreckage of warships nearby.

There were roars in the distance, and the sound of artillery shells rang out. A strong smell of blood came. This place was like a battlefield of gods and demons. Countless corpses piled up on the ground, and blood flowed like a river. Many low-lying places were filled with blood and became blood ponds.

There were many creatures in the blood pond. Lin Fan took a closer look and found that this was also a creature from the dark world. They liked to drink blood. Once they arrived here, they couldn't wait to drink the blood in the blood pond. After drinking the blood, their stomachs swelled up. After digesting the blood in their stomachs, their strength would become stronger.

This is a tribe. They look like bats. They are two meters tall, larger than humans. They are blood red all over, their eyes are blood red, and they are full of bloodthirstiness. They soak in the blood pool, open their bloody mouths, reveal their canine teeth, and drink the blood crazily. Their breath is getting stronger crazily.

Lin Fan stared at these bat-like figures calmly. Suddenly, one of the bats rushed out of the blood and found Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was surprised. He didn't expect that there were bats at the level of the Three Gods here.

While Lin Fan dodged, he took out his mobile phone and logged into the official website of the Night Watcher. He checked the identities of these bats. He took a photo of the bats below and uploaded the photo. Through the automatic recognition of the photo, the identities of these bats were directly identified.

"Blood-eyed bats!"

He already knew the identities of these bats. Blood-eyed bats are a powerful creature in the dark world. They specialize in sucking the blood of others. Once they are bitten, they will be sucked into a dry corpse in an instant. Any flesh-and-blood creature is their food.

Blood Shadow Bats, they are in the dark world, they do not belong to any organization or force, they are just a simple race, they feed on the blood of all things, this time they came to the real world, they did not obey orders, but acted alone as their own tribe, and came to the Ten Thousand Mountains. They just took a fancy to the blood and corpses here.

They can suck all the blood from the dead bodies and turn them into mummies.

The pool of blood accumulated on the ground is also their food. They don't have to participate in the battlefield directly. They will come to the battlefield after the battle is over, suck the blood here, and continue to grow and become stronger. In this way, the blood-eyed bats have made the strength of the entire tribe advance by leaps and bounds without spending a single soldier!

The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

The blood-eyed bats are the oriole at the back. They are very smart. By constantly absorbing the blood in the blood pool and the blood in the corpses, their strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Lin Fan witnessed many blood-eyed bats break through in an instant. The strength of these blood-eyed bats ranges from the first level to the third god realm. By constantly absorbing blood, especially the blood of those powerful creatures, their strength breaks through very quickly.

In just a short while, Lin Fan saw countless blood-eyed bats break through. The number of god-level blood-eyed bats was also increasing. Some blood-eyed bats with strong talents broke through two or even three realms in a short period of time. Seeing this, Lin Fan also took a breath of cold air.

Even he didn't have such a fast breakthrough speed. It was because the blood storage here was too rich. There were countless corpses, including many god-level corpses. Their blood was still warm. After being absorbed by these blood-eyed bats, they could break through at the fastest speed.

Especially those low-level blood-eyed bats, after they absorbed the blood of god-level corpses, they broke through the fastest speed and their evolution space was also the largest.

Of course, the evolution of any species follows a rule, that is, the later the evolution, the slower the evolution speed, just like those god-level blood-eyed bats. No matter how much blood they absorb, they cannot break through quickly. Only by absorbing the blood of god-level corpses of the same level or higher than theirs can they break through quickly.

But for those low-level blood-eyed bats, the blood and corpses on this battlefield are already a great fortune for them, allowing them to break through several realms in succession, which is more than enough.

The three-god-level blood-eyed bat that saw Lin Fan searched nearby, and after losing Lin Fan's figure, he turned back to the blood pool and continued to soak in it to absorb blood. He sucked blood very quickly, like a bottomless pit, opening his bloody mouth, and the blood around him automatically flowed into his mouth.

The water level of the blood pool was dropping. After a while, he sucked all the blood in the blood pool clean, even the blood in the soil on the ground was sucked clean by it, and the soil became dry. After absorbing one blood pool, he went to the next one.

There are countless blood pools here, and it can continue to swallow them. Although the evolution speed is slow, its aura is generally growing.

Lin Fan was hiding nearby, observing the blood-eyed bats in the blood pool, and clearly saw that the strength of these blood-eyed bats was growing wildly. He felt a little uneasy in his heart. These blood-eyed bats, by absorbing blood, constantly make themselves stronger. There are so many of them, and they will definitely become a terrible danger in the later stage!

The most terrifying thing is that the blood-eyed bats are very smart. They will not participate in the real battlefield, but will appear after the battle is over to absorb blood. Where there is a battlefield, there must be a large number of corpses and blood, which are the food of these blood-eyed bats. They can quietly develop and make themselves stronger. In the later stage, they can absorb the blood of all races and become a potential threat!

Lin Fan looked calmly at the blood-eyed bats soaking in the blood pool below. The strength of these blood-eyed bats was constantly getting stronger. Lin Fan decided to take action and harvest a wave of experience points. He couldn't stand these blood-eyed bats picking up bargains here. It happened that he also needed a lot of experience points, so he took these blood-eyed bats to practice.

He quietly came to the side of a group of blood-eyed bats, using the ability to control everything, instantly controlled their brains and hearts, and then broke silently.

The hearts and brains of the blood-eyed bats suddenly broke from the inside, and their life breath disappeared in an instant. On the outside, they were still opening their mouths to swallow blood, but their brains and hearts had been destroyed and completely dead.

Lin Fan's control of everything can reach a range of one thousand meters!

He specifically looks for some remote blood pools, and attacks the blood-eyed bats in the blood pools at the same time. Generally, there are at least dozens of blood-eyed bats in an ordinary blood pool, and there are hundreds of them, all within his attack range. He can attack them at the same time. Although it consumes a lot of energy, the effect is also very significant.

There are more than a hundred blood-eyed bats in the blood pool in front. Under his control of everything, they were killed cleanly within ten seconds. The bodies of these blood-eyed bats were soaked in blood water. If you don't look carefully, you will find that they are still alive. After solving this batch of blood-eyed bats, Lin Fan gained 200,000 experience points.

He continued to go to a blood pool next door, which had dozens of blood-eyed bats. He used the same method to attack the blood-eyed bats in the blood pool, using the control of everything to break the heart and brain of the blood-eyed bats. In a few seconds, the blood-eyed bats in the blood water were killed silently by him, and he gained more than 100,000 experience points again.

Using this method, he continuously attacked the nearby blood pools, killing batches of blood-eyed bats. Soon, he accumulated millions of experience points. He was like a god of death. Wherever he went, batches of blood-eyed bats were killed by him!

He specifically looked for blood pools below the god level. With this method, no blood bat could resist him. He could attack all blood-eyed bats at the same time in an instant.

Of course, this large-scale and continuous killing of large numbers of blood-eyed bats was also very horrible for him. He had to rest for a while every once in a while.

During his rest, the blood-eyed bats in the nearby blood pools did not find that other blood-eyed bats had been killed. They were still devouring blood to evolve themselves. Each blood-eyed bat was evolving itself against the clock and wanted to become stronger as soon as possible. Therefore, they did not find that the blood-eyed bats in some nearby blood pools had died.

After resting, Lin Fan attacked again and slaughtered the nearby blood pools, killing batches of blood-eyed bats silently. His experience points soon exceeded two million.

In front of him, there was a pool of blood. In this pool of blood there was a blood-eyed bat of the First God Realm. He was the leader here, and he was leading a large number of blood-eyed bats to devour the blood. The water level of the pool of blood was dropping madly, and it was about to dry up soon.

When Lin Fan arrived here, he immediately locked onto the blood-eyed bat of the First God Realm. He had to kill this blood-eyed bat first before he could attack the other blood-eyed bats.

He locked onto the blood-eyed bat immediately, and instantly controlled everything and shattered the opponent's brain and heart. The blood-eyed bat struggled in the blood water, his body trembled, and finally lost his breath of life.

At the moment of the death of the blood-eyed bat, Lin Fan did not hesitate to attack the other blood-eyed bats at the same time. There were more than 200 blood-eyed bats here. They did not know that the leader was dead. In a moment, they were also attacked. The brain and heart were quickly broken. Soon, the blood-eyed bats here became a pool of corpses.

Lin Fan killed the blood-eyed bats here and directly gained more than 500,000 experience points.

Lin Fan excitedly went to another pool of blood water. When he silently wiped out these blood-eyed bats, some blood-eyed bats nearby kept making breakthrough sounds. Many blood-eyed bats excitedly flew out of the blood water, soaring in the sky, flying happily.

A blood-eyed bat, who had just broken through to the realm of a god, was happily flying around in the sky. Suddenly, he stared at the blood pool below and saw that the blood-eyed bats inside had stopped moving and the water level of the blood pool was not dropping. This made him suspicious.

Logically speaking, with so many blood-eyed bats in it, the water level of the blood pool should drop, but the water level of the blood pool has not dropped for a long time. He flew down in confusion. The moment he approached, he found that more than a hundred blood-eyed bats in the blood pool had no breath of life.

He cried out without hesitation and issued a warning, indicating that there were enemies here. When he issued the warning, all the blood-eyed bats in the blood pool raised their heads and stared around with murderous intent. There were enemies who were silently slaughtering their people. This was an irreconcilable hatred.

Some powerful blood-eyed bats flew out of the blood water. They were all god-level blood-eyed bats. They kept flying around at low and high altitudes, looking for enemies in the dark. Lin Fan was slaughtering a pool of blood-eyed bats, and suddenly felt that the blood-eyed bats around him had all flown out. He realized that he was exposed and he could not continue to slaughter the blood-eyed bats silently.

All the blood shadow bats in this battlefield flew up. The dense blood-eyed bats formed blood-red clouds in the sky, floating around, constantly looking for enemies in the dark.

Lin Fan looked up at the dense blood-eyed bats that filled the surroundings. He couldn't be exposed. Once discovered, these blood-eyed bats could suck him into a dry corpse in an instant, and even his body would probably be torn into pieces, because there were too many god-level blood-eyed bats in it, and there were also many blood-eyed bats in the three-god realm. These blood-eyed bats were in the blood water before, and it was difficult to find them if you didn't look carefully.

When all the blood-eyed bats flew out, Lin Fan realized that he had entered a hornet's nest and must not expose himself.

He stopped killing the blood-eyed bats and quietly left in stealth, preparing to break out. He left for now, it was too dangerous here!

"Whoever killed our people must pay the price. Find him!"

Chapter 171 (10,000 words) Massacre! The first city in the Federation to be massacred, Qingshan City, the battle to defend the city

(Thank you for your monthly votes and recommendation votes. Today, I will update 10,000 words to thank you all. If you continue to vote for me, I will continue to update 10,000 words later)

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