The Federal Research Institute is one of the most important places in the Federation.

In addition to the researchers inside, who are important talent resources, the methods of copying superpowers and the dark world creatures and superpowers held in the Federal Research Institute are also very precious, enough to make many dark world organizations jealous.

The Federal Research Institute is also the place where the dark world creatures attack the most, because the research data inside the Federal Research Institute is what they are most jealous of.

There are rumors outside that as long as you can break into a Federal Research Institute and get all the data and technology inside, then you can establish a powerful force on your own.

If a dark world biological organization gets the data and technology of a Federal Research Institute, its strength will double.

If an ordinary person masters the data and technology inside the Federal Research Institute, he will become a superpower and a big boss.

The Federal Research Institute is a delicious cake, and everyone is full of greed and desire for it.

But it is also a mass grave!

Since the establishment of the Federation, the Federal Research Institute has suffered no less than 10,000 attacks, but each attacker has paid a painful price, and nothing good can be gained except leaving a pile of corpses.

Of course, some people have succeeded.

There were more than a dozen organizations that jointly attacked the Federal Research Institute. One of the small organizations accidentally obtained the information and technology inside and became a super organization.

The Federal Research Institute is a favorite of all dark world organizations.

There is a saying in the real world that if you want to be a superior person, then you should go to the Federal Research Institute!

At this moment, more than a hundred members of the Mechanical Cult collectively headed towards the Qucheng Federal Research Institute. Lin Fan suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

He silently lurked behind the members of the Mechanical Cult and followed them to the street where the Federal Research Institute was located.

Outside the gate of the Federal Research Institute, there is a long street where no civilians are allowed to approach.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen night watchmen lurking in different dark and open sentries on this street. There are also several night watchmen patrolling back and forth on the street. The area is heavily guarded, and there are hidden energy machine guns and energy cannons next to it.

During the day, this is a restricted area for civilians.

At night, this is a restricted area for dark world creatures.

Anyone who disobeys the warning and insists on coming to this street will be regarded as an enemy and will be arrested or executed immediately.

More than a hundred members of the Mechanic Cult quietly came to the street and looked at the dozen night watchmen on the street. The LV4 in the front made a gesture.

Several figures around him quietly touched behind several secret sentries.


In the darkness, there were several light sounds, and those secret sentries were secretly solved.

As for the sentries...


The hands of more than a dozen members of the Mechanic Cult turned into energy sniper rifles, locked those sentries, and shot them in the head.

Several night watchmen patrolling on the street heard the sound and turned back, and were also shot in the head.

All the night watchmen on this street were killed within a minute, and more than a hundred members of the Mechanic Cult rushed to the gate immediately.

"Swipe the card!"

Anyone entering and leaving the gate of the Federal Research Institute needs to swipe the ID card, but they don't have the card, so they can only violently demolish the gate.

There were several members of the Mechanicum, who were burly, each of them was two meters tall. Suddenly, there was a sound of gears in their chests, and then, their stomachs turned into black gun barrels.

They stood at the gate, facing the gate, and with a bang, a bucket-thick energy beam shot out from the barrels on their stomachs and hit the gate in front.


The energy beam made a sizzling sound on the gate, and the gate trembled wildly.


In the end, the energy source of the gate was destroyed and cut in half by the energy beam.

The members of the Mechanicum who had been waiting for a long time filed in and rushed into the Federal Research Institute. All this happened in an instant.

The night watchman inside the Federal Research Institute heard the sound and came out, just in time to meet the members of the Mechanicum face to face, and a bloody battle broke out between the two sides.

Lin Fan was hiding in the darkness. He stood outside the door and watched the battle inside. He was not in a hurry to go in. The Federal Research Institute was full of various mechanisms, dangerous traps, and superpowers...

Even if he could hide in the darkness, it was not safe, because he was only a LV2 now. There was some kind of instrument inside that should be able to detect his presence.

Suddenly, his eyes looked into the darkness in the distance, and he saw a group of figures rushing towards the Federal Research Institute.

Soon, he saw the appearance of these figures. These figures belonged to the members of the Flesh and Blood Sect. Each of them was not a normal person. They either had several heads, several hands, and several legs. Many people even had half of their bodies covered with flesh balls, as if parasitic flesh and blood creatures appeared on their bodies...

"The Flesh and Blood Sect is here too..."

Lin Fan's heart tightened. It seemed that this was a premeditated plan.

Not only the Mechanical Sect, but also the Flesh and Blood Sect came. So, will there be more organizations coming?

He didn't expect that he would actually witness a scene of multiple organizations attacking the Federal Research Institute.

Hundreds of people from the Flesh and Blood Sect also came. They approached quickly in the dark. The gate of the Federal Research Institute had already been occupied by the Mechanic Sect. When the Flesh and Blood Sect came, they did not fight with the Mechanic Sect. Both sides were on guard against each other, and then, tacitly divided into the left and right sides, and rushed into the Federal Research Institute.

Not long after the Flesh and Blood Sect entered the Federal Research Institute, another group of people came in the dark. This was a group of figures shrouded in darkness, and they only showed a pair of blood-red eyes.

They looked organized and disciplined, and even when they ran, they were neat and tidy, like an army, and they also rushed into the Federal Research Institute.

"Black Robe Man!"

The Black Robe Man also belongs to the Dark World Biological Organization, a very powerful organization. Their members seem to be afraid of the sun and always wear black robes. No one has ever seen their true appearance, because after they die, their figures will strangely disappear into ashes, leaving only a black robe.

Some people speculated that the black-robed people might not be human, but some strange creatures...

Lin Fan's eyes can see darkness, so he can naturally see through the body structure of these black-robed people. His eyes can see through the black robes of these black-robed people.

He saw the mist-like body in the black robe, which was like smoke, human-shaped, but they had no bones and flesh...

"A ghost?"

This word appeared in Lin Fan's mind instantly. These black-robed people did not have real bodies. Their bodies were actually smoke-like...

Hundreds of black-robed people rushed into the Federal Research Institute in an instant. This is the third dark world biological organization that has appeared so far!

Chapter 21 Serpent's Hand, finishing off the knife and picking up experience points

"And more!"

Lin Fan looked into the distance. Different members of the dark world organization were rushing over from the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast.

People in the west soon appeared. These people looked like normal people. They were wearing mercenary clothes. Each of them had a terrible murderous aura. The weapons in their hands were also very strange. They were a snake staff, and at the end of the snake staff was a hand.

"Snake Hand!"

Lin Fan looked at the blood bars above their heads. Most of the blood bars above the heads of this group of people were 100%, LV2.

There were a few LV3, and the leader was a beautiful woman with a charming figure, a LV4.

The Snake Hand had the least people, and they had less than 20 people.

When Lin Fan stared at the people of the Snake Hand, the leading beauty suddenly looked at his position. The pupils of this beauty were vertical, exactly the same as the eyes of a snake.

"She saw me..." Lin Fan was shocked.

This is the first person who can see his invisibility.

Lin Fan took a decisive step of 20 meters and left the place backwards.

The beauty's eyes followed him. He flashed eight times in a breath, and the beauty's eyes were puzzled.

"Three hundred meters!"

Lin Fan took a breath of cold air. The eyes of this beauty were very scary. Within three hundred meters, his figure would be seen through by her.

Lin Fan was more and more afraid to be careless. Although he could be invisible, his invisibility was nowhere to hide in front of the strong.

The members of the Serpent's Hand entered the Federal Research Institute, and the rest of the organizations also appeared one after another. They all entered the Federal Research Institute.

Lin Fan hid in the darkness and calmly watched these dark world biological organizations enter the Federal Research Institute. He counted and found that at least eight organizations came.

Even in the darkness, there were many shadowy figures. These figures were relatively small in number. Some were alone, some were in twos and threes, and most of them were less than ten people.

In addition to large organizations, there are also some small organizations in the dark world.

Those with fewer people should be small organizations. They are here to fish in troubled waters.

"An earthquake will happen tonight..."

There are ten large organizations, and more small organizations. So many dark world organizations come collectively to attack the Qucheng Federal Research Institute. The Qucheng Federal Research Institute is in danger...

Although the Night Watch is right next to the Federal Research Institute, all the people in the Night Watch are undercover. Who knows if there is collusion between inside and outside.


There was a shocking explosion inside the Federal Research Institute, and a fierce battle broke out between the dark world organizations and the people inside the Federal Research Institute.

In the darkness, the night watchmen nearby came out in full force, and dense crowds of night watchmen came to support the Federal Research Institute, and a more intense battle broke out inside.


Lin Fan saw a familiar figure, he saw Ji Ziyue.

The LV5 on Ji Ziyue's head was too obvious, and Lin Fan remembered it clearly.

Ji Ziyue rushed into the Federal Research Institute, invincible. Lin Fan stared at Ji Ziyue and saw her throw out a purple fire, instantly igniting a LV4.

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