Her entry caused heavy losses to the biological organizations in the dark world.

A group of LV4s united, led by a LV5 black-robed man, to jointly surround and kill Ji Ziyue.

But Ji Ziyue's strength was terrifying. A purple fire floated lightly, and in the crowd, one figure after another was ignited by the purple fire, and they could not resist at all.

"Hiss, LV5 is so terrifying!"

Lin Fan took a breath of cold air, and Ji Ziyue's horror shocked him again.

The gate of the Federal Research Institute was blown up by a punch. This was a giant three meters tall, who looked like a gray stone, bald, expressionless, and a pair of iron fists that were invincible. This was a LV4.

The night watchmen who rushed towards him were punched by him one by one, and they were directly blown into pieces of flesh and blood.

As the gate of the Federal Research Institute was destroyed, lurking figures in the darkness quietly entered the Federal Research Institute.

Lin Fan also decided to take action. He shuttled through the darkness, twenty meters in one step, and soon came to the gate of the Federal Research Institute.

He hid in the darkness, watching the figures flashing by, and his eyes narrowed.

Finally, he put aside his thoughts and went in to take a look.

Inside the gate of the Federal Research Institute, it was a mess, with traces of battles everywhere, deep pits left by shells, traces left by swords, and claw marks left by unknown creatures.

There were corpses everywhere, including night watchmen, members of the Mechanicus, members of the Flesh and Blood Cult, and some black robes...

"Hey, there are some who are not dead!"

Lin Fan saw a Mechanicus member with a broken lower body on the ground, and the health bar above his head was still 5%.

He went invisible and turned into black mist to devour this person.

[Experience +1]

He licked his lips, looked forward, and saw another guy who was not dead yet.

This was a member of the Flesh and Blood Cult, with a health bar showing 4%, LV2.

He teleported over, and the black mist enveloped him, and instantly devoured him.

[Experience +10]

He suddenly got excited. Experience was everywhere. Those who were not completely dead were his experience. This was much better than killing them himself!

He started to pick up experience. He could check the health of those who were not completely dead by looking at their health bar.

3%, 8%, 6%...

He found them one by one. He only needed to hide in the dark and get experience without taking risks.

He even saw a LV3 with only 8% health!

He was excited and rushed over without hesitation. This was a member of the Serpent's Hand. He was covered in wounds and lying on the ground with his eyes closed, pretending to be dead.

He looked really dead, but unfortunately he met Lin Fan.

Lin Fan approached cautiously. After all, this was a LV3. Although he was at low health, he still had to be extremely careful.

The black fog quietly enveloped this person, and his eyelids jumped. However, he was pretending to be dead now, so he couldn't show it, otherwise the people around him would probably finish him off.

The black fog completely enveloped the man. He felt something was wrong. He opened his eyes and saw darkness in front of him.

"Am I dead?"

The man was a little confused. Suddenly, he felt his body disappearing.

"Oh no, who is it!"

He knew someone was attacking him, but he was too weak and covered in wounds. He couldn't resist at all.



Lin Fan tried his best to devour this LV3. He felt a little scalp numb. The LV3 with only 8% of the health bar was so hard to kill. It seemed that he really couldn't mess with the LV3.

[Experience +100]

He was delighted. He got 100 experience points for finishing off a LV3. His experience points exceeded 100 again.

In his mind, the light screen popped up two choices.

[Use 100 experience points to upgrade the talent Shadow Realm]

[Use 100 experience points to extract a random talent]

He chose to extract a random talent without hesitation. After consuming 100 experience points, he drew a new talent.

Chapter 22 New Talent: Control Everything

[Name: Lin Fan]

[Talent: Shadow Realm Level 1 (0/100)]

[Talent: Shadow Demon Level 2 (0/1000)]

[Talent: Control Everything Level 1 (0/100)]

[Experience Value: 81]

Randomly draw a new talent, he got the talent of controlling everything.

Control Everything, as the name suggests, he can control everything in the world. Of course, now it is only level one, and there are not many things he can control.

Theoretically, when Control Everything is upgraded to the peak, he can control everything in the world!

At this moment, Control Everything Level 1, he can control small objects within ten meters.

He tried it, there was a broken knife on the ground, he tried to control this broken knife.


Under his talent of controlling everything, the short knife trembled, made a sound, and then slowly floated up from the ground. This process was very slow, because it was the first time he used this new talent and he was not very proficient. The broken knife slowly floated up from the ground and floated in the void half a meter high.

He felt a little bit of effort and unfamiliarity, but overall there was no problem controlling the broken knife.

He glanced at a corpse next to him, and with a thought, the broken knife flew over with a swoosh and stabbed into the corpse's buttocks.

Fortunately, the corpse was already dead. If he pretended to be dead, this would make him scream...


With a thought, he pulled the broken knife out of the corpse's buttocks and flew towards a corpse next to him. The speed of the broken knife was not very fast because he was not very skilled.

But he understood that as long as he trained for a long time, the speed of the broken knife would get faster and faster.

Under his control, the broken knife flew around, and then he looked at the corpse next to him and tried to control it.

The corpse just trembled and could not move further after two centimeters from the ground because it was beyond his control.

Within ten meters, he could only control some light objects. He could not control too heavy objects.

He tried it. Whether it was the stones on the ground or the broken knife, he could easily control it, but it was very difficult for him to control objects over ten kilograms.

In general, this new talent of controlling everything is just right for him now. He can use this talent even in the daytime. He finally has the power to protect himself. Within ten meters, theoretically, he can control everything to kill the enemy!

He looked at a member of the Mechanical Cult in front of him with only 5% of his health left. The man was lying on the ground and was about to die. With a thought, he moved the broken knife next to him and flew up. He stabbed the man in the back of his head and killed him on the spot.

[Experience +1]

Lin Fan was very excited. He had mastered a killing skill again. With his ability to be invisible, it was a good way to finish off the enemy!

While the dark world biological organization and the people from the Federal Research Institute were fighting, he hid in the dark, looking for the remaining blood that had not yet died, and took the opportunity to finish off the enemy to earn experience points.

For other dark world biological organizations, the information and technology in the Federal Research Institute are the most precious things, but for Lin Fan, these remaining blood are the most precious, because killing the remaining blood and finishing off the enemy can gain experience points.

As long as he has experience points, he can upgrade his talents and gain new talents. His experience points are growing crazily.

There are still many residual blood on the ground. As long as they are not dead, even if there is only a few tenths of a percent of blood left, Lin Fan can get full experience points by finishing them off.

In this process, he is also very cautious. Although he can hide in the dark, those strong people can find him, such as the enchanting woman led by the Serpent's Hand before. Her eyes can see through his position.

While finishing off, he is also alert to the surroundings. Once someone locks his position, he will leave immediately.

As long as people above LV3 appear nearby, he will quietly leave. With his current strength, he can't cause harm to people above LV3 for the time being. Staying away from them is the safest choice!

What he pays attention to is wretched development. Develop first in the early stage to make yourself stronger, and then talk about it later.

If you can't survive, then everything will be in vain.

When he was still very weak, the first rule was to develop slowly. He would not be reckless and would not blindly enter the depths of the Federal Research Institute and the center of the battlefield for the sake of experience points.

He would make the best choice to finish off the enemy in this marginal area.

Of course, most of the residual blood at the edge of the battlefield were only LV1 or LV2, and the experience points he brought to him were not very high.

Only LV3 and above residual blood could bring him a lot of experience points, but people of this level were generally in the center of the battlefield, and he did not dare to approach easily.

He was lucky before and picked up a LV3 residual blood at the edge, which brought him 100 experience points and drew a new talent of controlling everything.

But this kind of luck is not always there. At least he searched around the edge of the battlefield and did not find any LV3 residual blood. Most of them were only LV1.

Even so, his experience points soon broke through the 100 mark. When his experience points broke through 100, three choices popped up again.

[Consume 100 experience points to upgrade the talent Shadow Realm]

[Consume 100 experience points to upgrade the talent Control Everything]

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