He saw the dark world in the sky overlapping with the real world. The speed of the overlap seemed to have accelerated a lot. Many areas of both sides were already overlapping.

More creatures from the dark world also came to reality...

Of course, he could only see a vague projection from a distance.

Only within a hundred meters could he clearly see everyone's movements and their facial expressions.

It was like a magnifying glass. Wherever he looked, he could bring the other party closer to him and clearly see what the other party was doing.

The shadow world level 2, although it did not increase his combat power much, was a good result for him to see everything so clearly like a magnifying glass.

He no longer needed to look for the remaining blood. He could see through everything by standing in the same place, and naturally he could also see the location of those remaining blood.

In addition, he could automatically calculate how far away these remaining blood were from him.

This function was so convenient. He only needed to find a safe place to hide, and his eyes could automatically tell him the location of those remaining blood.

He first chose to see if there were any LV3 residual blood, or even stronger residual blood...

Figures appeared in front of him one by one, and he observed every place like a magnifying glass.

He focused on the residual blood, and he saw the position of each residual blood clearly.

By observing the blood bars of these residual blood, he could lock the opponent's level.

He saw more than a dozen residual blood, most of which were LV2, and there was no LV3, which made him a little disappointed.

At this time, he saw a LV3, and he was a little excited. This LV3 still had more than 10% of the blood bar. Although the blood bar was small, his strength was very strong. He lay tenaciously in a room and was silently recovering from his injuries.

Lin Fan looked at this residual blood, and he fell into deep thought. The opponent still had more than 10% of the blood bar.

Theoretically, he could kill the opponent.

However, LV3 is different from LV2. Although LV3 only has more than 10% of the blood bar, their combat effectiveness is still terrible. He is worried that he can't kill this residual blood.

He did not act impulsively, but waited silently in place, watching the health bar of this LV3 decreasing little by little.

It decreased by 1% per minute, and soon, the health bar of this LV3 was only 10%.

Seeing this, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He only needed to wait a few more minutes, and this LV3 would automatically die.

He only needed to harvest him at the last moment to gain the other party's experience points.

A LV3 could bring him 100 experience points, which made him full of expectations.

Soon, the health bar of this LV3 was only 5%, and Lin Fan decided not to wait any longer, but to go and harvest this residual blood.

He shuttled in the darkness, and when he encountered a bright area, he quietly walked out, then passed through the bright area, and then hid in the darkness again.

The distance between him and this LV3 kept getting closer. In the process, he could see if there were any figures hiding in front of him, and he could avoid these figures very well.

No one could hide in front of him. In his eyes, no one could ambush him.

He was like a cheat, he could see everyone, so he chose the safest way to approach LV3.

He had a smooth journey, avoiding many powerful dark world creatures, and came to the side of this bloodless person.

This bloodless person hid in a room.

This room was dark, no one came here, it was quite remote.

If Lin Fan's eyes had not become stronger, he might not have found this bloodless person hiding here.

He came to the outside of the room, quietly passed through the wall, and entered the room.

He saw the bloodless person lying in the corner in the dark. This bloodless person closed his eyes and gave up living. He was waiting to die silently.

His blood bar was decreasing rapidly. In such a short time, only 3% was left.

This state was equivalent to death. It only took three minutes for him to die completely.

Lin Fan did not hesitate, and easily killed this bloodless person and gained 100 experience points.

His experience points exceeded 100 again, and another choice popped up.

[Consume 100 experience points to extract a random talent]

He decisively chose to extract a new talent.

Soon, a message came out of his head.

[Failed to extract, thank you for your patronage]

When he saw these eight words, Lin Fan's mouth twitched. He was looking forward to extracting a new talent.

He didn't expect it to be such an ending. It turned out that it was not 100% possible to extract a talent!

He wasted 100 experience points just like that. His heart was bleeding.

He took a big risk to collect the experience points.

Although his current method of obtaining experience points is safer, it is still 100 experience points.

He came to a conclusion from this.

Although he can consume 100 experience points to extract new talents, it is not 100% successful. There is a high probability that the extraction will fail.

Once the extraction fails, 100 experience points will be wasted.

He fell into deep thought. If he collects 100 experience points again, should he extract a new talent, or collect the experience points. When the experience points reach 1,000, he can upgrade his three talents!

He decided to collect the experience points first, after all, he was only LV2 now.

The strength is still relatively weak. As long as you improve your strength first, you can survive better.

After all, the dark world has overlapped a lot with the real world, and many dark world creatures have entered the real world.

Next, humans in the entire world will encounter very terrifying threats. Weak people will be killed, and his current strength is not enough to protect himself!

Although he can remain invisible in the darkness, there are many powerful dark world creatures whose eyes can see him.

Like the woman with the snake's tongue before, and the giant, they could all see him.

He is not really perfectly invisible, a strong person can easily target him.

Only by improving his strength will he be safer. The world is no longer peaceful!

Chapter 28 Doctor Bird’s Beak

After failing to extract new talents, he realized that he should focus on upgrading his strength.

He stood in the darkness, his eyes observing the remaining blood around him.

In his field of vision, everything is like a game screen. He can see clearly where everyone is and how far away they are from him. He can see the health bars of everything!

He saw many people fighting deep underground. The federal night watchmen and dark world creatures were fighting fiercely, and people were dying in every corner.

"Virus, clear it!"

At this moment, a voice came to his ears. When he turned around, he saw a figure walking down the corridor. This was a middle-aged man in a white coat.

It's just that his face doesn't look human, but has a long beak. He holds two scalpels in his hands and is mumbling something...


Lin Fan took a deep breath and walked through the wall without hesitation and left the place.

This doctor with a bird's mouth turned out to be a LV5 boss. Lin Fan was afraid. He didn't know how the other party got close to him. Moreover, this doctor with a bird's mouth came just for him. He called him a virus and wanted to eliminate him. …

He ran away and looked back.

All obstacles did not exist in his eyes, and he saw the beaked doctor walking calmly towards him.

Doctor Bird's Beak was not very fast, but he was getting closer to him strangely.

Fortunately, Dr. Beak couldn't pass through the wall. He could only approach Lin Fan along the corridor or other passages.

In the end, Lin Fan relied on his ability to travel in the dark and completely got rid of Doctor Bird's Beak. He stood in a corner and stared at Doctor Bird's Beak.

He saw the beaked doctor standing among a pile of corpses, and then something happened that made Lin Fan's scalp numb...

Dr. Birdbill squatted down and performed an operation on a corpse on the ground. He used the scalpel in his hand to cut open the belly of the corpse on the ground and began to piece the corpse together...

After a while, the corpse was dissected into a strange shape by Dr. Bird's Beak. Then, he sewed up the corpse to make it look like a rag doll...

Something happened that shocked Lin Fan. After the corpse was mended by Dr. Birdbill, it sat up from the ground and came back to life. Lin Fan saw that the health bar on the top of the corpse's head was actually 100%, LV2.

The corpse's level during life should have been LV3. After being resurrected by Doctor Beak, its level only dropped a small level.

After the corpse was resurrected, he stood respectfully beside Doctor Bird's Beak. Doctor Bird's Beak began to squat down again and perform surgery on another corpse. After a while, the corpse on the ground also came back to life.

Behind Dr. Beak, there were soon filled with dense corpses, all of which he had operated on and resurrected from the dead.

Their eyes were empty and dull, without any emotions of their own, like sluggish killing machines, obeying the orders of Dr. Beak.

"Clear the virus!"

Dr. Bird's Beak murmured to himself, as if he was performing operations on these corpses to heal them and remove the viruses from their bodies...

Doctor Beak walked forward with the resurrected corpses behind him. Soon when he encountered a fork in the road, the corpses around him scattered and walked in different directions, gradually scattering in the underground. different areas of space.

Dr. Birdbill continues to walk forward alone. Once he encounters a corpse on the ground, he will take out his scalpel and perform surgery on the corpse to resurrect it.

Once he encounters a living person, he will also approach.

Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on Dr. Bird's Beak. Watching him resurrect these corpses, his scalp was numb. In the underground space, there were many corpses resurrected by Doctor Bird's Beak. Once they saw a living person, they would take the initiative. attack.

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