And Dr. Beak himself will attack the living.

He saw Doctor Beak approaching a federal night watchman. The energy gun in the hand of the federal night watchman was locked on Doctor Beak, and he fired wildly, hitting Doctor Beak one after another with energy bullets.

After these energy bullets hit Doctor Bird's Beak's body, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, unable to kill him at all. Doctor Bird's Beak approached the federal night watchman at a slow pace.

Seeing that the energy gun could not do anything to Dr. Bird's Beak, the federal night watchman pulled out an energy knife from his waist, slashed hard at Doctor Bird's Beak's neck, but the knife got stuck in Doctor Bird's Beak's neck. superior.

When Dr. Birdmouth said the word virus, he grabbed the federal night watchman's right hand with one hand. The federal night watchman's body suddenly twitched, as if a heart attack had recurred, and his whole body suddenly collapsed. On the ground, completely dead.


Lin Fan took a breath when he saw this scene. He really didn't understand how the bird-beaked doctor killed the federal night watchman. He just grabbed the other person's hand, and the other person twitched and died. What was this? Terrible ability?

After Doctor Beak killed the federal night watchman, he squatted down and used a scalpel to dissect the federal night watchman and perform surgery on him. After a while, the federal night watchman came back to life again, but his eyes were empty. , has completely transformed into another creature, and he obeys the orders of Doctor Beak.


Doctor Bird's Beak suddenly turned his head and looked in Lin Fan's direction, said the word "virus" and gave him a strange smile.

Lin Fan's scalp was numb. Even from such a distance, Doctor Bird's Beak could see him. As expected of a LV5 boss, Lin Fan decisively chose to retreat and stay away from Doctor Bird's Beak.

Finally, Lin Fan came to a place very far away from Doctor Beak. This place was already deep in the underground space.

Here, there were many federal night watchmen fighting against the creatures of the dark world. Corpses had fallen on the ground. Lin Fan saw a lot of residual blood, and one of them was at level 3. He was very moved.

But there were people fighting all around, and he couldn't rush there because there was no darkness here. If he wanted to kill this remnant, he couldn't become invisible. He could only hide in the darkness and silently watch the battle ahead.

He just waited until the battle was over and no one was around before he went out to collect the remaining blood.

At the same time, he was also staring at Doctor Bird's Beak. What scared him was that Doctor Bird's Beak was coming in their direction. He didn't know if he was coming for him or for the corpse here!

He frowned and stared at Doctor Bird's Beak. He was really a little scared of this Doctor Bird's Beak.

At this time, some figures walked by. These figures were the corpses that Dr. Birdbill had resurrected.

Chapter 29 Viruses, Cleanup

When these resurrected corpses suddenly came over, both sides fighting were stunned for a moment because they saw many familiar figures.

"Brother, aren't you already dead?"

"Captain, you're not dead? Great, come here and help us kill these dark world creatures!"

Many federal night watchmen saw their familiar teammates resurrected from the dead. They were extremely surprised and called them to come and help.

The people from the Dark World Biological Organization were stunned for a moment when they saw their original companions resurrected.

However, many people still felt something strange, because they found that the eyes of these resurrected people were dull and without any emotion, as if they had become another person.

"Captain, what are you doing?!"

A federal night watchman screamed, because the man he called captain actually attacked him, and he was very ruthless, as if he wanted to beat him to death, which made him a little at a loss. .

He could only defend passively and had to take action. The energy cannon in his hand kept hitting the man, knocking him away several meters away, but the man quickly got up again, as if he was immortal.

"No, he is not the captain, he is being controlled!"

The other federal night watchmen also quickly understood what was going on. Their captain was dead. The current captain was like a zombie, completely controlled by others, invulnerable and impossible to kill.

Even if a big hole was punched out of his body, he could still rush towards them intact.


In the end, the figure was hit in the head by a federal night watchman's energy cannon, and his headless body fell limply to the ground.

"Virus, clear..."

At this moment, several similar figures rushed towards them, making virus sounds in their mouths. Hearing what these figures said, some of the federal night watchmen reacted instantly.

"Virus doctor, he's here!"

"Oh my god, why is the virus doctor here?"

"We're fucked!"

The virus doctor recorded in the internal database of the Federal Research Institute that this is a powerful dark world creature. He does not belong to any dark world organization, but is an independent hunter. He wanders in every corner of the real world. , wherever he appears, life will be devastated!

Because in the view of the virus doctor, all living creatures in the world have viruses in their bodies, and he needs to perform surgery on them to remove the viruses from their bodies.

The people who were operated on by the virus doctor will eventually be killed by him, and then he will re-operate on their bodies to revive them, but they are no longer the original ones after being resurrected. They will completely obey the orders of the virus doctor.

Wherever the virus doctor goes, there are lives of suffering. He will kill all people and turn them into corpses around him.

At this moment, the corpses of the virus doctor's men appeared here, and they were very scared.

The dark world creatures on the opposite side also quickly discovered the clues. They also understood that the virus doctor came. Suddenly, many dark world creatures were scared and wanted to leave now.

If they don't leave, the virus doctor is likely to kill everyone here, including them!

In the eyes of the virus doctor, there is no distinction between humans and dark world creatures.

All living creatures, in the eyes of the virus doctor, are virus carriers, and he will take action to eliminate everyone!


Some small organizations of dark world creatures decisively chose to retreat. They have found a lot of information and technology they need inside this federal research institute. It's time to leave!

Originally, they were thinking of fishing in troubled waters, but now the virus doctor has come. If they don't leave, they will die!

Because the virus doctor has a habit of catching everything in one go, perhaps the exit has been blocked by the body of the virus doctor. They must leave this area before the virus doctor forms a circle to close the net.

Half of the dark world creatures left in an instant, and the remaining half belonged to large organizations. Although they were afraid of the virus doctor, they did not come alone. There were also many powerful beings who brought them here.

Although the virus doctor was strong, it was almost impossible to kill all of them!

Although the federal night watchmen were afraid of the virus doctor, this was their territory. They did not leave and could only grit their teeth to stay. Besides, they also had strong people on their side, who should be able to resist the virus doctor.

Lin Fan, who was standing in the dark, also heard the discussion of the federal night watchmen. He finally understood what the bird-beaked doctor who was chasing him was. It turned out to be a virus doctor!

He also browsed about the virus doctor on the Internet. This is a very scary dark world creature. Wherever he goes, many people will die!

The virus doctor is the real virus. Wherever he goes, he will spread the virus!

At this moment, the virus doctor was walking in this direction. Lin Fan looked at the remaining blood on the ground, and then looked at the virus doctor who was walking over. In the end, he gritted his teeth and left.

The virus doctor was too scary. He was worried that if he didn't leave, he would be killed by him.

On the way the virus doctor came, some dark world creatures who originally wanted to leave met him. When these dark world creatures saw the virus doctor, they ran back the way they came without saying a word.

But the virus doctor was very fast, and he quickly caught up with the last person. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the man's shoulder. Then the man's body twitched all over, as if he had a heart attack, and suddenly fell to the ground and died.

After the virus doctor killed this man, he squatted down to perform surgery on his body. After this man was resurrected, he slowly chased after the people in front.

He didn't seem to worry about these people escaping. He just wanted to clear the virus from their bodies one by one!

"Virus, clear!"

The voice of the virus doctor spread slowly, and many people heard it. Everyone who heard it changed color and ran away frantically.

Even the dark world creatures and federal night watchmen who were fighting frantically tacitly chose to cease fire and then fled decisively.

Because the virus doctor was nearby, if they continued to fight, there would be only one result in the end, that is, they would be killed by the virus doctor.

But when they were about to escape, many corpses appeared around them. These corpses said the four words "virus clear" and then launched a terrible attack on them.

These corpses were very fast, they didn't know pain, and their bodies were invulnerable. Only by blowing up their heads could they be killed!

Chapter 30 Qucheng Federal Research Institute, Zhao Guangming

In the underground space, some corpses were guarding the main passage, and they were blocking the road.

All the dark world creatures who retreated and escaped encountered these corpses and started a fierce battle.

The virus doctor walked leisurely in the passage. Once he saw a corpse on the ground, he would go over to perform surgery on them and revive the corpse.

When he saw a living person, he would also enthusiastically walk up to clear their virus.

Originally, the creatures of the dark world and the federal night watchmen were fighting here, but the appearance of the virus doctor directly disrupted the battle plans of both sides.

Both sides understood that their biggest enemy now was the virus doctor.

Where the virus doctor appeared, no grass grew, and any living creature would be turned into a corpse by him.

Whether it was the creatures of the dark world or the federal night watchmen, at this moment, they only had one idea, that is, to escape from this place as soon as possible, and the virus doctor would soon close the net.

Lin Fan stood in the dark, and he saw that the virus doctor had forced the federal night watchmen and the creatures of the dark world into every corner by himself.

Moreover, in this underground space, there were many corpses guarding every passage.

Those dark world creatures that escaped were blocked by these corpses before they went far.

"What's going on? Why is the virus doctor here?"

Somewhere in the underground space, Ji Ziyue asked Zhao Guangming, the director of the Qucheng Federal Research Institute next to her, with a cold face.

"We don't understand how the virus doctor was attracted here." Zhao Guangming shook his head, his eyes flickered.

"No, the virus doctor would not come here for no reason. You must be hiding something from me!" Ji Ziyue said coldly.

"No." Zhao Guangming said in a deep voice.

"The virus doctor has come here. If you hide anything from me again, I can only take my people away from here." Ji Ziyue looked at Zhao Guangming coldly.

Zhao Guangming's heart tightened, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

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