When they were moving towards that place, the dark world creatures in the dark also began to adjust, and Xue Wuya and the sniper were in command!

Because they set up this blood sea formation, they could feel every place of the blood sea battle, and naturally they could also sense the location where the night watchman escaped.

When they saw the night watchman heading in a certain direction, they ordered all the dark world creatures to surround him.


The strange thing was that the low-level dark world creatures were the ones rushing in the front. The dark world creatures of the three gods and above all formed the largest encirclement at the outermost edge.

And the innermost was a small encirclement. This small encirclement was mainly formed by the dark world creatures below the three gods. They received a deeper order.

Lin Fan looked at the dark world creatures surrounding them in confusion. They actually sent a group of dark world creatures below the three gods to surround them. Although there were many of them and they looked very scary, these dark world creatures below the three gods could not stop them.

What exactly did the dark world creatures want to do?

Looking at the low-level dark world creatures surrounding them, the night watchmen simply ignored them.

Lin Fan led everyone to kill towards an empty position in front. They were very fast. Although there were many dark world creatures surrounding them, most of them were low-level dark world creatures, and their speed was not as fast as theirs.

They blew past like gusts of wind, and those low-level dark world creatures chased after them, not even qualified to eat dust.

But there were always more dark world creatures in front of them.

Every time they encountered this situation, they killed them directly.


This group of low-level dark world creatures met them and were directly hit by dimensionality reduction. Every night watchman could easily kill a group.

Large groups of dark world creatures died in their hands. After these dark world creatures died, their bodies were directly swallowed by the surrounding sea of ​​blood. In the blink of an eye, they were melted into part of the sea of ​​blood.

At first, Lin Fan did not pay attention to the situation around him. They just killed calmly, killing through the dark world creatures that surrounded them all the way. Many low-level dark world creatures died in their hands.

But these dark world creatures didn't know how to be afraid, and they rushed towards them frantically.

Although there was fear in their eyes, they still rushed up like cannon fodder.

"Something's wrong!"

After killing a large number of dark world creatures, Lin Fan suddenly felt uneasy. He carefully sensed it and found that the power of the blood sea around him seemed to have increased a lot!

"No, don't kill them. Every time you kill one more person, the power of the blood sea will increase by one point. This is an open conspiracy!"

Lin Fan finally figured out why so many low-level dark world creatures desperately came to stop them!

This is the conspiracy of Xue Wuya and the sniper!

They were deliberately sent to die. The more they killed, the stronger the blood sea would become as it devoured the flesh and blood of the corpses!

Just like at this moment, they killed countless low-level dark world creatures, and the power of the blood sea formation was directly restored.

Even in some places, new formation bases reappeared.

The several formation bases that were originally destroyed by them have actually appeared two or three. After absorbing the flesh and blood power of the corpses, the formation bases are appearing one by one.

The power of the entire Blood Sea Array has become stronger again!

This means that the array bases they destroyed before were all in vain.

They killed these low-level dark world creatures to help the array base recover!

"I've been fooled!"

After realizing this, Lin Fan clenched his fists angrily.

The night watchmen and jailers around him also quickly understood what was going on. When they thought that they had just killed crazily, they were actually helping the Blood Sea Array recover crazily, and everyone felt as uncomfortable as if they had eaten a fly.

"No more killing!"

They understood that if they continued to kill, the Blood Sea Array would soon recover to its peak.

At that time, all the array bases they destroyed would reappear.

Therefore, on the way, when they met those low-level dark world creatures, they did not kill them. At most, they just slapped them away like flies, and did not take their lives!

Next, they maintained a state of not killing people if they could, because every time they killed one person, the Blood Sea Array would recover one point.

Even the dark world creatures in their hands could not be thrown away easily. These dark world creatures were strong. Their death would be more useful for the recovery of the blood sea formation!

They stopped killing, and the blood sea formation stopped recovering.

Although there were still a steady stream of low-level dark world creatures rushing towards them, they rushed into them directly as if they were deliberately sending themselves to death.

But they did not kill them, but just beat these dark world creatures seriously and threw them out, without killing them.

These low-level dark world creatures were stunned after they had a chance to survive. They just received orders from Xue Wuya and the sniper to ambush them here.

However, they did not expect that they came here to ambush, but they actually killed into the night watchmen. Many dark world creatures instantly understood that Xue Wuya and the sniper were treating them as cannon fodder!

It was said that they were asked to ambush us, but in fact, they were asked to kill into the night watchmen without them seeing them.

"You are so good, Xue Wuya, you actually want us to die, bullying us because we can't see, right!"

"We can't obey his command anymore. He said that we should surround and ambush in front. The real purpose is to let us kill directly into the Night Watch. We can't see it and it's a disadvantage!"

These dark world creatures who escaped the disaster quickly understood Xue Wuya's purpose.

If the Night Watch had just killed them, they would have died. Naturally, they didn't know the truth and died confused. They were cannon fodder.

But the Night Watch strangely didn't kill them. They survived and woke up instantly. Xue Wuya was using them as cannon fodder!

They escaped the disaster and left the Blood Sea Array without hesitation, no longer obeying Xue Wuya's orders.

What made them feel angry was that they couldn't contact other people. In this Blood Sea Array, except Xue Wuya and the sniper, no one else could pass on the message.

Unless the two sides communicate face to face, now that they have seen through Xue Wuya's conspiracy, they really want to inform others to escape as soon as possible and not to obey Xue Wuya's orders, as they will be used as cannon fodder, but they can't do this.

In the end, these living dark world creatures could only shake their heads and sigh, and leave the blood sea formation by themselves. They can't care about others.

"You wish for the best!"

This group of living dark world creatures left, but most of them still didn't know the real purpose of Xue Wuya's ambush.

Many low-level dark world creatures thought they could run to a powerful position for ambush, but they didn't know that the place where they charged happened to be where the night watchman passed.

Following their route, they would meet the night watchman.

Under normal circumstances, when they meet the night watchman, they will be killed by the night watchman and die directly. At that time, their bodies will restore the blood sea formation, but they don't understand this!

Batches of dark world creatures killed the night watchman, but the night watchman didn't kill them. After they escaped, they quickly woke up.

However, there are still some people who are very stupid. They think it is just a coincidence. When Xue Wuya ordered them to ambush for the second time, they met the Night Watch again.

This time, they survived again, and they no longer believed it was a coincidence. They understood that this was Xue Wuya's conspiracy, and they were deliberately sent to be cannon fodder to let them die.

"Damn Xue Wuya, he is sending us to die. This is not an ambush, but a way to let us die!"

The dark world creatures who escaped twice completely understood Xue Wuya's wolfish ambitions, and they turned around and left without hesitation.

As more and more dark world creatures were released by the Night Watch, they no longer obeyed Xue Wuya's orders.

"What's going on? Why didn't the Night Watch kill them!"

In the sea of ​​blood, Xue Wuya was suddenly confused.

Originally, everything was carried out according to his plan. As the Night Watch killed low-level dark world creatures, the blood sea formation was recovering rapidly.

But for some reason, the Night Watch suddenly stopped killing dark world creatures.

He could sense that groups of dark world creatures were meeting the night watchers, but no one died.

This made his face look very ugly. This was beyond his plan and did not go according to his plan!

If no one died, the blood sea formation would not be able to recover quickly!

His purpose was naturally to let the night watchers kill those low-level dark world creatures so that the blood sea formation could recover quickly.

He did not care about the life and death of those low-level dark world creatures, he just wanted the blood sea formation to recover quickly!

Secondly, these low-level dark world creatures could also pose a threat to the night watchers. There were many of them. If they attacked together, they could not only consume the night watchers, but also reduce the meat of the immortal lizards in their hands.

On the other hand, it could also delay time for them.

Because the real encirclement was already taking shape at the outermost edge, as long as these low-level dark world creatures delayed for a while, their final encirclement would be formed, and these night watchers would be unable to escape!

However, he did not expect the night watchers to see through his plan so quickly and stop killing. Therefore, the blood sea battle could not be restored to its peak!

What made him most angry was that those surviving dark world creatures did not listen to his command.

No matter how he gave orders, those people left the blood sea formation without looking back.

In a short while, a large number of dark world creatures left, which made his plan even more difficult to implement!

"You dare to disobey my orders, you are looking for death!"

Xue Wuya roared angrily and kept giving orders, but those dark world creatures who left ignored his orders.

They now wanted to point at Xue Wuya's nose and curse him, for making them cannon fodder, and now they still wanted them to be cannon fodder.

They left directly with curses, whoever wanted to go to this ambush could go, anyway, they would not be fooled again!

"I want to report this Xue Wuya. The higher-ups told us to temporarily follow his command, but I didn't expect him to treat us as cannon fodder!"

"Hmph, none of the state leaders of the Flesh and Blood Sect are good people. They actually let members of the Mechanical Sect be cannon fodder. I must report to the elders of my sect and punish Xue Wuya!"

"Yes, let's report him together. This damn Xue Wuya really thinks we are his subordinates. We are just a temporary alliance, but he still treats us as his subordinates!"

The creatures from the dark world left one by one, cursing and swearing. After they left, they would report Xue Wuya immediately.

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