They come from different organizations and races in the dark world. This time they enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Although they are in a temporary alliance, they will obey the command of some strong people.

But their hearts are not together. This time, Xue Wuya deceived them and used them as cannon fodder, causing them heavy losses.

In fact, they almost died. If the night watchman hadn't suddenly "showed mercy" and let them go, they would have been cold corpses by now.

Therefore, they were very angry inside, even more angry towards Xue Wuya than towards the Night Watch!

The creatures from the dark world who left one by one began to report Xie Xue Wuya, his cruelty, and his use of people from the Alliance as cannon fodder.

In order to fight against the Federation together, the organizations and races of the Dark World formed an alliance called the Dark World Alliance!

In this Dark World Alliance, the top leaders of each major organization and race will select one person to serve as the alliance elder!

The Dark World Alliance is composed of alliance elders who lead different organizations and races. The order to invade the federation is also jointly decided by the alliance elders and makes strategic plans!

At this moment, as each dark world creature reported Xue Wuya to the Alliance Elders, Xue Wuya was targeted!

Xue Wuya, who was commanding the creatures of the dark world to besiege the night watchmen in the blood sea formation, suddenly frowned.

Finally, he took out the communication device on his hand. He received a lot of messages, some of which made his scalp numb.

It turned out to be sent to him by some elders of the Dark World Alliance, asking him why he treated the people of the Alliance as cannon fodder!

"Xue Wuya, you said you would do something, could you not expose such a big flaw? If you want to do it, do it to the extreme. Why should you let them live? Now they are reporting you!"

The elders of the Flesh Sect in the Dark World Alliance cursed angrily. Through the screen, Xue Wuya could feel the hatred of the other party.

"I will block other elders for you, but you can't do such stupid things anymore. Don't let them live, let alone let more people report you!"

The elders of the Flesh Sect cursed, and Xue Wuya took a deep breath, realizing that he had made a wrong decision by letting those dark world creatures leave.

"Report me... Haha, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Xue Wuya looked coldly at those people who had not gone far in the blood sea formation!

"You are too impatient!"

Xue Wuya is very glad that these dark world creatures have left. No one has really left the Blood Sea Formation yet!

Except for him and the sniper who were able to leave the Blood Sea Formation unimpeded, no one else knew the correct route and could not leave quickly.

These dark world creatures who left began to report him in the blood sea formation.

"This is my territory. It's only because you are so stupid!"

Xue Wuya smiled ferociously. Those who reported him were all targeted by him. Anyone who disobeyed his orders was marked for death by him.

He decisively left the scene and handed over the command to the sniper, allowing the sniper to continue attacking the Night Watch on his behalf, while he himself summoned a group of flesh and blood sect masters to join him in preparing to hunt down these dark world creatures.

"Don't let anyone go. They reported me and the elder asked me not to leave anyone alive!"

There are more than a dozen masters of the Flesh Sect beside Xue Wuya. They are from the same organization, so naturally they are of the same mind.

Now that Xue Wuya has received the report, they will naturally join hands with Xue Wuya and kill all those who reported the report.

As long as no one is left alive, there will be no clues, and the elders of the Flesh Sect can speak for him in the Alliance Elders' Council, blocking the mouths of other elders, so that he will not be sanctioned!

"I will tell you their location, you just go over and kill!" Xue Wuya said coldly.

"Yes! Xuezi!"

More than a dozen flesh and blood sect masters turned around without hesitation, and then, following Xue Wuya's instructions, they killed the dark world creatures that had not yet left the blood sea formation.

As one of the Blood Sons of the Flesh and Blood Sect, Xue Wuya is one of the strongest geniuses of the Flesh and Flesh Sect!

In the Flesh and Blood Sect, only the most gifted geniuses can be selected as blood sons. Every blood son is a core member of the Flesh and Blood Sect, and is expected to become a senior leader of the Flesh and Blood Sect in the future!

Even some powerful blood sons are candidates for the next generation of the Flesh Sect’s leader!

Blood son, noble status!

Every Xuezi has many followers, and these dozen flesh and blood sect masters are the people who follow Xue Wuya. They are his supporters, his confidants, and his future competition to become the leader of the flesh and blood sect. Core supporters of the candidate!

Under his command, these dozen flesh and blood sect masters accurately found some dark world creatures, and then started a massacre.

Most of these dark world creatures who left were low-level dark world creatures. They had no power to resist under the slaughter of these flesh and blood sect masters.

Even before they could react, they were killed. It was a one-sided massacre!

"Xue Wuya, what are you doing?"

The sniper sensed this and frowned.

"Mosa, everything you and I have done has been known to the Alliance Elders. They reported us. We cannot survive!"

Xue Wuya's reply made sniper Mosa's eyes turn cold.

"Report us? need my help?"

The sniper also wanted to kill. If the elders knew what he and Xue Wuya had done and they were deliberately targeted, they would both be punished!

Chapter 216 There is no need to fight so hard!

Xue Wuya asked the sniper to snipe the night watchman.

"The night watchman is left to you, and the others are left to me."

Xue Wuya and the sniper reached an agreement in an instant.

"In this case, don't let anyone go. Killing them can also restore the power of the formation!" The sniper said calmly.

"Yes, it was difficult for me to do it before. Now I have a reason, don't blame me for being rude!" Xue Wuya smiled grimly.

The Dark World Alliance, composed of dark world creatures, has some people in these 100,000 mountains who are specially responsible for commanding battles appointed by the Dark World Alliance Elders. For example, he and the sniper are the commanders of this space crack.

According to the rules of the alliance, they cannot kill their own people at will. But now, in order for the Blood Sea Array to recover as soon as possible, and these people reported them, they have a reason to take action. As long as they do it cleanly, no one will know that it was them!

The Blood Sea Array has been destroyed, and it needs a lot of flesh and blood of creatures to recover!

Xue Wuya and the sniper don't care about the life and death of other dark world creatures at all. They just want to restore the Blood Sea Array and kill all the night watchers here.

Under the command of Xue Wuya, the Blood Sea Array suddenly trembled, and then, those dark world creatures who were shuttling in the Blood Sea Array and preparing to leave suddenly found that their direction seemed to have changed. No matter which direction they ran, there was an endless sea of ​​blood in front of them. They ran for a long time and didn't run out of this sea of ​​blood!

"What's going on? Why haven't we gone out yet!"

Some people soon felt something was wrong. According to the speed they came in before, they should have reached the edge of the blood sea, but now they have not left.

At this time, Xue Wuya's figure appeared in front of them. They couldn't see Xue Wuya and were still shuttling in the direction of Xue Wuya.

Xue Wuya looked coldly at the group of dark world creatures flying in front of him, with a strong murderous intent flashing in his eyes.


Xue Wuya murmured, and then his body turned into blood snakes and flew towards the group of dark world creatures in front of him.

These blood snakes were like blood-colored lightning, shuttling through the sea of ​​blood, perfectly blending into the sea of ​​blood, and appearing next to a group of dark world creatures without anyone noticing.

Then, the blood snakes instantly pierced their eyebrows and hearts, and the dark world creatures were pierced through the vital points one by one and were killed on the spot.


They stared with their eyes wide open, and fell into the sea of ​​blood. The surrounding sea of ​​blood spread over and instantly devoured their bodies. They became the nutrients of the blood sea formation.

"It's Xue Wuya!"

A member of the mechanical sect was killed just after saying this. His body was directly pierced by blood snakes, and the mechanical gears on his body were pierced into pieces. Then, his mechanical body was torn into pieces, and his head was easily pierced by the blood snakes, and he died on the spot.

Several invisibles wanted to run away, but in the blood sea formation, their invisibility was ineffective against Xue Wuya, and the blood snake that Xue Wuya turned into instantly pierced their bodies, and these invisibles were killed on the spot.

In a short while, this group of dark world creatures were killed by Xue Wuya.

These people died, and their bodies were swallowed by the blood sea formation, and the breath of the blood sea formation was restored. Even in one place, a new formation base was born again.

Feeling that the power of the blood sea formation had increased, Xue Wuya was very satisfied, but it was not over yet!

He shuttled through the blood sea again and continued to slaughter the dark world creatures that escaped.

In other directions, his dozen men were also slaughtering batches of dark world creatures.

As he and his men killed more and more dark world creatures, the breath of the entire blood sea formation suddenly increased a lot.

Lin Fan and others who were in the blood sea formation felt something was wrong. They obviously didn't kill anyone, why was the blood sea formation still recovering crazily!

"What's going on? Why is this formation still recovering?"

All the night watchmen were confused and felt uneasy. They had already stopped killing the dark world creatures around them. Although groups of dark world creatures continued to charge at them, they only seriously injured these people and did not kill anyone.

Because they did not want the bodies of these people to be swallowed by the blood sea formation, but the development of things exceeded their expectations. The blood sea formation actually began to become stronger strangely!

"Is there no way for him to restore this formation!"

The night watchmen guessed that there must be some other way for the dark world creatures to restore the destroyed formation. Perhaps a new formation base was born, which made them feel nervous.

"Destroy the formation base as soon as possible!"

They had no other way. There was no other way except to destroy the formation base.

Lin Fan's eyes could now see 20,000 meters. He searched everywhere, led everyone to rush around, and constantly found formation bases.

Then, under the harassment of a group of dark world creatures, these formation bases were destroyed.

However, what they didn't know was that the array base they destroyed would soon reappear somewhere else.

This blood sea formation did not become weaker because they destroyed the formation base. On the contrary, it continued to grow stronger.

This confused them. The formation base was clearly destroyed by them, so why was the formation still growing stronger!

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