Lin Fan can only choose to believe what Ji Ziyue said now.

Seeing that Lin Fan was a little moved, Ji Ziyue raised the suitcase in Yang's hand and told Lin Fan.

"If you help me take this suitcase out, I will cancel the wanted order for you."

Lin Fan looked at the suitcase in Ji Ziyue's hand. He already knew that there was a bewitching mask inside.

Now, the reason why Ji Ziyue was trapped here was because of the bewitching mask in her hand. The dark world organization wanted to snatch the bewitching mask.

Of course, whoever gets the bewitching mask will become the target of public criticism and will inevitably be besieged by others.

"Don't worry, you just need to take the suitcase and go out along the passage. I will help you stop others."

Lin Fan was indeed a little worried. If he helped Ji Ziyue take the suitcase out, those big guys who could see him would definitely attack him crazily.

Now, with Ji Ziyue's words, he decided to take a gamble, because if he didn't cooperate with Ji Ziyue, he couldn't leave within three minutes alone. There were people all in front of him, and he didn't dare to go over.


Finally, he nodded to Ji Ziyue, and the two reached a cooperation. Ji Ziyue waved to him and motioned him to come over.

He shuttled in the darkness and soon came to Ji Ziyue's side. Some dark world creatures who could see him saw him coming to Ji Ziyue's side, and everyone's face changed, as if they guessed something.

Ji Ziyue threw the suitcase in his hand to Lin Fan without hesitation.

Lin Fan grabbed the suitcase, hid in the darkness, and rushed to the entrance of the passage.

And Ji Ziyue immediately ordered everyone around him to do their best to stop the dark world creatures and buy time for Lin Fan.

"Stop him, don't let him leave!"

The black-robed man roared.

"Kill him!"

All the masters who could see Lin Fan roared angrily and chased Lin Fan's back frantically.

However, they were blocked by Ji Ziyue.

Ji Ziyue led a group of federal night watchmen to guard their way and launched a devastating attack on them.

So that they had no way to get close to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was now trembling with fear. He had only one thought, that is, to leave from the passage. Time was running out!

The federal night watchmen helped him resist the dark world creatures. He only needed to pass through a group of corpses. Fortunately, these corpses could not see him because they were not strong, but there were many of them.

He carefully passed through the corpses one by one and finally came to the passage. The dark world creatures behind him roared angrily and watched him enter the passage.

Chapter 34 Bewitching Mask

As for the corpses at the passage, they could not see Lin Fan yet.

Lin Fan entered the passage from a pile of corpses and left from the passage in an instant. His heart was beating wildly, and he did not dare to look back.

When he disappeared in the passage, a shocking battle broke out behind him.

The dark world creatures were crazy. They had seen Lin Fan take the bewitching mask away. At this moment, they had only one thought, that is, to rush into this passage and run out to catch Lin Fan. Whoever caught Lin Fan could get the bewitching mask!

Lin Fan was only a LV2. It was much easier to snatch the bewitching mask from him than from Ji Ziyue. They saw hope.

Suddenly, the dark world creatures no longer targeted the federal night watchmen, but the corpses blocking the road in the passage.

Before, they still had reservations, but now they had no reservations at all.

All attack!

One by one, they burst out amazing energy and smashed the corpses at the entrance of the passage into pieces. They were eager to rush out of the passage and chase Lin Fan.

"Let's go too!"

Ji Ziyue didn't want to conflict with the dark world creatures. She also wanted to leave urgently because the research institute was about to explode. There were only two minutes left!

They had to leave!

Suddenly, the federal night watchmen and the dark world creatures cooperated tacitly to kill the corpses. Although there were many corpses here.

However, under the siege of the two parties, they were quickly blown up. They killed a bloody road directly.


The leading group of dark world creatures rushed directly into the passage and left.

Ji Ziyue was also anxious. Now it depends on who finds Lin Fan first. Whoever finds Lin Fan can get the mask of bewitching!

She rushed into the passage with the federal night watchman and disappeared here in the blink of an eye.

Of course, only some people left at the first time, and some people were blocked in the passage by the corpses and could not leave at the first time.


The virus doctor also came to the entrance of the passage. He saw many people leaving, and he walked out of the passage slowly.

As for the corpses behind him, they continued to block the entrance of the passage, blocking all those who had not escaped yet... cleared.

The virus doctor just walked out of the passage, his eyes locked in a certain direction, and he saw Lin Fan.

He walked forward a few meters, and there was a shocking explosion in the research institute behind him, as if there was an 18-magnitude earthquake. The virus doctor was unstable and split directly, because there was a wide crack under his feet. The crack split to the left and right, and his two feet just stood on both sides of the crack.

He looked down at the crack below, and with his feet, he jumped onto the flat ground next to him.

He looked back.

A bottomless pit appeared behind him. The entire federal research institute was reduced to ashes by the explosion of the self-destruction program, and a large pit hundreds of meters deep appeared on the spot.

All the people and objects inside the federal research institute were reduced to ashes in an instant, and even the ashes were not left.

The bodies of the virus doctor who killed the living people inside the institute were also reduced to ashes in an instant.

He became a commander without troops. He stared blankly at the 100-meter-deep pit behind him. If he had not walked out in time, he would have been reduced to ashes in an instant.

Even as cruel as he was, he was trembling all over at this moment, and he had a strong fear. He brushed past the god of death and almost died.

At the same time, at the moment of the explosion of the research institute.

All the creatures in the dark world stopped and looked back at the bottomless pit. They were sweating profusely.

"We were almost dead. It was too cruel. They actually activated the self-destruction program and wanted to kill us secretly!"

"Fortunately, we got out in time, otherwise we would have died."

"The Federation is really vicious. They actually wanted to kill us all."

All the dark world creatures who came out alive were afraid and were glad that they escaped in time before the explosion.

As for those dark world creatures that did not have time to escape, they were all destroyed along with the institute.

This time, the dark world biological organization suffered heavy losses because many of them did not escape in time.

There was no news at all about the self-destruction of the federal institute.

The undercovers lurking inside the institute did not pass on the news to them in time.

Of course, all of them were busy fighting just now and had no time to check the news. Even if the undercover sent them a message, they could not check it in the first time.

A group of dark world creatures looked at the big pit in the distance with fear. Finally, they dispersed to find Lin Fan. They did not forget their mission this time.

Their target was the Bewitching Mask!

No matter how much they paid, as long as they could get the Bewitching Mask in the end, they would be the winners!

Ji Ziyue and the others all looked back at the deep pit behind them at the moment when the institute exploded.

Most of the federal night watchmen escaped, and only a few did not escape in time and died inside.

"Let's go, find Lin Fan!"

Ji Ziyue said calmly.

Then, all the federal night watchmen around her dispersed and went to different blocks to start looking for Lin Fan.

Ji Ziyue walked to a street, took out her mobile phone, and dialed a number.

"Help me find Lin Fan's location."


Soon, Ji Ziyue's mobile phone rang, and she received a positioning information, which was exactly Lin Fan's location.

Lin Fan didn't know that after he took away the Bewitching Mask, his location was also exposed, because the Federation had installed a positioning device on the suitcase long ago, and wherever Lin Fan went, his figure would be exposed.

After escaping the institute with the Bewitching Mask, he plunged into the darkness.

He ran towards a remote corner, twenty meters per step. He didn't know where he ran to. Anyway, he should be at least ten kilometers away from the Federal Research Institute. He stopped and rested in a dark place.

Looking at the suitcase in his hand, the bewitching mask was lying inside, but he didn't dare to open it because the bewitching mask was very scary.

This suitcase is equivalent to a seal that can seal the bewitching power of the bewitching mask. If he opens it, he may be bewitched by the bewitching mask and killed.

His eyes can see through the surface of the suitcase and see the bewitching mask inside.

He saw the bewitching mask blinking at him again and showing him a weird smile, as if greeting him.

He didn't dare to stare at the bewitching mask, worried that he would be bewitched, although there was a suitcase sealed...

He looked up and looked behind him.

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