Suddenly, he saw that many figures were chasing him.

Chapter 35: Federal Research Institute Self-explosion

He looked closely and found that all the people chasing him were federal night watchmen.

He saw Ji Ziyue, who seemed to know that he was here and rushed towards him in a straight line.

At the same time, he also saw many members of the dark world biological organization chasing him in this direction.

He instantly determined that his position was exposed, otherwise, why would so many people chase him in this direction!

In order to verify whether he had been exposed, he decisively took a step of 20 meters and left the place in an instant.

He left from the side and quickly ran a thousand meters away. When he changed his position, he found that those who were chasing him also changed their positions at the first time and chased him towards his current position.

He was sure that his position was really exposed. He looked down at the briefcase in his hand. It was 100% this briefcase that exposed his position.

Now, there are two choices in front of him.

First, continue to run away with the briefcase.

Second, throw away the briefcase.

He glanced at Ji Ziyue. He had promised Ji Ziyue that he would help her bring out the suitcase, and Ji Ziyue would help him cancel the wanted order.

He gritted his teeth and prepared to complete the agreement with Ji Ziyue. He didn't want to be wanted anymore. He wanted to live a normal life.

Because all mobile phones are recorded in the federal database, all mobile phones are unsafe.

Therefore, he had thrown away his mobile phone a long time ago, and he didn't carry any mobile phones or other electronic communication tools with him.

He wanted to contact Ji Ziyue, but basically couldn't do it.

But this was not a difficult task for him. He randomly entered a mobile phone store on the street. The mobile phone store had been closed for a long time, and it was dark inside. He randomly took out a mobile phone and a mobile phone card at the counter and turned it on.

Then, he returned to the street. He knew that Ji Ziyue could see him who was invisible. He pointed his mobile phone at Ji Ziyue. Ji Ziyue instantly understood what he meant, stopped chasing, took out her mobile phone, and made another call.

By making this call, she knew what model of mobile phone Lin Fan took away from this mobile phone store, and what the phone number of the phone card he took away was.

All the mobile phones and phone cards in this world have been recorded in the federal database, and the federation can master the information of all mobile phones and phone cards.

Lin Fan just took a mobile phone and a phone card in this store.

Ji Ziyue soon mastered all the information, and Ji Ziyue dialed Lin Fan's phone number.

"I'll wait for you at the top of Changchong Mountain."

After Lin Fan told Ji Ziyue an address, he rushed towards Changchong Mountain with all his strength. He took 20 meters in the dark and was very fast.

As he moved towards Changchong Mountain, the federal night watchmen and dark world creatures who were chasing him also quickly changed direction and chased him.

He frowned. The suitcase had been exposing his position. Even if he ran to Changchong Mountain, he would be caught up, which was a bit disadvantageous to him.

He decisively called Ji Ziyue.

"The federation has undercover agents from the dark world organization. They can locate my position. You find a way to solve it!"

After Ji Ziyue received Lin Fan's call, she instantly understood what Lin Fan meant.

She stopped and looked back at the people around her. She only told a few people around her where Lin Fan was.

But now many people know Lin Fan's location, so those who know Lin Fan's location should be undercover agents.

The undercover agents of the dark world creatures have always been a headache for the Federation, because they have no way to confirm who is the undercover, but now she seems to have caught an opportunity.

This is a good opportunity to eradicate the internal undercover, and she decisively chooses not to tell anyone Lin Fan's location.

When she did not continue to share the location, the real federal night watchmen instantly lost Lin Fan's location.

They stood there blankly, looking at the darkness around them, and had no idea which direction to chase.

And those real undercovers, even if Ji Ziyue did not share the location with them, they could know Lin Fan's location through their own special channels, because they also had undercovers in the internal database of the Federation.

The undercovers transmitted Lin Fan's location to them through the database, allowing them to lock Lin Fan's location at the first time.

Ji Ziyue took out her mobile phone, which showed many red dots. These red dots were the positions of the Alliance Night Watchmen. Now, a large part of the red dots were not moving, or were just circling around the original position, and did not move towards Lin Fan's position.

Some of the red dots were moving in a straight line towards Lin Fan's position. Through the position of these red dots, Ji Ziyue judged that those who stayed in the original position were the real Federation Night Watchmen.

Those who chased Lin Fan in a straight line were undercover agents. Only undercover agents could know Lin Fan's position.

The position of the undercover agent was exposed in front of her in an instant, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

These undercover agents were the most troublesome existence of the Federation. The Federation had been investigating undercover agents, but these undercover agents were hidden very deeply and were almost difficult to be discovered.

Now that she had determined the positions of these undercover agents, she naturally had an idea in her heart, that is, to find a way to kill all of them.

But she didn't dare to give orders, nor did she dare to tell anyone. She could only act alone, because if she gave orders, these undercover agents would also find out.

It's not that she didn't trust others, but she had to do this herself.

She called Lin Fan.

"I'll send you the location of the undercover agents now, be careful of them."

After Ji Ziyue hung up the phone, she shared the location with Lin Fan, and there were many red dots on these locations. These red dots were chasing Lin Fan in a straight line. These red dots were undercover agents!

Lin Fan looked at the red dots on the map, and then his eyes looked towards the location of the red dots.

His eyes can see a long distance, can see through all obstacles, and can see the figure of the undercover.

Especially after the shadow world evolved to the second level, he looked at people like a magnifying glass, which could shorten the position of both parties and see each other's appearance at close range.

He looked at the first red dot, and he saw a white-haired young man. This white-haired young man was wearing the clothes of a night watchman. He was a second-level night watchman. He rushed towards Lin Fan with a cold face.

"Undercover, right..."

Lin Fan's eyes flashed, and then, his eyes took a photo of the white-haired young man just like taking a photo.

This is also a function after the shadow world is upgraded to level 2. His eyes have the function of taking photos and videos!

Chapter 36: Revoke the wanted order, level 2 night watchman

Take a photo of the young man, turn on the mobile phone camera, and aim it at his eyes.

The photo of the young man slowly appeared above his pupil, and he pressed the camera button of the mobile phone.


The mobile phone instantly took a photo of the young man above his pupil.

This is a level 2 function of the shadow world. He can use his eyes to take photos and videos of objects first, and then transfer them to electronic products such as mobile phones or computers.

He sent the photo of the young man directly to Ji Ziyue and told her the location of the young man, "He is an undercover."


Ji Ziyue replied to him.

"I will send you all the photos of the other undercovers."

After Lin Fan sent this message, his eyes locked onto the second red dot again. His pupils dilated and he instantly locked onto the figure of this person. This was a thin young man, also an undercover, a second-level night watchman.

Lin Fan's eyes instantly took a photo of the young man, and then he transferred the photo to his mobile phone and sent it to Ji Ziyue.

Next, Lin Fan sent all the positions of the undercovers and their photos to Ji Ziyue.

Ji Ziyue was very surprised. She asked Lin Fan how he did it, but how could Lin Fan tell her the truth.

"You don't have to worry about this. You just need to deal with these undercovers."

Ji Ziyue was half-believing and half-doubting. She did not completely believe Lin Fan, but asked the night watchmen under her command who were not undercovers to go to some of the undercovers first to see if the other party was the person in the photo.

When she sent a few people to the vicinity of the undercover and confirmed that the other party was indeed the person in the photo, Ji Ziyue became more and more curious about Lin Fan.

After confirming the identities of these undercovers, Ji Ziyue did not hesitate to issue a hunting order to others and secretly killed these undercovers.

Of course, when she issued the order, she did not let these undercovers know, but only gave orders to those who were not undercovers separately.

In the darkness, a group of night watchmen suddenly appeared beside the undercovers, and they came to kill the undercovers.

These undercovers did not know why, and when they saw these night watchmen appear, they also felt a little nervous, but they pretended to be their own people and greeted them enthusiastically. These night watchmen did not reveal any flaws and walked with them naturally.

When the night watchmen surrounded the undercovers, they took action immediately. These undercovers reacted quickly, knowing that they had been exposed, and fought back desperately, but when they were surrounded, they were killed or seriously injured and captured alive.

Ji Ziyue's order was to give priority to capturing alive, and if they could not be caught, they would be killed on the spot.

In the darkness, undercovers were suddenly attacked one by one.

"I'm exposed..."

Before dying, some undercovers passed the message to let the organization behind them know that they were killed.

The captured undercovers were secretly brought to Ji Ziyue's side. Ji Ziyue looked up at the direction of Changchong Mountain in confusion. She was going to kill all these undercovers.

Because she knew that even if she caught them, it would be impossible to get any information from them.

The Federation had captured some undercovers and tried to get information about the organization behind them from their mouths, but these undercovers were professionally trained. No matter what punishment they were given, they could not pry any information from their mouths.

"What does he want these people for?"

These people were all captured alive by Lin Fan. Lin Fan needed these living undercovers and had to beat them up.

One by one, the undercovers who were beaten to a pulp were brought to Ji Ziyue's side, and then Ji Ziyue took this group of undercovers to Changchong Mountain to meet Lin Fan.

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