Lin Fan could easily avoid it.

Now, no matter how stupid he is, he understands that it was Lin Fan who sneaked up on him.

Lin Fan slashed with his backhand. The Death Scythe ignored the spatial distance and stabbed the Four God Realm's stomach directly. The wound that he had finally healed was cut open again, and his intestines fell out again.

He looked down and saw that his intestines had fallen out again. His scalp was numb. He didn't want to continue fighting Lin Fan at all. His health bar was only 40% left.

He had to find a safe place and heal as soon as possible.

Therefore, he retreated without hesitation, but Lin Fan clung to him.


He was running away from the front, and Lin Fan was slashing at him from behind. The sword energy hit his back one after another. In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen wounds on his back. The flesh and blood were blurred, and even the bones were exposed. He suffered To hit hard.

The health bar dropped to 30%.

"No, I will be killed by him, I can't run!"

The Four Gods Realm reacted instantly. If he continued to run like this, he would be hacked to death by Lin Fan.

He stopped instantly, preparing to fight to the death with Lin Fan. Unless Lin Fan was killed, he would not be able to find a safe place to recuperate in peace.

After stopping, he grabbed Lin Fan with both hands. A huge palm appeared in the sky and grabbed Lin Fan.

Lin Fan calmly looked at Cang Qiong's big hand that Cang Qiong had grasped.

A space channel appeared next to him. He entered the space channel and walked out from ten thousand meters away in an instant.

That big hand instantly grasped everything.

He is becoming more and more proficient in space channels. In the blink of an eye, he can open a 10,000-meter channel and appear 10,000 meters away.

Using this method, he avoided the Four God Realm's attacks again and again. The man attacked more than a dozen times, but Lin Fan ran away every time. He was so angry that he vomited blood.

His health bar value is declining, with only 28% left.

Lin Fan gave him a few more blows. This time, his waist was cut off, leaving only his upper body.

His health bar instantly dropped to 20%.

Chapter 233 Killing the Four Gods


This dark creature in the Four God Realm vomited blood. Only his upper body was left, and he fled randomly in the void in terror. However, he was targeted by Lin Fan and only had 20% of his health bar left. How could he escape? ?

Lin Fan was ten thousand meters away, and several more knives struck him from the air, almost cutting off his neck.

His health bar dropped crazily, and in the blink of an eye, only 15% was left.

"I'm not willing to give in!"

This four-god realm dark world creature screamed in grief and anger. He was also in the four-god realm after all, but he was forced to this point by Lin Fan, a three-god realm. This was really frustrating!

"Let's die together!"

He knew that he was bound to die, and before he died, he had to take Lin Fan away, so he rushed towards Lin Fan crazily.

However, Lin Fan was well prepared and directly opened a space channel and appeared ten thousand meters away.

This creature from the dark world chased Lin Fan like crazy. At the same time, his upper body began to expand wildly, preparing to explode his body and die with Lin Fan.

Lin Fan also saw what this man was thinking. He used the energy that controlled all things to control this man's physical strength, and tried to extinguish this energy as much as possible...

"Control all things and destroy them!"

Lin Fan was actually very nervous inside. If this dark world creature self-destructed, the explosion shock wave would definitely kill him.

But he wanted to give it a try to see if he could stop the self-destruction of this dark world creature.

Under control of all things, the energy in the body of this dark world creature began to flame out, unable to form the energy needed for self-destruction.


The blood bar of this dark world creature dropped to 10%. He looked at Lin Fan in frustration. He couldn't even self-destruct.

He felt a big invisible hand pressing on his body, suppressing him so that he could not self-destruct.

For many years, he had never encountered such an aggrieved thing. He spit out a large mouthful of blood, used his secretary, and wanted to blow himself up.

However, the control of all things suppressed him and extinguished the energy in him, just like pouring a basin of water on a fire, making it impossible for the fire to burn.


The man roared unwillingly, and his health bar dropped crazily. Lin Fan seized the opportunity and struck hard with the death sickle, ignoring the distance in space, and instantly cut off his head.

This person's health bar drops to 0.

The system's voice also sounded in Bai Linfan's mind.

[Experienced +100 million]

Lin Fan was overjoyed in his heart. This was the first creature he had killed with his own strength, which was a creature in the Four God Realm, with a total experience of 100 million!

He is very excited!

Since observing the sniper and mastering the sniper's ability to kill people from a distance, his combat power has increased infinitely!

Snipers are indeed one of the most terrifying killers in the dark world. Their ability to kill people from afar is extraordinary!

"Okay, okay!"

Lin Fan said hello three times in a row.

Then, he turned and entered the battlefield.

A creature in the Four God Realm can bring him 100 million experience points, so he set his sights on those creatures in the Dark World in the Four God Realm.

On the battlefield, although there are not many Four God Realms, there are still some.

He wandered around, targeting his new target.

Soon, he saw a member of the Mechanical Cult. This member of the Mechanical Cult was in the Four God Realm and his body was very hard.

The night watchman's attack hit him, and could only push him back a thousand meters at most, but could not damage his body.

Moreover, the entire body of this member of the Mechanical Cult, even his head, is a mechanical body!

Ordinary members of the Mechanical Cult have a mechanical body from the head down, and their heads are made of flesh and blood.

But for some powerful members of the Mechanical Cult, even their heads have turned into mechanical bodies.

This is mainly because the Mechanical Cult has a method within them. They can upload human consciousness to a computer for backup, then build a complete mechanical body, and then upload human consciousness into this mechanical body, thus becoming a A full member of the Cult Mechanicus.

This kind of members of the Mechanical Cult, who are all in mechanical bodies, are also core figures within the Mechanical Cult.

Everyone's status is very high, and their strength is naturally very powerful!

At this moment, this member of the Mechanical Cult was covered in machinery. He was like an Iron Man, shuttling across the battlefield. His combat power was terrifying, and several Night Watchmen died in his hands.


Lin Fan seized the opportunity and gave the man a severe blow. The death sickle ignored the distance and struck his chest with one strike, cutting him back dozens of meters.

This member of the Mechanical Cult was also stunned for a moment, not knowing where the attack came from. It was silent and slashed on his body with a single knife.

Fortunately, his mechanical body was strong enough, and the Death Scythe only left a white mark on his chest, which healed automatically.

The bodies of members of the Mechanical Cult generally have the ability to heal automatically, unless the gears at their core are destroyed!

Lin Fan tested it and found that his attack power was indeed difficult to pose a threat to this member of the Mechanical Cult.

He opened a space channel, appeared ten thousand meters away, and looked for opportunities again.

This time, he locked the gears in the body of the Mechanic Cult member and prepared to attack his gears.

The Death Scythe struck out and appeared directly in the gear of the Mechanical Cult member's body. The Death Scythe slashed at the joint of the gear, and then emitted sparks, unable to break the gear at all.

"so hard!"

Lin Fan felt that the gears inside this Mechanical Cult member were harder than the surface of his body.

There was no way to destroy his gears from the inside. He could only look for opportunities, and he focused on the joints of this member of the Mechanic Cult.

Whether it is a person or a machine, there are connection points at the joints, and he tries to attack the joints of the person's body.


The Death Scythe ignored the distance and struck the man's knee in an instant. There was a click and a tiny crack appeared at the connection. Although it healed quickly, it also gave Lin Fan hope.

Sure enough, the weakness of the members of the Mechanical Cult is their joint joints. Although there is protection here, who is Lin Fan!

Under the control of everything, you can easily control it anywhere!


Lin Fan slashed at the joints of the members of the Mechanical Cult through the air, and quickly dodged away. He would not stay in one place.

With one chop, a space channel will be opened immediately and appear ten thousand meters away.

This member of the Mechanical Cult was unable to pinpoint who was attacking him, because the battlefield was very chaotic, and there were also night watchmen attacking him, which made it impossible for him to accurately determine where Lin Fan was.

In addition, Lin Fan shuttled through the space channel and appeared ten thousand meters away in the blink of an eye, which made him even more uncertain who was attacking him.

If Lin Fan relied on his own speed to escape, he would probably be discovered by this person. However, no one could determine his location in the space passage.

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