Lin Fan took advantage of the chaos on the battlefield to hide his figure, and silently slashed at the knee joint of the Mechanical Cult member's left leg one by one.

There were many cracks on the knee joint of this member of the Mechanic Cult's left leg. Although they were healing, they were also fundamentally damaged.

Lin Fan felt that if he cut further, he should be able to cut off his leg.


This member of the Mechanic Cult also felt his scalp numb, as someone was secretly hacking him from the air.

And he can't lock the opponent's position, which is a bit abnormal.

In addition, there were some night watchmen attacking him around, which made it impossible for him to accurately judge who was attacking.

Because these night watchmen are unparalleled in combat power, he may be injured if he is not careful, so he must be extremely careful.

However, when he was highly concentrated, someone secretly attacked him, which made him a little aggrieved...


The crisp cracking sound coming from the knee joint of his left leg made him feel a thump in his heart.

Although he can't feel any pain, once one of his legs is cut off from his mechanical body, it will affect his balance and reduce his combat effectiveness.

He lowered his head and saw that a huge crack appeared at the knee joint of his left leg, and at the same time, a sword energy struck it instantly.

Looking at this sword energy, he always felt a little familiar.

"Death Scythe!"

He quickly recognized that this was the standard weapon of the Invisible Man. Could it be that there was an Invisible Man next to him to conduct a sneak attack on him?

But something is wrong!

They were in the same camp, how could the invisible man sneak attack him.

Moreover, even if there is an invisible person beside him, he should be able to sense it, and it is impossible for him to be attacked by the opponent like this!

"Space power!"

He quickly determined that the opponent used space power to sneak attack.

The enemy launched a silent sneak attack on him from a long distance, and he always felt that this attack method was a bit familiar.

Soon, he thought of a sniper!

Snipers can attack people from a distance, and they are impossible to defend against, just like now.

He couldn't dodge this Death Scythe at all.

The Death Scythe ignored the spatial distance and struck him instantly. He didn't even have a chance to dodge. If his body wasn't strong, his legs would have been chopped off long ago!


He had reason to suspect that a sniper was attacking him with the Invisible Man's death scythe!

But it doesn't have to be a sniper, because there are only a few snipers on the battlefield, and he knows them all, and the opponent's weapons are not like this!

Moreover, those snipers were on the battlefield now. He glanced around and saw all the snipers, and the opponent did not have a death scythe in his hand.

So, if the enemy is not a sniper, who is it?

"Night watchman?"

In this case, only the night watchmen would attack him. It was hard for him to be surprised that there was a night watchman who had mastered the secret technique of a sniper.

The secret technique of killing people in the air is a secret that is not taught to snipers. Many creatures in the dark world want to obtain this secret technique. However, if snipers do not teach it, no one can learn it. Now there is a night watchman who has mastered this secret. Technique!

"How did the sniper pass on his secret skills to the night watchman?"

At this moment, he thought of many things, and even doubted whether the sniper was secretly cooperating with the Federation.

But he took a look at the battlefield around him, and saw that the snipers were not merciless at all in killing the night watchmen, and shot them in the head with their guns.

It doesn't look like it's working with the federation either.

So, what's the problem?

He stared around, and suddenly, he saw Lin Fan. He always felt that something was wrong with Lin Fan.

Because Lin Fan was too close to him, and a Three God Realm dared to approach him ten thousand meters away. Did he not want to live anymore?

He casually slapped Lin Fan.

The next second, a big mechanical hand fell from the sky and grabbed Lin Fan fiercely.

However, Lin Fa entered the space channel in an instant and appeared ten thousand meters away.


The members of the Mechanical Cult were surprised that a Three God Realm could dodge his attack, which caught his attention.

"I'm going to be serious!"

His right hand turned into a mechanical cannon barrel, and then, an energy cannonball flew out of the mechanical cannon barrel.

The power of this energy cannonball is very terrifying.

When an energy cannonball flew out, it directly compressed the space within a ten-mile radius, forming a vacuum. The oxygen in this vacuum was instantly sucked dry, enough to suffocate the people inside!

Lin Fan also felt the oxygen around him being absorbed. He entered the space passage and avoided it without hesitation.

Where he left, all the oxygen was sucked out, the vacuum was compressed, and all living things were suffocated to death.


Lin Fan dodged his attacks twice, which surprised him greatly.

He stared at Lin Fan, watching Lin Fan appear again ten thousand meters away. He fired another energy cannonball, and this energy cannonball came to Lin Fan in an instant.

Lin Fan entered the space passage and dodged again. Where he left, the energy cannon exploded, sucking out all the oxygen again and suffocating everything around him.

After being dodged several times in a row, the Mechanical Cult member also realized that Lin Fan was not simple.

At this time, Lin Fan slashed the Mechanical Cult member's knees with his backhand several times, causing the crack on his left knee to get bigger and bigger.

It even reached the point where it was about to break, and he took a breath of cold air.

This time he saw that it was Lin Fan who made the move, because a death sickle appeared in Lin Fan's hand.

"It's you!"

After finding the culprit, he was very angry. He didn't expect that a night watchman in the third god realm would dare to sneak attack him.

At the moment when he was angry, Lin Fan chopped his knees with a few more knives. With a click, his left leg fell down directly, and the knee joint was directly broken.


With a broken leg, his balance was affected, and his combat power also decreased a little. He stared at Lin Fan angrily, abandoned the night watchman beside him, and chased Lin Fan directly.

Lin Fan calmly dodged in the space channel, and at the same time, he chopped the man's right shoulder joint with a few more knives, preparing to cut off his right hand.

After the left leg of this member of the mechanical sect was cut off, there was no way to connect it. He could only go back and use the special equipment of the mechanical sect to connect his leg.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed his left leg, and chased after Lin Fan. At the same time, energy shells were compressed towards Lin Fan.

These were vacuum shells, which could compress the space within a radius of ten miles, suck out the oxygen, and suffocate people to death.

He used this method to kill several night watchmen due to lack of oxygen. In a moment, the oxygen in the surrounding void was sucked out, and even the oxygen in the night watchmen's bodies was sucked away...

During the pursuit of the mechanical sect members, Lin Fan was in danger. He could only chop the man's shoulder joint with the death sickle again and again.

Soon, cracks appeared in the man's shoulder joint, which made him look gloomy. If his hand was also cut off, his strength would decrease.


The chest of the mechanical sect member suddenly turned gears and turned into a thick black barrel.

Then, an energy shell as big as a washbasin was fired instantly, directly compressing all the vacuum within a radius of fifty miles, sucking out the oxygen inside, and the cracks instantly felt like they couldn't breathe.

"Time goes backwards!"

The energy shell that just exploded suddenly went backwards in time, and went backwards to the moment when the explosion just happened. Lin Fan took advantage of this free time and instantly arrived 10,000 meters away.

He opened up several space channels in succession and appeared 100,000 meters away. When he left, the vacuum shell exploded instantly, compressing everything within a radius of 50 miles, vacuum and oxygen. He escaped again.


This made the member of the mechanical sect doubt his life. Lin Fan was able to dodge his tricks!

And, if he was not mistaken just now, it seemed that there was a problem with the time there, and time went backwards.

He stared at Lin Fan, and realized again that Lin Fan still had the power of time. This was a very scary potential stock and must be killed!

Therefore, he stared at Lin Fan, and the vacuum shells in his chest were fired one by one. Each vacuum shell could compress the space of 50 miles. Even a night watchman next to him was accidentally attacked by his vacuum shell, and his oxygen was directly sucked out and suffocated to death.


Just as he was chasing Lin Fan with all his heart, there was a crack at the shoulder joint of his right hand, and then it was cut off by the Grim Reaper's scythe.

His right hand fell into the void, and he quickly stretched out his left hand to grab it. He broke his left leg and right hand!

He was stunned for a moment. He was actually cut off a leg and a hand by a night watchman in the Three Gods Realm!

"I'm going to kill you!"

He was completely angry and furious.

Vacuum bombs flew out one by one, and Lin Fan decisively ran away without fighting him.

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