"What should we do? Should we take action?"

The members of the Serpent's Hand tried to release the creature inside. Once released, it might be an extremely terrifying existence.

The threat to the Night Watch was too great. However, their number was too small. If they acted rashly, they might not be able to defeat the Serpent's Hand members here!

"We must take action. Let's try first. If it doesn't work, we can leave!"

Several jailers discussed and decided to take action, at least to stop these Serpent's Hand members from releasing people.

Everyone looked at Lin Fan. Lin Fan nodded. Then, they slowly approached. When they reached the attack range, Lin Fan used time to stop.

The next second, many members of the Serpent's Hand who were besieging the cage rules suddenly froze in place, motionless. The Night Watch also launched an attack from the side, and some people were killed instantly.

"Enemy attack!"

"Night Watch!"

The members of the Serpent's Hand who reacted saw that the Night Watch actually attacked them.

Suddenly, hundreds of members of the Serpent's Hand turned around and killed the Night Watch.

The Night Watchmen were less than a hundred people, and they were naturally at a disadvantage when facing enemies that were several times their number.

However, they had Lin Fan, whose time ban could keep most of the Serpent's Hand members in a stagnation.

With the help of time stillness, although the Night Watchmen were at a disadvantage, they were not defeated.

When the Night Watchmen attacked, the Serpent's Hand members had no way to crack the rules with all their strength. Half of them turned around to fight the Night Watchmen, and the remaining half continued to crack the rules.

"Find a way to kill them. We must speed up and rescue Lord Yuan Kui!"

"We can't let the Night Watchmen ruin our plan. Rescue Lord Yuan Kui now. These Night Watchmen are his blood food!"

The Serpent's Hand members frantically attacked the rules of the cage. This rule was very powerful. Facing the attacks of hundreds of people, it was still terrifyingly solid.

But cracks had already appeared on it. As long as they were given time, they could break this rule and rescue Yuan Kui inside.

At this moment, Yuan Kui, who was lying motionless in the cage, opened his eyes. His eyes were dim, as if he was dead.

He calmly glanced at the situation outside and roughly knew what was going on. However, he was powerless now.

He was too weak. His health bar was only 11%, which could only support him to continue lying here. He also sealed his vitality to slow down the loss of his vitality, so that he could last for a long time.

"Time is still!"

"Time is reversed!"

Lin Fan continued to use the power of time on the battlefield to affect the members of the Serpent's Hand, catching them off guard. When these members of the Serpent's Hand adapted to the stillness of time, they suddenly reversed time, so that they could not react at all.

One by one, the members of the Serpent's Hand were killed. Of course, people on the Night's Watch also died continuously.

There was no way. Even if there were cracks to help, their number was still too small...

In addition to assisting everyone in the attack, Lin Fan also took action himself. He was hidden in the darkness, looking for the remaining blood around him.

Many people present were stronger than him, so he could only look for the remaining blood to attack.

Soon, he locked onto the remaining health of a Four God Realm in front of him. He came nearby, and then used Control of All Things to control the heart and brain of this person.

Trying to break his heart.

The man's health bar was only 38%, and when his heart and brain were attacked, his health bar was slowly decreasing.

He knew he was attacked, but he was powerless.

He couldn't find a way to resist the damage to his heart and brain, because it was a mental attack.

Lin Fan was swallowing silently beside him, and soon, the man's health bar dropped to 20%.

Lin Fan turned into a black mist in an instant, covering this person. In the black mist, this person's body was also swallowed, and his health bar was dropping madly...



As his health bar continued to drop, he also felt the threat of death, but in the black mist, he had no way to resist.

At this time, Lin Fan even used time to stop him.

These people who were stopped by time at such a close distance, his health bar dropped to 8% in an instant.

Then, he screamed and was completely devoured. After devouring this person, Lin Fan had to gain 100 million experience points.

He transformed into black mist again, shuttled across the battlefield, and continued to look for residual blood.

As for the people in the Three God Realm, he could kill them instantly.

In front of him, several Three God Realms appeared. He used the control of all things to instantly break the hearts and brains of the opponents, killing them on the spot.

A Three God Realm could bring him 10 million experience points, which was not too much for him.

Because he needed 1 billion experience points to upgrade his talent now, he could only look for the Four God Mirror to see if he could find some residual blood.

While he was looking for residual blood, he also used time to stop to help everyone resist the members of the Serpent's Hand.

However, the number of Night Watchmen continued to decrease, and soon there were less than 50 people. Facing hundreds of members of the Serpent's Hand, they were dispersed.

Although Lin Fan helped, they could not cause too much attack. At most, they killed some members of the Serpent's Hand, and most people could react quickly.

They soon realized that they were no match for them. According to the previous plan, if they couldn't win, they had to leave!

"Lin Fan, let's go!"

Ma Long had been near Lin Fan. During the battle, he was also keeping an eye on Lin Fan. However, there were too many people now, and he got separated from Lin Fan.

He watched Lin Fan disappear in front of him. He wanted to go over, but more than a dozen members of the Serpent's Hand appeared in front of him and blocked his retreat.

"You go quickly, I'm fine."

In this situation, Lin Fan had no way to meet up with the others. He could only fight on his own and find a way to leave.

"Let's go!"

Ma Long had no choice. If he didn't leave, he would also die here. In the end, he could only escape.

Other night watchmen and jailers also left in this chaotic situation.

Lin Fan used time to freeze most of the Serpent's Hand members in place again, allowing them to escape in time.

Soon, the surviving night watchmen and jailers fled to the front, and Lin Fan also separated from everyone.

He hid nearby, shuttled quickly, and left the place. Behind him, there were more than a dozen members of the Serpent's Hand chasing him.

Lin Fan hid alone in the darkness nearby. Looking at the people chasing him behind him, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Then he did not continue to run away, but turned around and killed the group of people.

As the two sides approached, he directly used time to stop.

The next second, the dozen people were stagnant in place, most of them could not move, and only a few three could move.

Lin Fan also attacked while these people were still!

"Space turbulence!"

A burst of space turbulence suddenly gushed out from the side, and those still members of the Serpent's Hand, three of them, were swallowed by the space turbulence and torn into pieces.

Lin Fan also gained 30 million experience points, but others woke up because of this.

Lin Fan disappeared in the blink of an eye. His speed was not weaker than these, and even faster than them.

He did not rush to escape, but wandered around. These people could find him, so there was no need for him to hide. He directly exposed himself.

While fighting with these people, he was also observing the distance. Seeing that no more Serpent's Hand personnel came, he made up his mind in his heart that he would kill all these people.

Therefore, he wandered around, playing hide-and-seek with these people, and constantly attacking.

With the cooperation of time standing still and spatial turbulence, several more people were killed by him, and his experience value was growing rapidly.

Soon, there were only 9 people left chasing, including three Four God Realm and 6 Three God Realm.

"Kill him!"

The group of Serpent's Hand members were also really angry. They chased a Three God Realm with so many people, but they were killed by the other side.

The three Four God Realm leaders knew that Lin Fan's strength was not very strong, but he was fast, and his attacks were weird and unpredictable, but he could only threaten the Three God Realm, and could not threaten them for the time being.

Lin Fan looked back at the three Four God Realms. The health bars of these three people were about 70%, and they were only slightly injured. It was difficult for him to kill them.

Among the people chasing him, only these three people could pose a threat to him. As for the other Three God Realms, he didn't take them seriously at all.

The Death Scythe appeared in Lin Fan's hand, and then he locked the people behind him.

"Time is still!"

The next second, the nine people behind him were stagnant in place. The Death Scythe in Lin Fan's hand chopped three times. The next second, the heads and bodies of the three people who were still behind him were directly separated, and Lin Fan used the Death Scythe to kill them remotely.

After Lin Fan mastered the sniper's ability to kill remotely, at this moment, he was invincible among the same level, and these people could not stop him at all.


As the heads of the three Three God Realms were chopped off by him, he also gained 30 million experience points. The scalps of the others tingled when they woke up, especially the remaining three Three God Realms, who felt the threat of death.

Even the three Four God Realms were a little uneasy. Lin Fan's methods were too weird. He actually killed three of them again, and killed them instantly.

"Let's retreat..."

The remaining three Three God Realms were scared. Their strength was not enough to stop Lin Fan.

If they continued to chase, they would only die, but the three Four God Realms did not want to let Lin Fan go.

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