So, they insisted on killing Lin Fan.

At this time, Lin Fan came back again. With the same formula, he used time stillness again, and the six people were stilled in place.

Lin Fan used the Death Scythe and slashed three times in a row. The remaining three three-god realms were killed by him again. This time, only three four-god realms were left.

When the three people reacted, the three-god realms around them had all been killed by Lin Fan, leaving only the three of them.

A burst of space turbulence suddenly gushed out from beside them. They quickly dodged, but were still affected by the space turbulence.

Their bodies were bloody and fleshy, and countless small wounds appeared on their skin. If they did not react in time, they would probably be torn to pieces!

"Damn, how can he be so strong!"

"It's not that he is strong, but that he is too weird, fast, and has mastered the power of time and space, a monster!"

"We can't let him live. Once he grows up, he will be our biggest enemy!"

The three felt the threat of Lin Fan to them. They wanted to kill Lin Fan very much. They dispersed and prepared to surround Lin Fan from three directions.

Compared with Lin Fan, their speed was not much weaker. They surrounded him from all directions. The three surrounded Lin Fan in a three-legged tripod.

Lin Fan looked at the three people surrounding him, and his expression was very calm. Although the strength of these three people was stronger than him, it was difficult for him to kill them, but there was hope!

"Time still!"

Lin Fan decisively used time stillness to target the person in front. This person was affected by time stillness and was instantly stagnant in place.

The death sickle in Lin Fan's hand chopped directly on the man's neck three times in a row, but this person reacted quickly and broke free from time stillness.

The Grim Reaper's sickle only slashed three times on his shoulder, almost cutting off one of his arms.

Lin Fan glanced at the opponent's health bar. These three slashes reduced his health bar by 5%. Now, this person only has 67% of the health bar left.

The man took a breath of cold air. Lin Fan almost chopped off his neck. At this moment, he really realized the weirdness of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's attack power is not very strong. He didn't kill him after three slashes, but just injured him.

But they couldn't catch Lin Fan. Although the three surrounded Lin Fan, Lin Fan weirdly killed them and took the opportunity to attack them.

"Time is still!"

Time stopped and the three people were helpless. Every time they were stopped by time, they would be stagnant in place.

Lin Fan took the opportunity to attack them, or took the opportunity to slip out of their encirclement, which made the three people very helpless.

"Damn it!"

The three men cursed loudly. They were injured to some extent. Although they were not fatal injuries, they felt uncomfortable every time they were slashed by Lin Fan. Lin Fan looked back at the health bars of the three men, which were basically around 60%.

As long as he continued to chop, he should be able to kill them bit by bit. This is the advantage of being able to see the health bar.

If he could not see the health bar, he would have to turn around and run when he met these three men.

However, he could see that the health bars of these three men were decreasing, so he knew that these three men were not fine, but were all injured.

It was just that he could not see it from the outside. By observing their health bars, Lin Fan's brain was spinning frantically, while avoiding the attacks of the three men.

He also took the opportunity to create new wounds for these three people, so that their health bars would decrease.


Under the influence of time stillness, one of them almost had his head chopped off by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was very sorry. His time stillness was still not of much use to these three people. The other party was able to break free soon.

There was a wound under the man's neck, which almost cut his neck off. He was still in shock, and his health bar was only 45%.

Lin Fan focused on this man and chopped him.

The other two people wanted to stop him but it was too late. Every time they came, they would be affected by the time freeze.

Under the time freeze, their attacks would be interrupted, and they could not lock Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was always able to slip away from their attacks, and at the same time he attacked the man crazily.

The man's health bar quickly dropped to 38%, which made him feel the threat of death.

However, the three of them were all crazy at this moment. Lin Fan made them have a real killing intention. No matter how far they chased him, they would kill Lin Fan.

Lin Fan confronted the three people, and he was also seriously injured. The continuous use of time freeze also consumed his mental power very seriously.

Moreover, he had to be vigilant when fighting against the three people.

He could only cause harm to them by killing these people.

However, if he was hit by these people, he would be disabled if not dead, so he had to keep a safe distance.

"Time reversal!"

After using time stop for more than ten times in a row, Lin Fan suddenly used time reversal, and the three people flew towards Lin Fan and were suddenly reversed.

The next second, they returned to their previous positions. Unprepared, Lin Fan took the opportunity to hold the death sickle and slashed three times in the air.

The man with only 38% of his health bar was hit three times in a row, and his neck was tilted and cut in half.

The health bar dropped madly to 17%, and it was still dropping. He covered his neck and retreated in fear.

However, Lin Fan had already set his sights on him and chased him back. The other two people saw that this man was in danger, and they wanted to come and stop Lin Fan.

However, Lin Fan blocked them for a moment, causing them to freeze in place. Lin Fan chased that person crazily.

This person's health bar dropped crazily, with only 12% left. He had no fighting power. He had to cover his neck and try to prevent it from falling.

But his blood bar was declining. At this moment, a burst of space turbulence spurted out from behind him. He turned around in horror, trying to avoid it, but his speed was slow. After being hit hard, his speed was affected. .

The turbulent flow of space tore at his body. He screamed and his health bar dropped crazily.

At this moment, a death sickle cut from his side and cut off his neck.

This person was also completely killed by Lin Fan, who instantly gained 100 million experience points.


The two people behind saw Lin Fan chop off the man's head instantly, and they were horrified.

The three of them were chasing Lin Fan, but Lin Fan took the opportunity to kill one of them, which made them feel numb.

The two of them even felt a little timid in their hearts and wanted to turn around and leave now.

However, Lin Fan swayed in the void for a while, as if he was about to fall down at any time, which gave the two of them hope.

"He's injured, let's take the opportunity to kill him."

The two of them felt that Lin Fan's aura had dropped a lot, and as he was wandering in the void, looking unsteady, they felt that Lin Fan had been severely injured.

Although they were also injured, they would seize the opportunity and kill Lin Fan. Even if they could not kill him, they would still kill him.

At this moment, Lin Fan used time stasis and space power for a long time, and Lin Fan's consumption was indeed very high.

In addition, the immortal lizard's meat has been eaten all over his body, so he has no way to regain his strength now!

He dodged decisively to the side, and a terrifying attack appeared where he was standing, almost destroying him.

The two men surrounded Lin Fan on the left and right. They kept a safe distance from Lin Fan and prepared to consume Lin Fan.

"Time stands still!"

Lin Fan used Time Stop again. One of them froze in place, and the three blades of the Death Scythe struck him, causing him to lose another 5% of his health bar.

His health bar dropped to 45%, and he also felt a sense of crisis.

But seeing Lin Fan suddenly vomiting a mouthful of blood, he felt that Lin Fan was about to die, and now it was up to him to see who had the strongest perseverance.

The other person's health bar was at 55%. The two looked at each other and decided to kill Lin Fan desperately.

But we can't just let Lin Fan go. Lin Fan has endless potential. Once he is let go, it will not be that simple to kill Lin Fan in the future.


Lin Fan vomited out a mouthful of blood and felt dizzy. The continuous use of time still and space power really took a heavy toll on him.

Especially since he felt mentally exhausted and needed to find a place to take a good rest.

He reached out and swiped forward, and a space mirror appeared in front of him. In the space mirror, he saw that only 43% of his health bar was left.

After fighting for such a long time, he was very exhausted. His health bar was similar to that of the other two.

"He's dying, kill him!"

The two men also tried their best and used various special moves. Even behind Lin Fan, a big snake opened its bloody mouth and bit him.

He quickly dodged. This illusory snake bit into pieces the void in front of him. Lin Fan kept dodging around.

Illusory snakes appeared behind him, chasing him, and they were full of danger every time.

In the process of escaping, his blood bar was also dropping.

Soon, only 40% was left, and the health bars of the other two people were also dropping.


Lin Fan vomited out a mouthful of blood again and was teetering. His health bar dropped below 40%, leaving only 38%. The two people's eyes lit up, thinking that Lin Fan was about to die.

They rushed over from left to right. Lin Fan took a deep breath and looked at one of them calmly.

"Time stands still!"

The next second, time stopped for this man, and his figure instantly froze in place.

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