Chapter 79 Copying Level 3 Abilities

An Zhenzhen has been working at the bottom of the federation for many years. He has a strong foundation. It was just because he was not very good in physical fitness before that he did not have the opportunity to copy advanced abilities.

Now before and after practicing Pulse Fist, the meridians in his body have been unblocked. Lin Fan stared at An Zhenzhen's body and found that all 108 meridians in his body had been unblocked!

Theoretically speaking, if all 108 meridians are unblocked, superpowers can be continuously copied upwards.

Just like Ji Ziyue, at that time she was constantly challenging to copy high-level superpowers, and she copied to a fifth-level superpower in one go!

Of course, her behavior is not supported and the risk is too high!

Only the unique genius has such a chance to succeed. Most people copy their powers step by step!

After An carefully consolidated his second-level powers, he was ready to copy the third-level powers. He had a solid foundation, and with all 108 meridians unblocked, he was 80% sure to succeed!

"Let me copy it for you!"

It was rare for Lin Fan to see an acquaintance. He was going to personally help An carefully copy the third-level superpower. An seriously looked at Lin Fan suspiciously.

"Can you?"

He was a little worried, not because he doubted Lin Fan's ability, but because he felt that it was a bit unreliable for Lin Fan to master a machine that replicated level 3 powers.

After all, in his impression, Lin Fan was only a first-level night watchman. Maybe after practicing pulse fist, he could copy the second-level superpowers, but now he was only a second-level superpower user at most...

"Don't worry, I have successfully copied it for many people. I am your neighbor, will I harm you?" Lin Fan blinked at An seriously.

"Okay." To be honest, An Zhenzhen was a little scared, but he couldn't resist Lin Fan's enthusiasm, so he followed Lin Fan into the nearby laboratory, which was a level three superpower replication room.

"Relax, don't bend your body so tightly, you have to trust my skills!" Lin Fan patted An Zhenzhen's shoulder.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" An Zhenzhen said frightenedly.

"Of course, this is fully automatic, I'm just assisting." Lin Fan said.

An Zhenzhen lay down in the replica cabin next to him, his eyes widened and his heart was filled with uneasiness. After An Zhenzhen lay down, Lin Fan closed the door of the replica cabin.

Subsequently, the copy button next to it was launched.

When the button was activated, bursts of electric current flashed inside the replication cabin, and An seriously felt the pain.

Lin Fan looked at the screen next to him. There were many third-level abilities on it.

"Have you thought about any powers you want to copy?" Lin Fan asked.


An Zhenzhen said without hesitation.

"You are indeed an old man!" Lin Fan said.

Invisibility is one of the third-level abilities. This kind of invisibility is different from Lin Fan's invisibility. This kind of invisibility can be invisible during the day and in the dark!

Of course, Lin Fan's invisibility allows him to teleport in the dark and devour enemies.

But this kind of invisibility simply hides itself and does not have any attack capabilities.

In a sense, this kind of invisibility can only allow An to avoid the enemy seriously. Of course, he can also approach the enemy in secret.

According to An Zhenzhen's survival rules, survival is the first priority. With the power of invisibility, his chances of survival in the future will be greatly increased!

"here we go!"

After Lin Fan chose the invisibility power, he started copying.

At the same time, his eyes were also staring at An Zhenzhen. By assisting ordinary people to copy superpowers, Lin Fan discovered that his eyes had another ability. He could observe the physical state of the replicator when he copied superpowers.

It can be seen that in An Zhenzhen's body, his 108 meridians are flowing with a kind of gray energy.

This gray energy is constantly flowing along his meridians. When this gray energy flows along his 108 meridians for a week, then the copy can be successful!

In this process, once you encounter blocked meridians, or the energy flow is not smooth and the flow rate is slow, the replication may fail!

Theoretically speaking, as long as a person has 100 meridians unblocked, he or she has a chance to successfully replicate. Even if a few meridians are blocked, it will not be affected because most of the meridians are connected.

Whether the copy is successful or not is also related to the speed of gray energy circulation. If the speed is fast, then the probability of successful copying is high.

If the circulation speed is slow, even 108 meridians may fail!

At this moment, Lin Fan observed An Zhenzhen's 108 meridians and found that the gray flow circulated very quickly at the beginning. At this speed, An Zhenzhen's chances of success in copying were very high!

But in the later stage, he found that the flow of gray energy suddenly slowed down, as if it was restricted by something, and the speed dropped sharply, which meant that An Zhenzhen was likely to fail to copy.

The consequences of replication failure are very serious, ranging from serious injury to death!

"not good!"

An Zhenzhen's body in the replica cabin was twitching crazily, and he even started foaming at the mouth.

The speed of gray energy circulation suddenly stopped, which meant that An Zhenzhen had failed. Seeing An Zhenzhen's body twisting in pain, Lin Fan took a deep breath.

He began to try to use his ability to control all things to control the gray energy in An Zhenzhen's body. Theoretically, he could control all things within thirty meters!

Under his control, the gray energy suddenly "came alive" again and began to flow forward along An Zhenzhen's meridians.

When the gray energy flowed along An Zhenzhen's meridians under Lin Fan's control, An Zhenzhen's painful body suddenly became quiet.

Lin Fan increased his control, and the flow of gray energy suddenly accelerated. Several meridians were flowing in an instant, and it was also flowing rapidly along other meridians.

A few minutes later, all 108 meridians were circulated by gray energy. After one week, An Zhenzhen successfully copied the invisibility power and became a level three power user.

An opened his eyes seriously, a gray light flashed in his eyes, and he turned to look at Lin Fan outside the replica cabin.

Lin Fan had already shut down the copying machine, and the door of the copying cabin opened in an instant, and An Zhenzhen climbed out.

"Thank you, Lin Fan!"

An Zhenzhen bowed deeply to Lin Fan. He knew that he had failed to copy, but he didn't know what method Lin Fan used to help him succeed!

"You're welcome, we are neighbors!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"How did you do it?" An asked seriously and curiously.

"I can't tell you this!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Thank you, I will remember your kindness." An Zhenchen looked at Lin Fan very seriously. He is a man who knows how to repay his kindness. This time he was pulled back from the gate of hell by Lin Fan. He owed Lin Fan his life. .

"Haha, if you want to thank me, just treat me to a pedicure tonight. I want a regular one!"

Thanks to book friend 20221113101249346 for sending me the monthly ticket

Chapter 80 The secret weapon against mechanical speakers

After Lin Fan helped An Zhenzhen successfully copy his invisibility ability, An Zhenzhen tested it on site.

A burst of gray energy flashed across his body, and then his body disappeared in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on An Zhencheng. He could also see An Zhencheng who was invisible.

"Can you see me?"

An looked at Lin Fan seriously and doubtfully. Lin Fan's eyes were staring at him. He moved a few steps to the side, and Lin Fan's eyes also moved with him.

"My eyes are special. I can see you." Lin Fan nodded. His eyes were no secret. Many people in the Night Watch Division knew that he could see invisible enemies.

"What kind of magical eye are you!" An was seriously envious.

Lin Fan and An Zhenzhen left the superpower copying room and went outside. After An Zhenzhen became invisible, no one around him could see him. Only some level four night watchmen looked in his direction in confusion.

Below level four, his stealth is perfect.

"I have applied to work at the institute. This job is much safer. I usually don't need to go out on patrol at night."

An said to Lin Fan with a serious smile.

"It has to be you!" An Zhenzhen's principle is survival first. The research institute is generally the safest, and there are night watchmen from the Night Watch Division nearby. Under normal circumstances, creatures from the dark world would not dare to attack casually.

After An Zhenzhen successfully copied the invisibility ability, he also stayed and worked here to help ordinary civilians copy the ability.

Ji Ziyue suddenly came to Lin Fan.

"The time train will appear tonight. We are going to take the time train back tonight. You and I can go there."

"Have you found a way to deal with the mechanical horn?" Lin Fan asked.

Last time, the Mechanical Cult brought out the mechanical horn, a body fragment of the God of Machinery, which almost wiped out their entire army.

"Found it!" Ji Ziyue nodded affirmatively.


The five Xiaowu people were also found by Ji Ziyue, and a group of seven people quietly left Qucheng and headed for the place where the time train was.

The time train will appear randomly every Saturday between 11pm and 1am, and today happens to be Saturday.

The time train has been controlled by the Dark World Organization for a week. Tonight, the Federation is preparing to snatch the time train back from the Dark World Organization.

The seven people soon arrived at the place where the time train was located. It was originally a forest, but because the mechanical horn made music last time, it shook the surrounding forest and the ground into pieces, and it became a depression several meters down. The deep crater is like a natural meteor crater.

When they came here, Ji Ziyue got in touch with Director Zhang. Director Zhang returned to the federal headquarters to request support. This time he also brought a secret weapon against the mechanical loudspeaker.

They gathered near the time train and laid an ambush. The Dark World organization had built a city wall here. It was a circular city wall that surrounded the time train. There were dark world-level creatures constantly patrolling all around. , this place has been built into a fortress.

At the very top of the fortress is a mechanical trumpet.

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