The mechanical horn was placed at the highest position by the Dark World Organization, and it can attack everything around it indiscriminately.

Seeing the mechanical horn, all the night watchmen looked grim.

"How do we deal with the mechanical horn this time?"

Lin Fan glanced at Director Zhang and saw that there was no powerful person around him. The number of night watchmen brought by Director Zhang this time was not large, only two or three hundred people, and the average level was three-level night watchmen.

There were even dozens of four-level night watchmen, but with this little power, it was impossible to snatch the time train. The mechanical horn alone could kill all the people here.

"Our goal is to snatch the mechanical horn!" Director Zhang said confidently.

"How to snatch it?" Lin Fan said in confusion.

"It's already in action, we're waiting for good news!" Director Zhang said.

"It's already in action?"

Lin Fan became more and more confused, and even Ji Ziyue looked at a loss. Obviously, she didn't know what the secret weapon Director Zhang brought this time was.

"He has already entered, we're waiting for his signal." Director Zhang said.

"Who is he?" Ji Ziyue frowned.

"Passerby A!" Director Zhang said.

"Passerby A!" Ji Ziyue took a breath.

Lin Fan's pupils shrank. When hearing Passerby A, normal people would think it was just an ordinary name.

But this Passerby A is a person!

And he is a superpower with powerful superpowers!

Lin Fan has already made up a lot of knowledge about superpowers.

In the past, as an ordinary person, he could not get in touch with these, so his thinking was the same as that of ordinary people.

But since he became a superpower, he began to read all kinds of information about superpowers and learned a lot about superpowers and superpowers.

And Passerby A can be said to be a very mysterious superpower. Even the Federation does not know where he came from!

There is very little information about him in the Federation.

Passerby A, he has a terrible ability, which is to make anyone ignore his existence. Even if he stands in front of you and talks to you, you will ignore him and can't feel that there is a person in front of you.

This ability is more terrible than invisibility, because no matter what Passerby A says to you or what he does, you can't feel that there is someone.

In the words of Passerby A, he has actually existed in the world for many years, but everyone in the world ignored him. He was very lonely because no one could communicate with him.

He often did various things to attract people's attention, but everyone ignored him until a "god" in the Federation accidentally discovered his existence and brought him back to the Federation.

Passerby A and this god soon became good friends who could talk about anything. Passerby A felt a sense of existence and identity from this god.

He would agree to anything this god asked him to do.

Passerby A also joined the Federation naturally and performed some confidential tasks for the Federation. This time, in order to deal with the mechanical horn, the Federation decided to send Passerby A over!

"If it is Passerby A, then our hope is really great!"

The senior officials of the Federation have informed Director Zhang that Passerby A has arrived at the scene and has entered the interior of the time train base, looking for ways to control the mechanical horn.

And all they have to do is wait here for Passerby A's signal.

All the night watchmen patiently looked at the time train base in front of them and the mechanical horn above the castle. As long as the mechanical horn was controlled by Passerby A, they could launch an attack on the castle in front.

While everyone was waiting for Passerby A's signal, Lin Fan's eyes were also fixed on the castle in front. He was looking for Passerby A. He wanted to know if his eyes could see Passerby A!

Chapter 81 Passerby A, ignored by the whole world

Within 500 meters, Lin Fan could see any details, just like a magnifying glass, seeing every corner clearly, but he could only stare at one place and could not see the whole picture.

Wherever his eyes looked, everything there was like being magnified by a magnifying glass, clearly appearing in his eyes.

He was observing the entire castle bit by bit. He saw many places where some dark world creatures were hidden. This castle was heavily guarded and full of various secret sentries.

In less than a minute, he saw hundreds of secret sentries. There were at least thousands of dark world creatures in this castle.

He also saw the leaders of the dark world organizations such as Long Wu, Yin Qi, and Xue Shen, who were distributed all over the castle.

This castle is temporarily controlled by the major dark world organizations. They are evenly distributed in various areas of the castle. Each organization occupies a piece of land. They do not disturb each other at ordinary times. They will only work together when they encounter attacks from the Federation.

Each member of each organization is responsible for patrolling the area they occupy.

Lin Fan looked past these patrolling dark world members and looked inside the castle.

He saw many people.

He saw members of various dark world organizations.

Finally, his eyes looked near the mechanical horn. He saw more than 20 members of the mechanical sect guarding here near the mechanical horn.

There are only members of the mechanical sect near the mechanical horn, and people from other dark world organizations cannot get close.

At this moment, these twenty or so members of the mechanical sect are patrolling back and forth near the mechanical horn.

Suddenly, Lin Fan's eyes caught sight of a figure standing in front of the mechanical loudspeaker. However, none of the members of the Mechanical Cult patrolling around him saw him.

The man's back was facing Lin Fan's direction, and he was looking up at the mechanical horn, as if he was observing the mechanical horn.

On his left and right sides, there were two members of the Mechanic Cult, but neither of them saw him!

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan was sure that this person must be a passerby!

And his eyes can actually see passers-by!


Lin Fan stared at Passerby A's back seriously, trying to see what was so special about Passerby A.

He looked at the top of Passerby A's head and found that Passerby A's health bar was very weird. Sometimes it was only 1%, and sometimes it was 100%.

His health bar kept flashing between 1% and 100%, and at the same time, the level behind the health bar was blank.


Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on Passerby A. Most of the time, the area behind Passerby A's health bar was blank, as if he had no level. But for a moment, Lin Fan saw a dazzling light flashing behind Passerby A's health bar. of bloody light.

This bloody light flashed past, but it was terrifyingly dazzling, as if it contained terrifying power!

"what happened!"

Lin Fan had never encountered such a situation. Passerby A's health bar and his level are unstable, constantly flickering and changing.

Most of the time, the health bar of Passerby A seems to be less than 100%, and the subsequent levels are blank. This situation is the state of ordinary people. Ordinary people have no levels, and their health bars are less than 100%. .

Passerby A fits the status of an ordinary person, but sometimes his health bar will strangely reach 100%, and the subsequent levels will suddenly flash a dazzling light of blood.

This state shows that Passerby A is not an ordinary person, but a person with powerful abilities, but he behaves like an ordinary person most of the time.

Lin Fan stared at Passerby A for a while and found that the blood light behind Passerby A's health bar rarely appeared.

Every time the blood light appears, there will be an extremely terrifying power on the passerby. This power completely exceeds the fifth level!

At this time, passerby A moved. He walked to a member of the Mechanical Cult next to him and stared at him face to face. However, the member of the Mechanical Cult could not feel that there was anyone in front of him at all.

Passerby A raised his right hand and slapped the member of the Mechanical Cult directly, but the man just touched his face in confusion. He felt that his face hurt a little.

Just when he was confused, passerby A slapped him a few more times. He touched his burning face and looked at his companion next to him with a confused expression.

"My face hurts a little."

"No problem, do you want to find someone to replace you?"

"Need not."

Passerby A suddenly kicked the man in the calf, causing the man to stumble and kneel on the ground.

He was confused, and the people next to him looked at him in confusion, wondering why he suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Why did I suddenly kneel down..."

He wanted to stand up, but he felt his shoulders were controlled by something. Passerby A was standing behind him, pressing his shoulders with both hands, making it impossible for him to stand up.

"what's wrong with you?"

The members of the Mechanicus Cult next to him were also confused and didn't understand why he kept kneeling on the ground!

"I don't know what's going on, I can't stand up."

As soon as he finished saying this, he was hit on the back of the head by a passerby.

He rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground.

"what's wrong with you?"

The member of the Mechanical Cult next to him walked over in confusion, intending to help him up. At this moment, he also felt as if his shoulder was being held down by something. He turned around in confusion, but saw nothing.

Suddenly, he rolled his eyes and was knocked unconscious by passerby A.

After passerby A knocked the two people to the ground, he seemed very sad because the two people also ignored him.

Lin Fan finally saw clearly the true face of passerby A. He was an ordinary-looking young man with a sad look on his face.

He sadly dragged the two Mechanic Cult members on the ground aside, making them look like they were asleep.

But what Lin Fan saw was different, because he saw that the health bars of the two Mechanical Cult members on the ground had turned to 0.

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