When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1014: : Young people know how to advance and retreat

Tomorrow the day after tomorrow, Chen Cang took out a few sheets of paper and began to make physical ppt.

You can't talk nonsense after going up.

Training this kind of stuff is not a brain stuffing everything, but it needs a way of guidance to gradually let people accept your ideas and ideas, and then learn in this process.

It took a few hours for Chen Cang to complete the physical ppt, and he probably had some impressions in his heart.

Now ... there is a missing case!

Who would be so lucky?

Obviously, in the afternoon, Cathay Pacific is peaceful and beautiful.

At about seven o'clock, Chen Cang's phone rang.

"Cang'er, ha ha ha, we're here, and report here, where are you now? We used to find you." Wang Qian's familiar voice sounded.

Chen Cang smiled. "You sit down for a while. I will go by now. By the way, I will give you a room card. I booked a restaurant at night."

Wang Qian said, "Oh, bright, the capital is different."

Chen Cang hung up the phone and was really happy. He drove directly to Concord after work. Qin Yue was already waiting for Chen Cang on the roadside. After getting on the bus, the two went straight to the reported hotel.

Qin Yue is also very happy to chatter in the car.

After arriving in the capital, although everyone is also very good, but after all, there is a sense of restraint.

It's better to be in the provincial second hospital, the kind of unfettered and indifferent joking feeling.

After arriving at the hotel, more than a dozen people came out directly, and Lao Chen also came, and he even wore a suit and leather shoes, which was very impressive!

Chen Cang smiled, "Boss, blind date?"

Chen Bingsheng patted Chen Cang's head with a slap. "Your boy! You have to be formally selected to attend the meeting."

Chen Cang smiled, "How about sister-in-law?"

Old Chen was surprised for a moment.

Zhang Zhixin on the side smiled, "Xiao Chen, I have to talk about you. When I met, I asked my sister-in-law ..."

"Get off!" Chen Bing wanted to hit someone angry.

Suddenly everyone laughed.

It's a happy thing to know someone from another country.

But what made Chen Cang curious is ... Wang Yong went hand in hand with a little girl!

"I rely on ... Wang Yong, you are talking to me on your back!" Chen Cang blurted out.

Wang Yong's target is not someone else, but a new recruit in general surgery, called Sun Li.

Sun Li also covered her mouth and smiled. "It seems that you two are really in love!"

Everyone was tumultuous, Chen Cang took everyone to the hotel and checked in.

Then went straight to the hotel.

Although I booked two tables, but when I look at the number of people, I can squeeze to make a big table.

Zhang Youfu came up with a box of wine directly from the trunk!

During the call to Duan Bo, he also followed.

Everyone hasn't changed at all, but it's really a complete relaxation today.

Li Baoshan was sitting on the side of Chen Cang. Chen Cang originally thought that Director Li did not drink, but he unexpectedly poured himself a glass and stood up and said

"It's a rare gathering today. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to give you a drink. The emergency department is also busy. Everyone has worked hard."

After finishing talking, Li Baoshan drank directly, but ... After a long time of drinking, he choked and coughed a few times.

I just looked at everyone stunned!

After all, everyone remembered that Li Baoshan did not drink, and Zhang Youfu was stunned.

"Old Li, don't drink, don't drink."

Li Baoshan couldn't help but smiled and said, "Look what you can, I can drink two of you when I was young!"

When Zhang Youfu heard it, he said, "Haha, you can, come and come, we will have a room tonight.

Li Baoshan immediately squinted, "Walking!"

This is the first time he has been drinking for more than 10 years, and he is very happy and happy.

Watching his team continue to grow, Li Baoshan's heart rose with a trace of pride!

Of course, on such occasions, there will always be people who break the elegance.

Wang Qian hugged Chen Cang, "Cang'er, look at me. I'm tired recently. When you are away, we are very hard!"

Chen Cang coughed, "You should exercise too, too empty."

Wang Qian was not happy anymore. "Bah? I'm empty? We have a room tonight. Who urinates frequently and grandsons!"

Everyone laughed suddenly.

After eating, I went directly to the box upstairs to sing.

We played until more than 12 o'clock in the evening, and everyone dispersed.

I drank too much, and drank a little while eating, and went to ktv after eating.

Even Qin Yue drank a few glasses of beer.

Chen Cang did not prepare to go home at night, he had already thought about it, and he must be drinking today.

Everyone drank too much, and went back to the room crookedly. After Chen Cang packed up Qin Yue, he settled down and fell asleep, preparing to go out and breathe.

The ears were buzzing all night, and Wang Yong's dull gourd drank too much and became a wheat bully, singing happily.

After coming out, I just saw Li Baoshan also go out.

This made Chen Cang froze for a moment.

"Director, didn't you drink too much?"

Li Baoshan smiled. "No, it's just a little stuffy, let's breathe through."

When Chen Cang heard it, he said "together."

The two went together and walked downstairs.

The night in the capital is not as cool as ammonium, but it has a special breath more than ammonium. Occasionally, a gust of wind comes out, but it can also distract many troubles.

The two talked while walking, and there was one or the other.

After a long time, Chen Cang suddenly asked, "Director, it seems to hear that you were in the capital before?"

Li Baoshan nodded. "Well, I stayed in the capital for 18 years. I graduated from Capital Medical University in 1992, which is now the Capital University Medical Department."

Upon hearing this, Chen Cang's eyes lit up. "Yes, graduated from a famous school!"

Li Baoshan smiled.

Indeed, the predecessor of Peking University School of Medicine was the National Beijing Medical College, which was founded on October 26, 1912. It was the first national medical school established by the Chinese government to teach Western medicine on its own.

If it is said, www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also a pioneer in the development of domestic medicine.

Li Baoshan continued, "Later, he was hospitalized directly after graduation and went to the First Clinical Hospital, which is Peking University Hospital, where he stayed for 18 years!"

Chen Cang was stunned. "18 years! The director is also ... Beijing University Hospital spent 18 years, why did he go to the Second Provincial Hospital? The more mixed, the better?"

Chen Cang made a joke.

Li Baoshan smiled. "Oh, you go to Peking University Hospital and ask, who doesn't know me Li Baoshan!"

Chen Cang smiled, "It's mainly because I didn't listen to what you said before."

Li Baoshan couldn't help but shook his head. "Hey ... there is nothing to say, nor is it a glorious thing."

"A lot of trouble ... hey!"

"At that time, the old director of the emergency department was about to retire. I was actually a seed player, but ... young, I don't know the depth, it's too reckless, hey ..."


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