When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1015: : Li Baoshan's past

Chen Cang froze for a moment, he knew that Director Li had something to say.

Without talking, I heard it quietly.

Li Baoshan also drank a lot, and these words have been buried in his heart for more than ten years, and no one has said it.

It has also been more than ten years since I left the capital and went to Ammonium. I turned around two or three hospitals and finally took root in the second hospital of the province. This is more than ten years.

Over the past ten years or so, it has also made a name for the four outstanding emergency department in Dongyang Province.

However, the only difference is that Li Baoshan seldom participates in academic conferences, and academic organizations also rarely participate. Basically, he is dedicated to the clinic.

Li Baoshan sighed and sighed for a long time.

What happened then was not a glorious thing, and it was a bit shameful.

Looking at Chen Cang, Li Baoshan felt that he still had to talk about it.

Young and promising is a good thing.

But ... you have to know how to move forward if you are young.

Li Baoshan said, "I have two nobles in my life, one is my mentor and the other is my old director."

"After graduation, the instructor left me in hospital, although it was not difficult at the time, but ... you have to know that at any time, those of us who came out below and want to stay and develop in a radish and pit like the capital, none easily."

"My tutor left me, yes, my teacher is Yang Pei."

After hearing the name Yang Pei, Chen Cang suddenly froze!

He was very new to this name before, and he hadn't heard of it basically, but he recently wrote a paper and checked many documents and materials, and naturally knew this legend.

Known as the most pitiful academician.

Why do you say that?

Because the academician died early in his life!

The academician was just gone the second year after the selection. This was originally a big man who could become a leader in domestic general surgery, and he was very famous in the field of general vascular surgery!

Li Baoshan was obviously frustrated, and there was a little bit more desolation and helplessness in his voice, but more of it was regret!

"Mr. Yang was also the chief director of general surgery at that time. Our rare academicians in the two academics at that time. The cooperation between our domestic general surgery society and the World Health Organization was really started. Teacher Yang also worked very hard. After all, we just worked with The world is starting to deal with each other, and we must make achievements to make others look up to us! "

"That era ... is really different from what you are now. After your generation 90s and later generation 00s, most of you have seen the impression that our country is strong. You see that our world ’s second largest economy is now well-off , The rise of great powers, leading 5g and so on ... Most of your contacts are the impression of a strong motherland. "

"It was different at that time. Our country is just like the twitchy boy in his twenties. He has just entered the stage of the world. I am afraid that people will look down on them! All walks of life are all, so the academicians at that time, they worked hard one by one. , Engage in clinical practice, engage in scientific research ... I'm afraid that foreigners will talk about things like this. "

Speaking of which, Li Baoshan raised his hand and touched the tears in the corner of his eyes.

In this memory, every time he said it, he regretted it very much.

"In the second year, we had just participated in an international conference, and after returning, Teacher Yang had acute complicated Budd-Chiari syndrome."

"What's the point! At that time, Mr. Yang was taking the direction of the external blood vessels we worked on. When he was sick at that time, he needed surgery."

"But now the question arises, who is going to have the operation? At that time, we were the authority. Our hospital in China was the most powerful. Otherwise, we should go abroad to find a doctor abroad."

Speaking of which, Li Baoshan's emotions collapsed directly, crying silently, crying on the steps.

"I was 44 years old at that time. I was already the deputy director of the emergency department. The teacher asked my brother to call me to the general surgery department. He was lying on the bed and looked at me with a smile. I remember clearly."

"He said Baoshan, when it is finally time to test you, the opportunity is rare. This is a typical complex acute Budd-Chiari syndrome. Look at this angiogram, when you are operating ..."

"Teacher Yang regards herself as a case and lies on a hospital bed to tell us about cases and surgery."

"After finishing the lecture, he told me Baoshan, you are a big brother, you have to look up, you have to do the surgery, and I have to test you."

"The teacher believed me at the time and asked me to have the operation. I didn't dare at that time, but the teacher said who I am? I'm Yang Pei, the president of the National Society of General Vascular Diseases. Who do you ask me to go to? Looking for the foreigners? Do n’t people laugh at us? "

"At that time, the idea of ​​their generation was self-improvement, that is, there was a force in their bones to prevent outsiders from reading jokes."

"I took Dr. Cory's surgery. The operation was very difficult. I was afraid of failure. The more I could be afraid, the more I would make mistakes.

"During the operation, the large artery was ruptured, and it was necessary to remedy ... The blood was directly sprayed on our faces, it seemed to humiliate us, and told us that it was a genius ..."

"The operation failed and the old man didn't get off the operating table."

"The teacher trusts me the most, I am a brother, but I ... I have lost everything and gave the teacher's life."

At this time, Li Baoshan cried with a headache, just like a child.

Chen Cang understands this feeling!

The teacher became ill and sent the student he trusted the most to surgery, but the student did not save him.

Chen Cang also sighed.

However, surgery is always risky and unexpected.

Li Baoshan cried for a while, and his voice was a little hoarse. "Later, I was a bit sluggish. This incident hit me a lot. I could n’t sleep every night. I could n’t sleep without drinking, and there were bottles on duty.

"Drinking too much again resulted in an emergency operation and a medical accident. The director of the emergency department helped me. He and the department took responsibility and did not give me ... he failed to promote to the deputy dean that year. "

Li Baoshan stood up, looked at the high-rise building in front, and smiled bitterly.

"I have pitted my own teacher, and pitted my director, and I have no face to continue to bring down in that place."

"Later, I took a year's rest and then went back to my hometown in Dongyang Province, where I took root."

"I just went to the people of the province ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The old director greeted my leader, let me go directly to be the deputy director, I was not used to it, and left ..."

"Finally, I became the director of the Second Provincial Hospital. Since then, I have quit drinking and it won't touch any drops, because ... no one is backing me. I am the director. "

Li Baoshan stood up. "I haven't dared to come to the capital for more than a decade. I'm afraid of this place, I'm afraid of meeting acquaintances. I feel like a sinner every time I come!"

Chen Cang looked at Li Baoshan's back, and there was nothing he could say.


ps thanks the "little Labang" brothers for the reward of 100,000, and become the leader of this book.

This is the little brother's first ally and the only one. Thanks for the support, I will write this book.

Li Baoshan's story ... Maybe not just a story at all, this chapter is written very slowly ...


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