When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1116: : University-level subjects with no one and no two

Chapter 1113 Unique College-level Topics (Plus 2)

Wu Tongfu opened WeChat on his phone and clicked on Chen Cang's circle of friends.

"Is it because of this?" Wu Tongfu handed the phone to Xiao Zhehai, asking curiously.

Xiao Zhehai took a closer look and suddenly froze ...

What is this stuff?

Is this an artificial blood vessel made of polyester fabric?

Xiao Zhehai took a closer look at the WeChat article, and immediately frowned: "Gee, what are the young people's ideas! Can this be useful?"

Wu Tongfu shook his head: "However, the surgery he just performed a few days ago, the thoracic aorta replacement surgery, his port was anastomosed, it took 40 minutes, how long do you use it?"

Xiao Zhehai smiled and proudly said: "18 minutes."

Wu Tongfu nodded: "Well, the time is right! He later reached the level of yesterday ..."

After talking, the two old men, almost sixty years old, looked at each other and nodded.

Have an idea in mind.

Anyway, you have to try it, what if it works?

Polyester fabric is not very expensive.

After talking about this, Wu Tongfu said: "Oh, what are you doing here in the capital? Just talked with you about the operation and forgot about it!"

Xiao Zhehai said: "Tomorrow and tomorrow there will be an operation. In the Peking University Affiliated Hospital, it is a rare abdominal aortic aneurysm caused by syphilis. The patient is still a public figure."

After hearing it, Wu Tongfu was suddenly surprised: "Syphilis? Be careful. Why do you need it?"

Wu Tongfu did not ask who was in this industry. There are rules in this industry, and even confidentiality agreements need to be signed.

Xiao Zhehai couldn't help but smiled: "Need money, this operation is 3 million, can you do it?"

Wu Tongfu couldn't help but stunned: "3 million? My God, it's really rich! No wonder I can't invite you in, but I said, what are you doing with so much money? No children and no girls, no care!"

Xiao Zhehai smiled mysteriously: "When I die, I will set up a foundation to take care of my money and award it to those who have made outstanding contributions to cardiac surgery."

When Wu Tongfu heard it, he immediately chuckled: "You have so many tricks! The people who come back from abroad are different."

Xiao Zhehai said seriously: "This is still very useful."

Xiao Zhehai, who has spent 18 years in the United States, deeply realizes that sometimes money and honor are more tempting than anything.

Wu Tongfu said at this time: "Right, I ask you one thing, this kid Chen Cang, wants to take the heart surgery and general surgery to conduct Marfan syndrome, clinical research of thoracoabdominal artery replacement ..."

Wu Tongfu told Xiao Zhehai this matter again.

After listening to Xiao Zhehai, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Young, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers! We were not like that at that time?"

Wu Tongfu nodded: "Do you support?"

Xiao Zhehai pondered for a moment: "If I were you, I would support it! No matter what others say, it must be the same as others. How has it progressed, hasn't the progress of any surgery, philosophy, and guidelines been like this?"

Xiao Zhehai gave a white glance to Wu Tongfu: "There is such a good boy, don't hurry to support, wait for someone to go, you regret going!"

"Ah, how much is your face worth? Others talk about how much meat you can eat! Look at me, I don't care about others' eyes, I can operate on syphilis for 3 million!"

Wu Tongfu couldn't help laughing.

This is indeed the case. The face is worthless if it is said to be valuable or not.

Xiao Zhehai went abroad at the age of 21 and returned to China at the age of 39. He knows how much domestic doctors value face!

However, he is different. Usually work is work, and after surgery, he is clearly priced. For those difficult and high-cost operations, he does not refuse.

Xiao Zhehai's industry criticism is very general, and many doctors say he has no medical ethics, and profit is for profit.

However, in any case, people are the best people to do large-vessel surgery in China. Without one, you still have to be convinced!

Since he was 50 years old, he has been planning his thing, saving a fund and handing it over to the team to set up an award, as for the peers?

Xiao Zhehai never cared. Since ancient times, Wen has no first place, and no one will obey anyone.

In 2000, not long after he returned to China, he participated in the publication of the surgical monograph "Great Blood Vessel Surgery", and directly promoted the development of major blood vessel surgery with Academician Yang Pei.

Afterwards, it was even more unpredictable. In 2002, it successfully removed a 15 cm-long pseudoaneurysm, the world's largest aneurysm surgery to date.

In 2009, he participated in the International Congress of General Vascular Surgery in Sydney and gave an academic report entitled "850 Cases of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm", which shocked the world's colleagues. He has performed more than 1,000 cases of abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery.

Therefore, no matter how others judge him, he still stands at the pinnacle of the industry and glances at the small mountains.



The next day, the Capital Emergency Center once again discussed issues such as Chen Cang and He Zhiqian.

Dean Su Haoqiang and Wu Tongfu directly raised their hands to vote, and the others could only follow their hands.

This move means that the project with up to 100 million scientific research funds has been officially passed!

Such a large amount of college-level projects is unheard of!

There is not even one in the whole country, which can be said to be a unique academic-level subject.

Hospitals do n’t spend a lot of money on scientific research every year. After self-financing, many hospitals generally like to build buildings, repair new campuses, etc. for development ...

After all, this is the dean's performance!

The directors of these top three hospitals are at the very beginning. How can they achieve their political achievements in order to have a good future?

Scientific research is the slowest!

So many hospitals do n’t pay much attention to it. Three years from the declaration to the completion of a question, and then to the application for three years, and then the result for three years ... Ten years later, it may not be effective. Which fool is willing to do it?

Therefore, the funding for academic projects is generally tens of thousands, and the largest is hundreds of thousands.

And now, the official website of the Capital Emergency Center has released this announcement!

Directly approved 100 million yuan of research funding, this is the total funding of the entire hospital for many years, right?

Even Su Haoqiang couldn't help it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, this time they figured it out!

Fight it!

It's a piece of light when it's spelled out. The entire capital emergency center and even the entire disease will benefit.

I can't spell it out ... There are so many failed topics every year. If I'm really afraid of failure, how can I do it.

After this news was announced, the whole hospital was boiling.

Everyone was shocked by this number after seeing the news on the hospital's official website.

This is a billion!

Chen Cang, a trainee, was able to get 100 million yuan of scientific research funds from the emergency center!

Every corner of the hospital is discussing this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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