When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1117: : Maybe, Chen Cang can do it!

Chapter 1114 Perhaps, Chen Cang can do it!

However, this 100-million-dollar project instantly made all hospital staff aware of one thing!

The hospital has never been eccentric about the cultivation of talents!

As long as you are capable!

As long as you have an idea!

Work hard, the hospital will support it.

This 100 million project seems to be an example, attracting many doctors and inspiring many doctors.

At the same time, a message continued in the hospital announcement.

The hospital increased its research funding this year, encouraged clinicians to conduct scientific research, and vigorously cultivate clinical talents with scientific research capabilities.

I have to say that this news instantly attracted many people.

Sometimes, why many foreign scientific research institutions can attract a lot of talents, because there are sufficient funds for scientific research, and there is capital to sponsor you to do scientific research, not afraid of no money.

Research is very expensive!

For example, this time Chen Cang and theirs, the conservative treatment costs of a Ma Fan patient, including observation costs and clinical trial costs, cost almost seven or eight hundred thousand.

One billion seems to be a lot, but in fact, it is only enough to observe the data of more than 100 patients.

After the Capital Emergency Hospital announced this news, it was instantly seen by colleagues.

After seeing this news in many hospitals, the first reaction was exaggeration and hype.

But when they realized that the emergency center hospital seemed to be moving this time, their more thought was to disdain!

Go for thoracoabdominal artery replacement?

Going for Marfan syndrome?

This is obviously overwhelming!

Not to mention giving you 100 million, it is giving you 10 billion. Can you cure it?

However, it can only be said that the people in this circle are still relatively subtle, and they will not be publicly scolded and mocked like other people.



Chen Cang suddenly felt refreshed after watching the pseudo-aneurysm removal surgery rewarded by the system.

I just do n’t know why, Chen Cang always feels that the hands in the surgery are familiar, but not the same with gloves?

Chen Cang can only think it is his own illusion!

However, the illusion returned to the illusion, Chen Cang lying on the bed, constantly pondering the operation thoughts and steps in his mind, still could not help but marvel.

Or else it is a guide video from 2030.

Although it is just a video of an operation, it is enough for Chen Cang to learn a lot.

The funds came down, just in science and education, Xu Ziming as the director came to run these things before and after running.

Chen Cang should not worry, after all, Xu Ziming and He Zhiqian are experienced directors.

This is what a mature team should be.

After Xiao Zhehai went to the Peking University Affiliated Hospital, Yao Lekang took Xiao Zhehai to the special ward.

Finally, I saw the legendary patient, which is also a hot male star.

But seeing what he is like now, Xiao Zhehai couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Who can think of the dazzling generation of film and television superstars on the screen, who are only forty years old, can reach the point where they are today.

Not as skinny as wood, the most important thing is that it is now tertiary syphilis.

Yao Lekang took the medical records aside and personally described the patient's condition: "Director Xiao, the patient has stage 3 syphilis, there is an abdominal aortic aneurysm up to 8 cm in the abdomen, just ... and accompanied by incomplete aortic insufficiency and coronary heart disease, kidney Decline ... the situation is more complicated. "

"Therefore, the operation time is limited, and we have established that it is best to complete the operation within 40 minutes, the patient's chance of survival is greater, or else ..."

Yao Lekang nodded when he heard this: "Well, I'll see the patient first."

Because the man is very thin, he can pulsate the artery in the abdomen.

And Xiao Zhehai is experienced, and naturally feels a trace of extraordinary meaning.

He clearly felt that the patient's abdominal arterial pulse was not as simple as an aneurysm!

After examining the patient, Xiao Zhehai suddenly frowned and said, "Show me the results of the imaging."

Yao Lekang nodded and took the film making.

a long time!

Xiao Zhehai suddenly said: "Director Yao, the situation may not be right, let's take another picture for the patient!"

Yao Lekang suddenly froze: "Is this film just shot?"

Xiao Zhehai couldn't help saying: "Maybe things are more complicated. The patient is definitely not as simple as an aneurysm. I suggest to complete the examination as soon as possible and re-design the surgical plan, or else ... enough!

Xiao Zhehai's sentence was enough to directly scare Yao Lekang and the patients!

You know, Xiao Zhehai is an authority in this field.

He said there is a problem, there must be a potential risk.

Yao Lekang hurriedly contacted the imaging department to prepare for the examination of contrast imaging.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the result came out!

Facing such a result, Xiao Zhehai and Yao Lekang were silent.

Two aortic aneurysms, and both are aneurysms about 8 cm, and the other involves the iliac artery.

Faced with this situation, it has become a joke to complete the operation within 40 minutes!

It takes nearly an hour for a lift operation. How long does it take for two equally difficult operations?

The patient seems to have known his condition.

Fear appeared on the gaunt face: "Doctor, you must save me! I can add money! I have money, and you must save me!"

However, everyone knows that this is no longer a matter of money.

Sometimes, for some people, problems that can be solved with money are not really problems.

However, there are many things that cannot be solved with money.

Just like the situation at this time.

Yao Lekang looked at Xiao Zhehai, who was locked in the eyebrows, and gave him a look: Director Xiao ... Or, give up?

Xiao Zhehai has the possibility of surgery constantly in his mind!

However, these may be constantly overturned by him again and again!

Not very realistic!

Each one is not realistic!

It is impossible for a person to do an operation!


Xiao Zhehai's eyes lit up instantly: "I have an idea!"

Yao Lekang turned his eyes wide, and the patient was even more excited.

Xiao Zhehai said: "I need a helper, a stronger helper than me to do the main knife!"

This sentence directly caused both of them to give up!

Where to find such a person!

The patient quickly asked: "Director Xiao, do you know such a person at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com? I also gave 3 million!

Xiao Zhehai nodded: "I know such a person, but ... I may not be able to invite."

Yao Lekang looked at Xiao Zhehai curiously: "Director Xiao, who is it?"

Xiao Zhehai recalled the operation he saw yesterday. Perhaps, Chen Cang could do it!

"His name is Chen Cang. At the Capital Emergency Center Hospital, I can invite you to try it, but I ca n’t be sure if it will succeed!"

The patient quickly said: "Please Director Xiao!"


ps: Thanks to the leader of "Liu Wei's number" and "wy_969" two big brothers for 50000 rewards, add 3 more chapters in total!

Add more.

(End of this chapter)

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