When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1118: : Make your mouth cheap!

Chapter 1115 Let Your Mouth Mean!

Xiao Zhehai and Chen Cang have never met each other, and have never said a word.

To be honest, he didn't know much about this young man's character.

However, this operation, Xiao Zhehai can't really finish it.

He wants to complete the tumor cavity cleanup + aortic replacement in 40 minutes, but he ca n’t do two such operations, and no one can do it ...


Xiao Zhehai thought of the surgery video I watched yesterday, but thought helplessly, maybe this kid Chen Cang could do ...

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhehai suddenly wanted to vomit!

But Xiao Zhehai wanted to help him when he saw the patient's pitiful appearance in bed.

In fact, sometimes, no matter how powerful, prestige, and social status and influence you are.

When you lie in bed, you are just a weak patient.

Xiao Zhehai took off his gloves and threw them away. In addition to washing his hands in the room, he picked up the phone and dialed Wu Tongfu's phone.

On this side, when Chen Cang got Xiao Zhehai want to ask him for help, he was stunned!

Some surprises.

After all, Mr. Xiao Zhehai is a legend. Although he and Academician Yang Pei have been away for more than ten or twenty years, they have propped up the direction of the great blood vessels.

And Xiao Zhehai is still active on the operating table for nearly 60 years, and has become a model worker in the industry.

Of course, this name was ridiculed by many people, and the reason is that many experts believe that Xiao Zhehai does not have the medical ethics that a "moral doctor" should have.

However, this does not affect the academic status of Xiao Zhehai in the minds of this group of people.

"Hello Dean Xiao!" Chen Cang was a little excited. If he could learn some skills from Mr. Xiao, this would definitely benefit Chen Cang.

Xiao Zhehai smiled and said straight away: "Chen Cang, this is the case. There is a patient who is special. I will tell you directly."

"The patient is a celebrity and the operation requires a confidentiality agreement, but the patient's condition is also special. He is a patient with stage III syphilis. There are two dissecting aneurysms on the abdominal aorta, as well as coronary heart disease, aortic insufficiency, and renal failure . "

"So, the operation time is limited and must be completed within 40 minutes."

"I can't complete this operation by myself. I need a surgeon at the same level as me. I want to invite you to complete this operation together."

After Chen Cang heard it, he was stunned.

Some excitement, after all, can be invited by Xiao Zhehai to have an operation, which shows that the other party paid enough attention to it.

What's more, Xiao Zhehai's words can really give face to Chen Cang and make him feel blushing.

It's so much talk about face!


Syphilis patients.

Chen Cang still felt a little uneasy.

In fact, many surgeons are not willing to perform surgery on these patients with infectious diseases. Such occupational exposure is not uncommon in the clinic.

Even if Chen Cang opened the plug-in, he would feel a little uneasy when he encountered this troublesome infectious disease.

After all, he is also a human being, and he will also have problems if infected.

Especially if I get married and have a baby right now.

Do you want to do it?

After hesitating, Chen Cang took a deep breath and made a decision.

In my future work, I will certainly come into contact with various patients, such as hepatitis B, AIDS, syphilis, etc., should I refuse every time?


As a doctor, there are some things you really need to face.

Thinking that Mr. Xiao Zhehai could say these words so calmly, Chen Cang took a deep breath. It seems that being a doctor requires not only superb skills but also superb psychology.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang was relieved.

Since sooner or later you need to face it, why not take the time to respond and accumulate some experience.

Be careful!

Xiao Zhehai seemed to hear Chen Cang's hesitation, he did not laugh, compared to Chen Cang, he was not much better.

Even facing these STD patients is like avoiding the **** of plague.

I wish I could go a long way.

He was about to comfort Chen Cang, but unexpectedly, Chen Cang resolutely agreed.

"Well, yes, Dean Xiao, when and where?"

When Xiao Zhehai heard this, he was stunned for a moment. This kid ... cowardly!

"Well, yes, have courage!"

"However, during the operation, you must be careful and take protective measures. The address is at the Peking University Affiliated Hospital. Today, you can come over as soon as possible."

"By the way, the operation cost is 3 million. If you are not satisfied, you can increase it."

After hearing the surgery fee, Chen Cang smiled: "Enough!"

It seems that the rumors are good. This Dean Xiao is really an industry model.

Chen Cang and Ma Yuehui are looking round here, and Chen Cang turned and smiled and said, "I'm going out."

Ma Yuehui was curious: "What are you going to do?"

Chen Cang sighed: "Hey, Dean Xiao Zhehai couldn't complete an operation on his own. He needs someone as powerful as him to do the operation. He just called me.

After talking, Chen Cang couldn't help but shook his head: "Leader Ma, in fact I sometimes envy you so much that I don't have to run around like me every day."

"Actually ... ordinary is pretty good!"

After Chen Cang left, Ma Yuehui stared at the figure in dumbfounded for a while. After a while, he reacted ... Raising his hand gave him a few slaps.

"Make you cheap! Make you cheap!"

"Are you okay? You must force him!"



Chen Cang didn't drive and took a taxi to Peking University Affiliated Hospital.

Along the way, Chen Cang constantly looked for equipment that he could increase his defense.

Found two, one is [Bethon's white gown] +20 defense, and putting on the surgical gown later will be useless.

One is [protective mask] +20 defense, this should be usable.

However, Chen Cang always felt that it was not enough.

Be careful!

Do n’t cut your fingers, do n’t get infected with Pallidum ...

It did n’t take long for www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Cang to arrive at Peking University Affiliated Hospital, where Li Baoshan had been.

After arriving at the General Surgery Department, after telephone contact, Xiao Zhehai took Chen Cang and Yao Lekang to the director's office.

Yao Lekang had just seen Chen Cang, and even Chen Cang asked the Brotherhood Hospital to have a look, had a meal with everyone, and didn't expect to meet again so soon.

Xiao Zhehai met him for the first time. After seeing it, Xiao Zhehai smiled and said, "You look nothing like a famous doctor."

Both words amused both of them.

Xiao Zhehai continued: "Let's talk about the business first, this is the patient's imaging results, and the test sheet, and the medical record, you look at it."

Chen Cang nodded, and Xiao Zhehai didn't bother much.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Cang also had some understanding of the patient's situation.

(End of this chapter)

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