When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1519: : Proof of transfer?

In fact, Chen Cang thought carefully.

In these days in the emergency center, I don't really do much for the emergency department.

On the contrary, it is here that he has achieved himself.

Provide yourself with a higher and farther platform.

I have been able to solidify and know many experts, and used this as a platform to develop my own comprehensive capabilities in cardiac surgery, general surgery, hepatobiliary surgery and so on.

Whether it is a thesis or a subject, or clinical ability, I have not changed much here.

No matter whether it is Lao Yu, Lao Ma, or even everyone in the emergency department, he respects and has a home for himself.

Unconsciously, I have regarded this place as a home!


Before you leave, you need to do something for this family!

After making up his mind, Chen Cang suddenly thought of something!

Yes indeed!

First aid team for neurosurgery!

You can use this as a breakthrough point.

Take this team to create a first-class neurosurgery emergency team in the capital.

【Ding! Trigger the mission, build an elite force, and successfully establish a neurosurgery emergency team. After the task is completed, get the neurosurgery transfer task! 】

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Cang was all excited.

Have you finally... finally opened a new skill tree?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang was a little excited

After waiting for a long time, I finally had the opportunity to start neurosurgery.

How can this not make Chen Cang excited?

Accept the task decisively!

After leaving, Lao Yu looked at Chen Cang's back and couldn't help but sigh.

in fact……

If Chen Cang can stay, why should he be the director?

Chen Cang has too many areas of proficiency. It can be said to be familiar with all kinds of emergency surgery, and it is too far to compare with this point.

This neurosurgery team is also intentional for Lao Yu.

After going back, Chen Cang will be the director.

To study oneself should not only exercise his ability, but also exercise his comprehensive ability.

A director will encounter various things in the clinic.

The emergency team of the emergency center also independently rescues and solves problems independently.

Perhaps Chen Cang can get exercise in these days!



Chen Cang looked at the system prompts, how can he build an elite team?

[Task Requirements: Foster five members of the exercise group to master a neurosurgery operation, or successfully train three to master master-level neurosurgery skills! (Hint: Do not repeat)】

Seeing this, Chen Cang frowned immediately!

Just know that the task is not simple.

Different neurosurgery skills.

And five masters or three masters.

It's difficult... Gee, it's really a bit high.

It seems that the system has never changed. The richer the rewards, the more difficult it will be.

However, there is still plenty of time, and there are more than two months before leaving.

When I came out of Laoyu's office, it was less than five meters away from my studio. It turned out to be a utility room with lots of things.

Chen Cang looked at the words "Chen Cang Studio" above and was a little silent.

Generally speaking, only those national doctors have a studio.

But Chen Cang has already made a reservation in advance.

Pushing the door in, Chen Cang suddenly lit up, the walls were filled with various pennants, as well as trophies, tables and chairs were newly added, and behind was a row of bookcases with some books, most places were empty When it came out, a simulant was set aside.

The cabinet above is filled with various organ models.

The whole office is bigger than Yu Yonggang's.

The scale of the decoration can only be described by boldness.

There is a curtain. When you open it, you can see a simple single bed. It is simple, clean and practical.

Seeing this, Chen Cang was really moved.

After returning home from get off work, the people around greeted Chen Cang with a smile.

Suddenly, Chen Cang discovered that he had slowly integrated into this environment.

The next day, Chen Cang got up late.

Recently he has been collating information and making some conclusions.

Although Chen Cang of the book "Emergency Surgery" hasn't figured it out yet, he feels that he can do some detailed things slowly.

For example, some subdirectories of "Emergency Surgery", "Emergency Heart Surgery", "Emergency Digestive Surgery", and "Emergency Hand Surgery".

These things are very necessary, they are all Chen Cang's own feelings and experience, from the perspective of an emergency doctor to think about how to use emergency methods to treat these emergency multiple emergency.

This starting point is not the same as what the specialist made.

In contrast, the current "Emergency Surgery" is the case. Specialists are not considered as macroscopically as emergency doctors, and the factors considered are different.

Therefore, Chen Cang became more and more aware of the increasing burden on himself.

Chen Cang also realized that there is a book that needs to be completed by a person with all his life.

Chen Cang is not sure whether he can write well in his lifetime.

But he definitely needs to go all out and start preparing at the age of 30~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hoping to finish before he gets old.

A doctor who is proficient in cardiac surgery and a doctor who is proficient in cardiac surgery + neurosurgery + general surgery have a very different understanding of a disease.

This may be the so-called lifetime series!

During the shift.

The night shift doctor was Huang Binhai. When reporting on the situation last night, he said: "Niu Qian, female, 21 years old, jumped into the river at 2 am and committed suicide, suffocated, and was rescued by passers-by at night..."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Cang and Lao Ma looked at each other instinctively!

A picture appeared at the same time in my mind.

Could it be the girl I met while strolling in the park yesterday?

At this time, Huang Binhai continued to report his illness.

"The patient was rescued in a timely manner last night, and the symptoms recovered quickly, but... at more than five o'clock in the morning today, the patient suddenly got up and secretly left the hospital."

"There was a stack of change in the bed, and a silver bracelet. The quilt was folded before leaving."

When talking about this, everyone was stunned.

This is really a strange woman.

However, these few things made everyone feel a little more favorable.

To be honest, although suicides have their own good, but... for emergency doctors, everyone is not very happy.

Huang Binhai is obviously not finished yet.

"However, the patient didn't go very far. He went to the hospital door in less than 10 minutes, and was now in the emergency room."

"The main symptom is still shortness of breath, and the heart is a bit unstable. I just did a 24-hour exercise and asked the nurse to take care of it..."

The voices did not fall, and the emergency office was opened.

A woman came in.

The woman fell to her knees as soon as she entered the door.

This scene scared everyone!

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