When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1520: : The village said I was cursed!

And Chen Cang and Lao Ma looked at this scene with dumbfounded!

Because this woman is no one else, it is clearly the woman they saw in the park yesterday!

Looking closer at this time, the woman looks more handsome.

Although the dress is very ordinary, even some old fashioned, but very clean.

The facial features are really beautiful!

Cherry small mouth, Liumei Fengyan.

This dress is definitely better than a star.

However, this dress really feels like a phoenix has fallen into a ditch.

The old horse was at the door, and he quickly got up and stooped to support the woman.

"Girl, don't do this. If you have something to say, slowly speak."

The woman was soft and weak, and when she got up, she looked a little evasive.

"I... thank you, but please, don't worry about me, I'm not lucky..."

The woman speaks this dialect that doesn't know where, and tries hard to use Mandarin, but...speaking very slowly, and not changing that taste.

This remark froze everyone.


Where to start?

Everyone frowned.

Ma Yuehui frowned and asked, "Unlucky? How unlucky? That's all superstitious, don't believe it."

The woman was scared to see everyone staring at herself, she had never been seen like this.

In the village, she did not dare to come out, for fear of being pointed.

For a time, the woman was excited and turned away.

At this time, everyone noticed.

When the woman walks, she opens her legs, gait... strange, even a little weird, with her head down, giving a feeling of instability in walking and staggering gait!

Suddenly, this scene dumbfounded everyone.

Lao Yu quickly applauded Lao Ma.

The old horse quickly chased out and sent the woman directly to the ward.

Lao Yu looked at Huang Binhai and asked, "What is the specific situation?"

Huang Binhai shook his head: "The identity of the patient was also found by the police we contacted yesterday through the public security system. It is from a remote mountain village in the west of Dongyang Province, called Shahe Village."

"I arrived in Amyang a week ago, and then turned to the capital."

Lao Yu yelled, "Have you contacted your parents?"

"Contacted. As soon as the other party heard the news from Niu Qian, they hung up the phone decisively."

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately frowned.

There is such a thing?

Yu Yonggang frowned a little.

The patients are all 21 years old this year, exceeding the parent’s obligation to raise their children at the age of 18 beyond the law.

Even if the other party doesn't care, it's not illegal. This is a moral issue.

Lao Yu nodded, a little worried.

To be honest, sometimes, when the hospital is in trouble, it seems that this is the most rare, and these rescue treatments are all problems of ability.

"Look at the patient first!"

For a long time, Yu Yong just frowned.

After returning to the ward, everyone saw that the ward quilt was neatly folded by the woman, and was placed on the bed, and the bed sheets were spread flat.

The woman stood aside.

Suddenly, everyone felt distressed towards the woman.

In fact, she is very sensible.

The first time I was going to leave, after the room jewelry, money and jewelry were left.

The second time, she thanked everyone for having nothing.

Lao Yu originally wanted to say something, but after a moment of hesitation, he glanced at Chen Cang: "I'll leave it to you and deal with it."

Chen Cang froze for a moment and nodded: "Well!"

Lao Yu got up and left.

Perhaps this is not a workout for Chen Cang?

Chen Cang said to the girl: "Niu Qian, you don't have to be nervous. We already know your situation. I have a few questions to ask you, is it okay?"

The girl looked at Chen Cang and couldn't help shaking her head, instead hiding behind the old horse.

This made Huang Binhai and others stunned!

Even afraid of Chen Cang, but not Lao Ma?

In this scene, even Chen Cang was dumbfounded.

On the contrary, the old horse was stunned. This feeling of being trusted... is really great!

This is the first time Lao Ma has met Chen Cang and succeeded for the first time!

Moreover, the patient is such a beautiful girl.

Lao Ma was proud but did not forget.

"Don't be afraid, they are all good people, we are all doctors, and we want to ask you a few questions."

Niu Qian nodded.

Seeing this, the horse was even more happy.

"You go to bed and lie down and say that the body is inconvenient, and ... you change clothes first, Xiao Ke, you get a sick suit and help change it."

After that, he took Chen Cang and others out of the office.

After coming out, Lao Ma was very proud!

He patted Chen Cang on the shoulder: "Cang'er, in fact, this thing of security is what girls need most, do you understand?"

Chen Cang rolled his eyes, Huang Binhai could not help laughing.

The old horse is very happy: "Happiness, if this girl is good, I want to let her be my sister!"

Chen Cang couldn't help but whispered: "Beast!"

The old horse blushed: "Don't be cranky, I'm talking about the kind-hearted sister!"

Chen Cang couldn't help but say: "I'm talking about your age, the little girl can call her uncle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lao Ma scratched his head, it seems that Chen Cang said it rightly: "That's what it says, But... I feel strange to call me godfather. "

Chen Cang almost spit out old blood.

Soon, several people entered the ward again.

After entering, everyone was stunned.


This is the first time they have seen the patient put on a sick suit and they look so beautiful!

Really beautiful!

The old horse firmly said that this sister must be saved.

The girl saw the crowd staring at her, blushing at a loss, grasping the clothes with both hands, and hiding behind the old horse.

This time the old horse is excited!

"Xiaoqian, you are lying down, we will ask you some questions."

Niu Qian nodded obediently, step by step, hard to prepare for bed.

Seeing this, the old horse picked her up directly and put it on the bed.

"Thank you……"

Lao Ma Han smiled: "It's okay."

Chen Cang asked: "How long have you been walking like this?"

Niu Qian heard Chen Cang's question, and she burst into tears.

She didn't dare to go out, she was pointed and said that she walked strangely.

But at this time, the old man suddenly bent down and looked at the girl tenderly, and said seriously: "Don't be afraid, this is a magic doctor, he can cure you!"

"Five years..."

When Chen Cang heard this, he was stunned for a moment!

"Any reason?"

Niu Qian shook his head: "No, just one day after sleeping, it became like this. The people in the village said that I was a broken ghost doll... It was cursed, it became like this... Woo, I don't know……"

Talking, Niu Qian began to cry.

Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly froze!

What time is it?

Still pregnant with ghost dolls?

Why don't you say you are pregnant with Ultraman?

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