When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1521: : Harmful fake fairy

Lao Ma is filled with righteous indignation!

This made it clear that it was feudal superstition.

He quickly comforted: "Don't listen to them talking nonsense, there are no ghosts in this world! Not to mention ghost ghosts."

Hearing this, Niu Qian cried even more fiercely.

Seeing this, the horse quickly began to comfort.

Although Chen Cang is also very curious about the ghost doll.


He was even more curious about how the old horse would comfort people?

Seeing Lao Ma patiently and anxiously comfort Niu Qian, Chen Cang felt... what is Lao Ma doing?

Is this the eye margin?

Whichever patient sees Chen Cang and Lao Ma will choose to believe Chen Cang?

However, this is the first time Lao Ma has been chosen and regarded as a believer!

Of course, it may also be because the old horse is like a wall that can be hidden behind it.

The girl was obviously introverted and even inferior.

After Lao Ma's efforts, Niu Qian stopped crying.

And the story is thus led out.

Lao Ma couldn't help but ask: "What the **** is the ghost doll? And what's the matter with you saying you are unlucky?"

Niu Qian took a deep breath and glanced at the old horse. It seemed to be very safe, and she began to speak.

"When I was young, I had a pimple on my stomach, and I didn't care, but... the longer it grew, the size of the buns when I was fifteen."

"I was joking on the road at that time, so I went to my dad and asked him to take me and cut it."

"There was only one grandfather in the village at the time. He said it might be a sarcoma, just cut it."

"However, on the way to the township hospital, there was a car accident, and all the cars were gone. Dad... Dad was gone... I was fine because I was protected by my dad in my arms..."

Niu Qian cried while talking.

"Later, an old fairy in the village said that I could not cut this thing, there was something unclean in it!"

"I didn't believe it at the time, nor did the grandfather in the village. He said it was a sarcoma. There is nothing to cut, don't believe it."

"Then...the old man took me to the township hospital. As a result...After the cut, there were hair, teeth, bones, and meat..."

When the girl said these things, the whole body was shaking!

After all, where did they go through these things.

The doctors at the township hospital were shocked at the time. After all, they saw the bones, hair, and teeth inside the tumor after cutting them...

At that time the whole town was shocked!

And the whole Shayan village also knew about it.

This is a small village that was closed. After this incident, it has almost spread to every household!

The girl cried sadly:

"Everyone in the village said that I was pregnant with a ghost doll, but the ghost doll was still growing. I shouldn't have cut it!"

"If you cut it, it will provoke anger, saying that my father and the car accident were caused because I was going to cut the ghost doll."

"Later, the family members of the people who died in the car accident came to my house. They wanted to kill me and said that I was a broom star. It was not clean and it caused a ghost..."

"Grandpa said at the time that I was not. This is a disease, protect me..."

"Grandpa is also very respectable, and the village is very famous, and everyone has let me go."

"However, the grandfather died shortly afterwards, and I don't know what caused the illness!"

"Later, everyone in the village knew about me... my mother also found her step-dad, but when the step-dad disliked me, he shut me in the back yard and prevented me from going out."

"Then... it didn't take long for me to suddenly start walking like this. This time, they were even more frightened, saying that I must be possessed by ghosts now, and still have ghosts..."

"The old fairy in the village said that he could lift my curse and let me go up the mountain to practice with him... At that time my dad and mother agreed, but after I went up the mountain, he would be rude to me."

"If it wasn’t for me at the time, I might have succeeded. I was sick, but I’m not stupid, but... I was already walking like this, I couldn’t go down the mountain, and I didn’t run. Nope."

Hearing the girl saying this, everyone suddenly felt a little angry!

This is the "old fairy", clearly a bastard!

Lao Ma stomped on his feet: "This **** thing is simply perverted. I must call the police to catch this beast!"

"Not harmful!"

The old horse is getting angry.

Everyone also felt suffocated in their hearts.

If Niu Qian's words are true...

This is interesting.

This can only be said to be really coincidental.


There is a bag on the stomach with hair, teeth, bones...these things are still pretty scary at the thought.

This is true at the emergency center, not to mention the remote mountain village.

Niu Qian said helplessly: "Once he went out, I still secretly ran home."

"I told my mom about the fake fairy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and I called the police.

But I did not expect that my stepfather knew that the false fairy had also found the village and said that I would take the opportunity to escape and be careful about what harm it would bring to the village. "

"The police station in the town came, and it turned out... I knew my situation. In our case, sometimes the police wanted to do a good job but it was not easy to do, and the village did not want to see me..."

"After the police left, I was kept at home and not allowed to go out. My mother was pointed every day."

"I didn't want to hurt my family, so I ran out secretly..."

Speaking of which, Niu Qian cried very sad!

"Sorry, I really don't want to involve everyone, I know I'm unlucky..."

Lao Ma's heart is also complicated now, he wants to help this helpless little girl.

He glanced at Chen Cang and wanted to ask about the situation.

At this time, Chen Cang suddenly said: "Dr. Huang, take the patient to take a head MRI."

Huang Binhai was stunned and nodded: "Well, okay."

The old horse here also got up to accompany Niu Qian: "Don't worry, this is just a disease."

Time slowly passed, Chen Cang got up and returned to the office, turned on the computer, and inquired something.

In fact, after listening to the narrative, Chen Cang has extracted the content related to the patient's condition!

If he guessed right...

And at this time, the phone rang.

"Professor Chen, the nuclear magnetism is out! Come and see..."

Chen Cang nodded, got up and hurried towards the radiology department.

What happened?

Be sure to call yourself over.

He did not know that in the radiology department at this time, the young doctors in the radiology department, Ma Yuehui and Huang Binhai looked at the pictures on the computer and their scalp tingled!

This **** thing is the first time I see such a picture!

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