When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1573: :I'm pregnant!

Liu Quan and others stood at the door, listening to the sound of howling ghosts and wolves in the director's office, suddenly felt his scalp numb!

What exactly happened?

What is hidden behind Director Xu's scream in the afternoon?

Not long after, Xu Ziming ran out of the office in a hurry, ignoring the elevator, and ran towards the stairs!

When I arrived at the emergency room, I saw Chen Cang with tears in his eyes, and I was so excited that I didn't know what to say!

"Professor Chen...this...this is too expensive!"

Chen Cang packed up his things and couldn't help but said, "I'll just let you get an award, don't you want to go? Then I'll change someone!"

"No, no! I want to think about it!" Xu Ziming said quickly.

The non-stop heart valve repair surgery was named the "Annual Medical Award" in the field of cardiac surgery in 2019-2020.

The Chen Cang team mainly hopes that Chen Cang will provide a list and pass the paper record verification.

Chen Cang didn't want to go.

It's not interesting to run around all day, and receive an award if you go.

It happened that Xu Ziming was running for academician, and Chen Cang felt that it was just right to let him go!

The biggest advantage of going to a meeting is to keep warm.

The example of Academician Yan Qi was very representative.

And Xu Ziming is to accept the award this time, not to accompany him, if he wins.

With this influence, winning an academician is not a problem at all.

Chen Cang smiled: "Go on!"

Xu Ziming nodded excitedly.

"Professor Chen... will you come with me to accept the award?"

Chen Cang shook his head: "I don't have time, I won't go."

After all, Chen Cang has enough honor!

Moreover, no matter who receives this award, the biggest honor is Chen Cang.

Because the name of this award is: "Chen's Heart Valve Repair Technology".

This clearly shows that this is the award set up for Chen Cang.

The team members were only Chen Cang and Xu Ziming after discussions organized by the World Biomedical Center.

This is really thanks to the more than 100 impact factor papers published by Xu Ziming.

Wang Tong actually has a chance.

However, Chen Cang felt that there was no point in posting Wang Bao, and... the most important thing was that Xu Ziming followed Chen Cang to learn this technique more reliably!

Xu Ziming couldn't help but said, "Professor Chen, it's a pity that you don't go for such an honor!"

Chen Cang smiled: "I'm afraid I won't have anything to do with you."

"This time, you pick a few people with vision and energy to join you."



The annual medical award is something that Chen Cang never expected.

It was the invitation letter and phone number sent a few days ago.

To be honest, Chen Cang felt that this award was really prepared for Xu Ziming.

If you don’t come early or late, you come at this time.

Originally Chen Cang's plan was not like this.

However, it is basically based on the non-stop heart technique.

But now save worry!

Chen Cang is now looking forward to what rewards he can get after completing the academician training mission!

Follow the effective routine of the system.

The greater the difficulty, the richer the reward!

How difficult is it to train two or three academicians at once?

it goes without saying!

Therefore, Chen Cang is now looking forward to what rewards the system can give himself!

As for the award ceremony in London, Chen Cang is a bit annoying now.

Participating in meetings every day, in fact, sometimes thinking about it is really a waste of time.

Now we just need to wait for the good news from Academician Gong Daizhen.

When Gong Daizhen called herself a few days ago, she said that this academician has a great chance.

After all, there are very few academicians in the field of plastic surgery in China!

Gong Daizhen's selection is even a good thing.

On the next day, Gong Daizhen personally found Chen Cang.

"Professor Chen, I don't think there will be a big problem with the selection of academicians this time!"

When Chen Cang heard this, he was naturally happy.


Gong Daizhen nodded earnestly and smiled: "Yes, the country wants to vigorously develop plastic surgery and improve the overall strength of our domestic plastic surgery."

"The domestic plastic surgery department actually lacks talents, so I decided to choose me."

After listening, Chen Cang couldn't help but smile: "Congratulations, Director Gong, you will be Academician Gong soon!"

Chen Cang was a little happy.

After all, this Gong Daizhen successfully became an academician, which can save a lot of effort himself.

The feeling of getting something for nothing is still very comfortable!

When Gong Daizhen heard these words, she couldn't help but shook her head and smiled: "How can it be that simple!"

"Director Xiao talked to me yesterday."

"She meant that the Health Commission recommended me to join, but... I hope I can do something."

"She asked me to come to you and see if you have any good suggestions."

"Let me make a development plan."

"My ability is limited, and I understand, so my plan is to directly hold a general meeting this month, and you will be the president of the Plastic Surgery Association. What do you think?"

"Of course, I won't make trouble for Professor Chen, I just hope that at critical times, under special circumstances, I can help."

Chen Cang couldn't help but nodded and smiled, knowing that it's not that simple.

How can the system let you get something for nothing?

Chen Cang did not refuse, but directly nodded and agreed: "Okay, Director Gong, I must actively cooperate with your work."

When Gong Daizhen heard this, she suddenly laughed excitedly: "Then thank you Professor Chen!"

After Gong Daizhen left, Chen Cang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Originally thought Xu Ziming was lucky enough.

Unexpectedly, I met Gong Daizhen who was even more against the sky.

However, it is good.

At least, I saved a lot of effort.

just now……

Chen Cang is increasingly looking forward to the results of the academician selection one and a half months later.

Looking forward to system rewards even more!

People were refreshed at happy events. Chen Cang just returned to the doctor's office and found that there were a lot of people inside.

Chen Cang called Lao Ma to eat in the cafeteria.

There are not many people at this point, and the dishes are hot.

At this time, a little girl followed her.

Both Chen Cang and Lao Ma turned around vigilantly!

Looking at this criminal.

Chen Cang discovered that this seemed to be a doctoral student, who was following an internship in Corey.

"Boss! I'm pregnant!" The female doctor said with excitement when she saw the old horse turned around!

Chen Cang and Lao Ma were immediately blinded!

Even the people in the restaurant were quiet.

The employees of the same unit naturally all know each other.

Lao Ma blushed like a monkey's ass.

Don't dare to see people around!

Lao Ma froze there for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then he said, "You...Does your husband know?"

The girl nodded of course, isn't this nonsense!

"Of course, he asked me to come to you!"


There was silence all around!

The old horse wanted to cry without tears: "What do you want me to do!"

The girl said frankly: "Of course it is a leave..."

Lao Ma finally breathed a sigh of relief. If you ask for leave, just ask for leave. Why do you say so much!


ps: I didn't sleep all night last night. After I arrived at Shijiazhuang Station at 2:30, I will find a place to code...

No more, the veteran is going to sleep.

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