When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1574: : Listen to the leadership

Chen Cang likes to be with Lao Ma very much.

Not because Ma is rich, but simply because there is countless happiness when I am with him!

Of course, life cannot be without twists and turns!

But even if there are any twists and turns, or some unhappiness, it will happen to Lao Ma, making Chen Cang a knowing smile.

At this moment, Chen Cang finally understood: why his sister-in-law likes old horses.

Maybe this is the personality charm of Lao Ma.

Chen Cang has been the deputy leader of the expert group of the Central Health Commission for some time.

Finally ushered in the first physical examination.

When he received the call, Chen Cang was still a little stunned, and almost forgot that this was his job.

The call was from Mr. Qin's secretary.

About less than 30 minutes later, the car had stopped in front of the hospital.

Chen Cang didn't take anything, because it was useless, so he couldn't take it in anyway.

The driver was a taciturn middle-aged man with sharp edges and corners. When Chen Cang got into the car, he respectfully called the chief.

After arriving at the residence, the room is very large and spacious, but it is not home at first glance.

This is a sanatorium of a military area, and there are no large-scale inspection equipment, but as a sanatorium, it should be more complete.

"Little Chen is here!" After seeing Chen Cang, Old Man Qin took the initiative to stand up and say hello.

Chen Cang smiled: "Hello, old man!"

Old man Qin is recovering well, and he is also very energetic.

The recovery of pancreatic head cancer after surgery has exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Good! Haha, really good!"

"Sit down, um, go and help Doctor Chen pour a cup of tea."

After sitting down, the old man smiled and looked at Chen Cang: "Okay! That's great! I have heard about Pakistan last time!"

"Serve the country!"

Chen Cang couldn't help but smiled: "This is all my part, and I believe everyone will do it.

It just happens that there is such a thing, and I happen to be able to save it, and I believe that another person can do it. "

Old man Qin nodded, picked up the big porcelain jar and drank: "I'm not used to drinking hot tea, I still like to drink like this."

"Okay! Don't be arrogant or impatient."

"The last time, the leader also told me about the rewards, but didn't think about it. Have you thought about it now?" Old man Qin asked sternly.

After speaking, he suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought of being a soldier?"

"Come to the military hospital and be a dean!"

"Wait a few years, give me a brigadier general!"

"I can't guarantee anything else, but... Father, when I was alive, there was absolutely no problem. Before I left, I would at least be sent to the major general level!"

"Moreover, with the ability to convince the public, everyone has no opinion. What do you think?"

The father's words are sonorous and powerful.

Word by word, it doesn't look like a chat at all, but like a promise.


Although the current old man Qin is only a consultant, this consultant is extraordinary.

This is the leader's military think tank.

The guard around him was a little flustered when he heard the old man's words.

Because even the father and son came, the father did not give such a guarantee!

But he made a heavy promise to this young man.

For the average person, this has changed the class.

What is a major general?

It's a general!

The average person can't reach the point for a lifetime, or even two lifetimes.

But here, just waiting for Chen Cang's word.

If he agrees, Chen Cang will be able to reach this point.

This seems to be the simplest transaction!


Chen Cang was silent.

Not knowing when it started, Chen Cang found that he had more and more choices.

In the face of these choices, there are more and more things to consider.

Do you want to agree?

Chen Cang shook his head and said with a smile: "Thank you, old man for showing his love."

"But... I told the truth, I haven't considered it yet."

Rights and obligations are the same.

After agreeing, Chen Cang may face various restrictions.


The most important thing is that Chen Cang feels that if he is a major general, his social status, and even the future, are no less than entering that system.

After all, the establishment of a hospital is just a career establishment.

This organization means that Chen Cang will have more choices.

For example, established companies, investment in overseas scientific research projects, and future development of Chen Cang.

Wait, these are Chen Cang's unwillingness to give up.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Cang decided to refuse.

However, he did not say a word to death.

It just said that it has not been considered for the time being.

The old man waved his hand and smiled: "It's okay, it won't affect."

"Young people, more choices, more opportunities, this is a good thing."

"The times are different, but..."

Having said that, Father Qin looked at Chen Cang and said seriously: "But... Xiao Chen, I sincerely hope that I can stand on the side of the motherland at any time."

"I know that medical treatment knows no borders. It is the people's business in the world to treat patients and save people, but... our doctors have borders."

"I hope I can remember this."

To be honest, Mr. Qin is really worried about some problems.

These old people have a strong sense of crisis.

Chen Cang smiled and looked at the old man and said with a serious face: "You can rest assured, old man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am Chinese."

"This has not changed and will not change."

When Mr. Qin saw Chen Cang like this, he couldn't laugh from ear to ear.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Now we have seen many researchers leave China.

Father Qin is also worried about this: "If you have any needs, tell me, tell the country, if you can meet, we will work hard!"

Chen Cang nodded and smiled.

At noon, Chen Cang was left to eat.

The two did not talk about it again.

The chats are all interesting things and short stories of parents.

The old man didn't treat Chen Cang as an outsider either. Chen Cang had a good sense of him.

It was the old man who patted the table and said that he was going to be a backer for Chen Cang!

Halfway through the meal.

An old man came.

Old man Qin introduced as if offering a treasure: "Old Li, look, this is my health doctor!"

The old man was about the same age as Mr. Qin. When he saw Chen Cang, he smiled and said, "Hurt, Professor Chen Cang, right?"

"I told, old man Qin, ah, just luck, otherwise Professor Chen can be snatched now?"

Master Qin was not angry either: "This is called a strategic vision!"

"There is a disease called: get sick!"

Old Li smiled: "Okay, good luck, I can't match it."

"Don't mind an extra pair of chopsticks?"

Father Qin smiled, and the guards here had already brought the tableware.

Old Li smiled and took out a jar of wine from his pocket: "Would you like to taste it?"

Old man Qin's expression changed: "This... you have to ask the leader!"

The old man was taken aback: "Leader? Who can control Old Man Qin?"

Father Qin glanced at Chen Cang: "Professor Chen!"

"In terms of health, I have to obey the leadership!"

Everyone suddenly laughed.

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