When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1588: : I said you can do it, you can do it! No way!

For this thing of favorability!

Chen Cang is becoming more and more accurate.

This does not mean that you can get as many favorability points as you do.

It depends on how the other person feels about you from the heart!

Take Xue Zhengren, for example. He has some instinctive barriers to Chen Cang, and it is impossible for Xue Zhengren, who has been famous for a long time, to truly have no absolute...identity with Chen Cang.

After Chen Cang did the same thing, Ms. Meng’s favorability could increase a lot!

But Xue Zhengren couldn't do it.

Wu Hui can do it.

This is whether people are willing to agree to you, recognize you, like you, or even obey you from the bottom of their hearts!

People who like you, even if you do bad things, are willing to think from another angle, Sunshine understands!

However, some people may not agree with them even if you are really good to him.

So, so far, Chen Cang has discovered that a favorability system that seemed useless before has now become the most useful system.

At least let Chen Cang be helpful to people's communication, attitude and other aspects!

As the saying goes, the human mind is the most complicated.

With a good impression, Chen Cang can save a lot of time on this road.

Not long after, Wu Hui knocked on the door.

"Professor Chen!"

Chen Cang nodded: "Come in!"

After Wu Hui opened the door and came in, he closed the door easily: "Professor Chen, are you looking for me?"

Chen Cang nodded and smiled: "Sit down, are you busy? Let me tell you something."

Wu Hui smiled: "It's not busy, everyone has worked hard recently, and there are not many things on my side."

When Chen Cang heard this, he smiled and nodded: "Well, I have to learn to do this, or we will help me manage the department in the future."

Wu Hui smiled, and suddenly his face was strained. He suddenly stared at Chen Cang, carefully recalling the meaning of the sentence.

There was no response...

Help me manage the department...

This... is this a promise?

This is still...

Wu Hui became more excited the more he thought about it, and the more excited he became the more he thought about it.

"Professor Chen...I...I must work hard!"

Chen Cang smiled: "Well, come over and ask you something today."

Wu Hui quickly smiled and said, "As long as Professor Chen doesn't dare to leave me, everything is easy to discuss."

Chen Cang smiled slightly and waved his hand: "I can't bear to let you go!"

"What I want to ask is, would you like to follow me at the end of the year and go to the emergency department of Dongyang Second People's Hospital to be the chief physician of neurosurgery."

"Of course, it may not be as decent as in the Capital Emergency Center, but...in terms of treatment, I will..."

Before Chen Cang finished speaking, Wu Hui stood up excitedly: "Yes, of course I am!"

"How could I not want to be able to follow Professor Chen!"

"Thank you Professor Chen!"

Chen Cang pressed Wu Hui to the chair: "Well, you sit down first, don't get excited."

"When you are at the end of the year, I will take you away and you will form the team."

"But now there is one thing that needs you to do with me."

Wu Hui nodded: "Say!"

Chen Cang took out a piece of paper, wrote a few words on it, and then handed it to Wu Hui.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hui was taken aback for a moment.

He picked it up and took a look, and couldn't help but read aloud: "Microelectrode guided directional technology!"

After reading a few words clearly, Wu Hui was taken aback!

He knows about microelectrode surgery, and now he uses more!

Wu Hui’s biggest advantage is his knowledge and knowledge. He suddenly said, “Professor Chen, is this a combination of microelectrode recording technology and stereotactic technology?”

After Chen Cang listened, he was taken aback.

He didn't expect Wu Hui to know this thing!

He still understood this technology after consulting a lot of information.

Unexpectedly, he knew it!

Chen Cang was really surprised.


Wu Hui continued: "Are you going to... do Parkinson's disease surgery through microelectrode electrophysiological monitoring technology?"

Chen Cang's eyelids twitched!

I really found a treasure.

Even know this.

Chen Cang nodded quickly: "That's right!"

"Using microelectrode electrophysiological monitoring technology for Parkinson's disease surgery."

After Wu Hui listened, his eyes brightened. In fact, he has read many papers and some researches on this technique.


The difficulty is too high!

Moreover, this microelectrode physiological detection technology itself is a broad technology. If you want to do a good job in Parkinson, how can it be that simple!


This may be the only research direction that can be effective for Parkinson's.

"I feel very good!"

Chen Cang smiled: "You can work on this subject with me!"

After Wu Hui heard it, he was stunned again!

He suddenly felt that after being with Professor Chen today, his heart is a little prone to problems!

Professor Chen's casual words always make him somewhat unacceptable!

too difficult!

It's so exciting!

A word can touch people's hearts.

At the beginning, I said let myself follow him and become the director!

How happy is this?

Good now!

Give yourself a research direction and topic directly.

Let yourself follow.

This is at least the second participant.

This is already the project leader.

He witnessed the rise of Director He Zhiqian and Director Xu Ziming with his own eyes!

At the beginning, the Heartbeat Research Center ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was just a topic!

What now?

It has become a sweet pastry in the field of domestic cardiac surgery, and countless members of the AATS association from various countries in the world come here!

The success of Marfan syndrome surgery and the successful resolution of the subject of aortic dissection have made general surgery and cardiac surgery the research base of aortic dissection in China!

It has become a place where Mafan people all over the world come here!

after that!

Professor Chen took a rest for only a few days due to marriage and other things.

Is it finally opening?


In this opening, I was fortunate enough to be able to enter the eyes of Professor Chen.

Thinking of this, Wu Hui is really excited!

And, think carefully.

What is Parkinson?

This is a problem of the times!

It has nothing to do with the country, region, or technology.

For any country, encountering this kind of disease is even more difficult!

It is basically not realistic to want a successful cure.


Our Professor Chen Da, is he finally going to attack him?

Thinking of this, Wu Hui had to be convinced!

Professor Chen really didn't make a move.

One shot is earth-shattering!

Thinking of Parkinson in case there really is a chance to be cured.

This future...

I can also be written into neurosurgery textbooks.

"Professor Chen Cang led Wu Hui and others to propose for the first time...and completed...successfully healed Parkinson's patients and made outstanding contributions to the future attack on Parkinson..."

Thinking of this, Wu Hui suddenly felt a little unrealistic!

He asked anxiously: "This...is this all right? Can I do it?"

Chen Cang smiled: "I said you can do it, you can do it!"

After that, I added a sentence: "No way!"

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