When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1589: : Not holding, but killing!

Hearing Chen Cang's trust, Wu Hui blushed immediately!

"Professor Chen, don't worry, I will do my best!"

Chen Cang smiled slightly: "Well, don't worry, it's like this now."

"There is an operation, I am going to do it soon..."

Wu Hui asked curiously: "Is it Director Zhou of 301 Hospital?"

Chen Cang was taken aback: "You know?"

Wu Hui sighed, "Well, I found it! Not only me, but many people in our hospital know this."

"Or...this matter is now very famous in our medical circles!"

"Director Zhou is very popular, and he was born in 301. This time, the academicians are basically recognized by many people, but... suddenly such a thing happened, who doesn't think it is a pity?"

Chen Cang nodded and smiled: "Well, this time...Don't say anything for now."

"Surgery should be done, but... it will be kept confidential for the time being. When VIP patients come to do it, it will not be announced to the public for the time being."

Some major hospitals in the capital have specialized wards.

The main target is special VIP patients, such as those with larger official positions, more sensitive characters, etc...

These people will choose to stay in such a ward after being hospitalized.

Chen Cang said, "Don't worry about the surgery or the subject. Let's start first."

"When the opportunity is right, apply for a topic."

"What you have to do in the near future is just a few things:"

"The first point, if you distribute all the patients you are managing to the people below, you will be in charge of Director Zhou alone."

"The second point, you need to be prepared in the near future, look up the information, I will send you the specific content later, you write the summary, and then make the task book and other things."

"The last point, the team... you think about it now, and I will notify you when it is suitable, you come to form the team, come on!"

Chen Cang looked at Wu Hui and encouraged again.

After Wu Hui nodded, he got up and left.

When Wu Hui left the office, he closed the door.

The heart is shaking.

To be honest, he was really a little excited.

I may be experiencing an unprecedented transformation.

Is it turning a cocoon into a butterfly, or being a cocoon to bind oneself.

In one fell swoop!

But in any case, he is willing to fight.

Anyway, he has nothing now, what else can he lose?

Better to give it a go!

Recently, I don't know what's going on with Corey?

There is something wrong with the atmosphere in the department.

Wu Hui is also considering divorce recently.

Director Qiao Chengan is also in divorce.

The difference is that the news of Qiao Chengan's divorce caused a lot of trouble in Corey.

But Wu Hui was silent.

The wife will leave with her son.

Wu Hui has been in Beijing for seven or eight years.

There is no house.

No car!

The wife has to choose another lover.

In this regard, Wu Hui worked hard and fought for it, but...it was indeed in vain.

His wife is eight years younger than him, in his early thirties, and married him eight years ago.

Gave birth to a son.

Eight years old now!

Does Wu Hui work hard?

He has been working hard!


Life is not the result of your hard work.

Not to mention the capital!

Beishangguang did not believe in tears.

Even if your crying tear ducts are blocked, it's useless.

Now, Wu Hui just wants to win the child.

As for the woman, she seems to have lost her feelings.

I paid a lot, but it couldn't reach a school district room on the third ring of the capital.

That's it!

What he has to do now is to work hard and prove himself!

However, the child is indeed his only sustenance.

Hold on!

Wait for the son, the father will soon be able.

Dad is never a waste.

Dad really has been working hard!

Wu Hui took a deep breath, clenched his fist and walked away.



At this time, Xu Ziming at the Barbican Art Center in London was a little nervous.

I really didn't expect that one day I could come here to attend the award ceremony!

The "Annual Medicine Award" organized by the World Biomedical Center is designed to recognize outstanding research that may change medical practice and have a significant medical impact.

Xu Ziming admitted that his success was entirely from Chen Cang's help.

Unambiguously, Chen Cang is the only one who can have today!

Standing here, talking with top doctors from all over the world, Xu Ziming was deeply moved by this honor.

To attend the awards ceremony tomorrow, he sat there, anxious.

Happiness comes so suddenly, there is a feeling of surprise.

"Hurt! Professor Xu, hello! I am Kai Le from Oxford University."

Men smile and shake hands.

Xu Ziming smiled: "Hello!"

"I read your paper. It's really amazing. Didn't Professor Chen come to participate?" Kai Le asked curiously.

Xu Ziming nodded and smiled: "My teacher is busy."

When Kai Le heard this, he was stunned for a moment: "Indeed, Professor Chen is so great. I am doing hepatobiliary surgery. I like Professor Chen's theory. I thought it was a pity that I could see Professor Chen on site. !"

Xu Ziming nodded: "I will recommend if you have a chance to come to the capital."

Kaile immediately became happy: "Chinese people are really generous and enthusiastic. I like it!"

Speaking of this, Kaile suddenly stopped: "By the way~www.wuxiaspot.com~Professor Xu, I know Professor Zhou Hongguang, it is a pity that he!"

Xu Ziming was taken aback: "Zhou Hongguang?"

Although he has crossed majors, he also knows Zhou Hongguang because of Chen Cang's reasons and the fact that the medical system is really small.

Moreover, this time Zhou Hongguang will also run for academician.

Professor Chen seemed to help him too.

It should not be a big problem!

Xu Ziming has a blind sense of personality worship for Chen Cang!

Irrelevant ability.

But... Hearing that Zhou Hongguang was a pity, he immediately asked curiously:

"What's up with him?"

Keller suddenly asked in surprise: "Don't you know? Professor Zhou's Parkinson!"

Hearing this, Xu Ziming's expression suddenly changed!


Kaile nodded: "Of course, it's a shame that this news was published in a Chinese hepatobiliary surgery magazine I was following."

"By the way, I will give you the link."

After that, Kaile directly sent the link to Xu Ziming.

"Chinese International Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery"!

This is the top magazine of domestic hepatobiliary surgery!

Published on this news?

After seeing the contents of the magazine, Xu Ziming was silent!

Because this article praises Zhou Hongguang!

That's right!

All praise.

Count down his achievements and honors, and even write all his contributions to the field of hepatobiliary surgery in his published papers!

It seems that this is entirely a compliment to Zhou Hongguang.

It also expresses the fall of such a talent in the field of liver transplantation in China.

Some regrets!


Xu Ziming is lazy, he is not stupid!

He clearly read the unusual.

This is not touting!

This is killing!

(End of this chapter)

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