When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1598: : Something about giving birth!

Zhou Hongguang was in hospital during this period.

But the wind is surging outside.

The time for the selection of academicians is getting closer and closer, and everyone is performing 18 martial arts.

The competition seems to have reached a fierce stage!

But during this period of time, it can be said that each has its own magical powers.

Of course, the dark horse Xu Ziming is now the most eye-catching!

Quietly, I went to the Barbican Art Center in London alone and won the "Annual Medicine Award" issued by the World Biomedical Center Organization!

This news directly shocked many people!

Who would have thought that this salted fish could win this award?

Xu Ziming's award was beyond everyone's expectations.

However, after taking a closer look at the awarding process, everyone is finally relieved!

Sometimes people have to be appointed!

Everyone was surprised to find that Xu Ziming's collaborator published a paper with an impact factor of more than 150 points from last year to this year!

What an amazing number is this?

Even "The Lancet" is two!

Then I also participated in the AATS2020 annual meeting and won the most influential new discoveries.

In the same year, Xu Ziming also served as the deputy director of the Non-stop Heart Medical Research Center, responsible for the study of valvular heart disease under non-stop heart.


Xu Ziming's resume was unknowingly discovered by everyone.

After seeing it, everyone was silent!


What's the question!

Everyone can only say one thing silently: lick the dog and die!

Looking at Xu Ziming's fruitful research, everyone had to sigh with emotion that it is too important to the boss!

The "Annual Medicine Award" issued by the World Biomedical Research Center is very important!

This is an award that can be equivalent to the three domestic awards in China, and it has great influence internationally!

This Xu Ziming academician selection road seems to be the safest among this group of people.

At the same time, the video of the award ceremony also came out!

After everyone watched the video, except for the envy of Xu Ziming, the curiosity in their hearts was all about Chen Cang!

As you can see.

Professor Chen has indeed not heard of it recently.

According to the past, Professor Chen does indeed come out with something new every time he passes!


It's been two or three months!

What is he doing recently?

After getting married, did Professor Chen start to reluctantly think about it?

However, Xu Ziming's words at the meeting touched many people's hearts.

Everyone is very curious, right...Where did Professor Chen go?

doing what?

For a while, what Chen Cang was doing became everyone's after-dinner talk.

"I guess Professor Chen must be busy doing a big research recently!"

"I guess so! Otherwise, it won't be so long without news!"

Listening to the discussion of his colleagues, Lao Ma couldn't help but curiously asked: "Couldn't it be because there is too much homework and no time to jump after marriage?"

Everyone glanced at the old horse and sneered!

Seeing everyone like this, Lao Ma's face changed.

It's really hard to practice the trumpet. Is it my feelings alone?


In fact, Ma still really understands Chen Cang!

Only Chen Cang knew that he was indeed working on a big project now!

How to successfully create a trumpet!

That's right!

Chen Cang was wondering now, he had already worked very hard.

Why hasn't the planting been successful?

So that Chen Cang is a little anxious now.



The night is quiet, everything is silent.

The two met face to face and frankly met!

"Husband, you said the two of us... will there be a problem?" Qin Yue asked curiously, widening her eyes.

Originally, Chen Cang didn't care, but when Qin Yue said this, he made a chuckle in his heart!

Yes indeed!

There is nothing wrong with me, am I?

They have worked hard for so long, why haven't they got any results?

Although the probability of pregnancy is not so high.

But they have worked hard for months...

Suddenly, Chen Cang is a little anxious now!

Actually... Qin Yue is more anxious than Chen Cang!

I always think it's not my own cause, right?

Hearing what Qin Yue said...Chen Cang also sat up suddenly.

A little more doubtful in my heart.

I am not... mutated, am I?

Is there any problem with the system being added?

At this moment, the system prompt sounded suddenly!

【Ding! Tips: In order to improve the trumpet's ability, we will keep improving, select the best mirror and the most suitable egg cell combination to cultivate the best next generation! Therefore, the combination success rate will be lower than that of ordinary people! 】

Chen Cang was suddenly blinded!

Sure enough!

The system has reached the level of my DNA, even having children?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang calmed down.

There is even some excitement in my heart!

What kind of child will you give birth to?

Chen Cang became more excited the more he thought about it.

Maybe the system can be inherited.

Chen Cang breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that he had no problem. When he was about to comfort Qin Yue, the system prompt sounded!

【Ding! Trigger the next generation training system! Turn on the offspring optimization system, your efforts will change your offspring! 】

After hearing the system prompt, Chen Cang was taken aback!

Trigger the next generation training system?

How to cultivate?

How to optimize!

Chen Cang was shocked!

Is the bed today a bit different?

I fucking, accidentally popped out a system!

Chen Cang quickly checked it patiently!

[Hint, in the next task rewards, new item rewards will be added~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to kill the king-level bosses, complete difficult tasks, and open the golden lucky bag, there is a certain chance to obtain "optimized items for descendants"! 】

After reading the system prompts, Chen Cang suddenly realized and understood!

Can I get relevant rewards in the future?

For example, let your children get [Unforgettable]?

Another example……

Let your ancestral DNA be mixed with some excellent fragments!

Chen Cang became more excited the more he thought about it, and almost laughed!

At this moment, Qin Yue flushed as he watched Chen Cang staring at him drooling!

Throwing down Chen Cang: "What are you giggling at!"

Chen Cang smiled and said, "My wife, let me tell you one thing!"

Qin Yue asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Chen Cang smiled and said, "I know why you are not pregnant yet!"

Qin Yue frowned slightly and couldn't help asking: "Why?"

Chen Cang smiled and said, "You know, the better a person is, the harder it is to get pregnant!"

"This is in line with the law of conservation of energy, right? You say that. Those immortals have a life span of tens of thousands of years, and there are only one or two children!"

"The same is true for us!"

Qin Yue heard that it made sense!

He smiled and said: "Probability problems...then use probability methods to solve them!"

Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Qin Yue smiled slightly: "Large samples will make the experiment more evidence-based, and the probability is not enough, so come together!"

Chen Cang's face changed!


It seems to have dug a hole for myself!

But Chen Cang was still very happy.

I feel happy when I think of this genetic optimization reward!

The night is too long...


ps: Hey, there are... three chapters in the evening, asking for tickets, rewarding, and lifting...


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