When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1599: : Hunger marketing and rave reviews!

Just when everyone reached a white-hot stage for the election of academicians.

The news of the internal publication of the World Association of Digestive Surgery came out!

It seems that the internal publication of the Association of Digestive Surgery has no effect on these people.


When everyone saw that the author was "Zhou Hongguang", they were immediately stunned!

You know, Zhou Hongguang has become more and more famous in China during this period.

Professor Zhou Hongguang, a genius hepatobiliary surgeon, ruined his surgical career due to Parkinson's disease!

This kind of news is known to many people who are not in medicine, let alone people like hepatobiliary surgery.

After those old academicians learned of this sentence, they also had to sigh with emotion that things are impermanent.

Therefore, after the publication of this internal magazine, it also attracted the attention of many people in an instant.

Because it is an internal publication, it is not sold externally but used by internal members.

Ji Jianye is not from the Society of Digestive Surgery.

Even... I still have a little opinion about this society.

Because they did not invite themselves to be a director or something.

Generally speaking, some associations will invite some celebrities to the town venue in order to increase their compulsion.


The Digestive Surgery Association does not seem to mean this at all.

Even after the establishment of the association, many domestic experts and scholars in the field of digestive surgery have also come through the back door.

After all, they are all local associations. Can you make a deal and join in and become a member?

After all, this is the World Association of Digestive Surgery, and those who can enter are all elites!

Be a director and write it in your own profile, and you have face: director of the World Association of Digestive Surgery!

On this day, the grid is full.

However, in order to control the quality of members, Chen Cang showed no mercy at all.

Chen Cang even told the people below, don't come to him for this kind of thing, otherwise don't blame him for being unsympathetic.

Ji Jianye himself is an outsider and general outsider. This association naturally wants to join.

But... I don't want to be a member.

I don’t want to pull my face down to apply, nor can I wait for the other party’s invitation...

This is so shelved.

The old man doesn't care about this either, but people are collectors, rich people like to play cars and watches, these academics also like to have a few more names!

Just after the publication of this internal journal called "Liver Transplantation and Biliary Tract Reconstruction Techniques", everyone didn't feel anything at first.


Everything is afraid of word of mouth effect!

This book is not too thick. As an internal journal, it is not as complicated as the books. Most of them are some tips and summaries!

But this book became popular in an instant two days later!

At the same time, the editorial office of the SCI journal "Liver Transplantation" with an impact factor of up to 6.4 immediately contacted the editorial office of the World Association of Digestive Surgery after seeing this journal!

Hope it can be reprinted!

It can be said that the vision of these long-established journals is really vicious.

At a glance, I can see how influential this book "Liver Transplantation and Biliary Tract Reconstruction Techniques" is.

Internal journals are not for sale.

This is a major difference from journals.

"Liver Transplant" hopes to be sold jointly, and is willing to cooperate in business!

Such a high-impact magazine voluntarily expressed its favor, which is certainly a good thing for the editorial department of the newly established Digestive Surgery Association!

However, after Irene told Chen Cang of the news, she made a suggestion: "Chairman Chen, I do not recommend reprinting or commercial use!"

Chen Cang suddenly frowned: "Why?"

In fact, what Chen Cang wanted to do at this time was to increase his influence!

It doesn't matter whether he makes money or not. The key is that he wants to increase the influence of the World Society of Digestive Surgery.

Be prepared for the launch of future magazines!

However, Irene's words made Chen Cang's eyes light up!

"Chairman Chen, indeed, with the help of "Liver Transplant", we may have even greater influence."

"However, our internal magazine "Liver Transplantation and Biliary Tract Reconstruction" is of high quality. Instead of sending it out to increase its influence, it is better to form a starvation marketing!"

"While letting others see our strength, it can also enhance the superiority of our internal members!"

"The core purpose of the internal publication itself is to serve the members of the association. In this way, it can increase the sense of belonging and honor of the members!"

"At the same time, our internal journals this time will not only not be issued, but will also be restricted. This kind of hunger will explode when we actually launch and publish the first journal! This is vital for us to increase our impact factor. Role!"

After Chen Cang heard these words, he just had one feeling!

I found the treasure!

"Do as you say!" Chen Cang nodded decisively.

The impact factor is very important!

Think about "The Lancet" to understand.

If the level is lowered, the gain will not be worth the loss!

To be honest, Chen Cang has a big heart.

Since we have to do it, we must do our best.

He founded this journal, and what he has to do is NO1 in the field of digestive surgery!

In this way, time passed slowly.

Two days!

The internal journal "Liver Transplantation and Biliary Tract Reconstruction Techniques" has been praised continuously in the association's internal member exchange group~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Continuously to the surrounding members and friends!

No one thought that the Digestive Surgery Association had an internal journal in the first year of its establishment, and the quality was so high!

He has such a deep understanding of liver transplantation and digestive surgery biliary reconstruction techniques.

For a while, everyone admired the chairman, Professor Chen Cang!

At the same time, Zhou Hongguang's name was also well-known in this circle.

This person is very insightful in the research of liver transplantation and even created many new surgical methods.

However, the number of internal publications is limited.

The reputation has spread, everyone can't see it if they want to see it!

For a time, the influence of the World Association of Digestive Surgery and the internal magazine "Liver Transplantation and Biliary Tract Reconstruction Techniques" has been increasing!

Can only be passed on by word of mouth, a book was borrowed.

However, it is such a model that makes everyone realize the importance and sense of honor of becoming a member of the World Digestive Surgery Association!



The internal magazine of the association has not been printed too much. Fortunately, the number of members is relatively large. Everyone has seen this book!

However, as a result, everyone feels even more sorry for Zhou Hongguang!

Such a capable person actually got sick!


The old academicians were silent after reading this book!

Originally everyone had decided not to give it to Academician Zhou Hongguang.

After all, the career prospects of a Parkinson's surgeon have ended here.

However, at such a juncture, suddenly the book exploded!

Even now, the international influence surpasses these old guys!

They had to reconsider carefully.

For a while, a few old academicians sat together and also invited Ji Jianye.

(End of this chapter)

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