When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1600: : Old lick the dog!

Ji Jianye is the richest academician in the medical circle.

Naturally, it is impossible to be just a person who seeks fame.

The hepatoprotective drugs made by Jianye Pharmaceutical Group are indeed good, and the domestic ones sell relatively well.


One yard owned by a yard.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Jianye does not want to give up his status as an academician. He knows how this will affect him.

"Jianye, have you read this book?" An old academician put the book in his hand on the table with emotion, "Really a talented person, what a pity!"

"This person persists for ten years, our liver transplantation can go out of the world!"

Ji Jianye did not deny: "Well, I read this book."

"But... it is obvious that Chen Cang has directly helped Zhou Hongguang."

"The supplement of biliary tract reconstruction and the operation of intrahepatic bile duct and hepatic duct have greatly increased the success rate of liver transplantation. Similarly, the complications have also been reduced a lot!"

"It can be seen that this should be Chen Cang's role!"

Several academicians nodded one after another.

For Chen Cang, everyone really has nothing to say.

Even, to put it to the heart, everyone...don't know how to evaluate Chen Cang.

Everyone knows what position Chen Cang is now.

Maybe next year Chen Cang will be nominated as an academician.


No one can stop this academician nomination.

As long as Chen Cang is nominated, he must go up, and the old people have to give way.


Not everyone is thinking about these positions, everyone also wants to go to retirement.

After all, this is a stage for young people, and capable people should stand here.

Instead of relying on the old guys who sell old.

Young people should move forward.

The elderly should make way for them.

This will help the "metabolism" of talents!

At this time, the old man on the side suddenly said: "We are all ready to go this year, Jianye, why don't you think about it!"

"Zhou Hongguang is very good, and he is not lacking in influence. He won two second prizes for science and technology. The director of the Liver Transplantation Center now has the international influence as soon as the book is published. "

Ji Jianye didn't say a word.

The old man on the side noticed it, and he frowned: "Now the country also allows us to retire quickly. You...I have suppressed people for several years. If you don't give a chance this time, in the future... you will make your own decision. Right!"

The selection of academicians of the Academy of Engineering is like this!

There is only one academician in the same small field.

Zhou Hongguang and Ji Jianye formed a direct competitive relationship.

Ji Jianye is also a personal character, and he shook his head directly: "It's not that I stand still. If Zhou Hongguang is good now, can perform the operation and can persist, I won't say anything, just give way!"

"But what we need is an academician with a future, not an academician for the elderly!"

"Tan Feiyue is not qualified enough. Compared with Zhou Hongguang, I am a little far behind."

"Instead of letting Zhou Hongguang come to the care of the elderly, I think I can work for another term. Maybe when Chen Cang comes up, I will take the initiative to retreat, and I still have personal feelings."

Everyone is an old friend, and Ji Jianye is also telling the truth.

This group of them belongs to the old academicians.

Quit a lot this year.

When Ji Jianye said so, everyone stopped speaking.

After all, this is their own business.

Moreover, Ji Jianye has a big family and it is convenient to manage up and down.

You know, Ji Jianye has an alias, Ji 10 billion.

Zhou Hongguang really doesn't have the ability to compete with Ji Jianye.

At least this book is not enough!

If Zhou Hongguang is healthy now, then maybe.

After all, Ji Jianye's words are here.

In any case, there is a reason for selection and rejection.

Zhou Hongguang's requirements have been met in all aspects, and now Ji Jianye is holding it firmly that Zhou Hongguang is also a senior citizen when he comes up and does not have the ability to perform surgery!



Days go by.

The academician election is approaching day by day.

The competition has also reached a fierce stage.

Xu Ziming has now become a celebrity, and he basically goes farther and farther on the way to lie down and win, and he also goes more and more smoothly!

At the same time, Zhou Hongguang finally recovered and was discharged!

After performing a final and detailed physical examination on Zhou Hongguang in the ward, Chen Cang smiled and said, "Director Zhou, congratulations, you have the ability to become a surgeon again!"

Zhou Hongguang cried with joy!

His wife and children are here today.

Seeing my father standing there excitedly, everyone was very happy.

Zhou Hongguang sighed with emotion and sighed: "Professor Chen, thank you so much."

"Without you, there would be no Zhou Hongguang today!"

"I am here, and there is nothing else to say, I bow to you, thank you!"

Chen Cang waved his hand: "What are you polite?"

No one can understand the excitement of losing and recovering.

When hope is so close, and then hope is suddenly shattered, Zhou Hongguang feels fear, and now...when everything passed like a nightmare, the ray of sunshine that wakes up in the morning is so fascinating!

And all this was bestowed by Chen Cang!

For a long time, Zhou Hongguang said to his wife and children: "Remember~www.wuxiaspot.com~Professor Chen is the benefactor of our Zhou family!"

After speaking, Zhou Hongguang took his family and bowed to Chen Cang.

Zhou Hongguang found out in the hospital these past two days. After the internal magazine was published, it was very popular!

Now his influence is increasing day by day.

Chen Cang is inseparable from both his health and his reputation.

Therefore, this bow is not a loss at all!

For Chen Cang, Zhou Hongguang's discharge also means that the collection of the first case of Parkinson's surgery has been successfully completed.

Wu Hui also quickly began to collect various indicators.

At the same time, it speeds up the search for documents.

And Chen Cang was not idle either.

He is thinking about how to improve surgery.

After all, this operation is somewhat difficult with traditional ventriculography + stereotactic technology.

The risk is too great!

Chen Cang himself was not too sure.

How to reduce risk, increase operational space, and reduce uncontrollable factors...

and many more!

The perfection of an operation often requires this.

at this time.

Hu Chuanbang and Zhao Furun came to the door.

In the office, the two of them stood there awkwardly without saying a word, just smiling awkwardly!

Chen Cang didn't say a word, and just read the book, and the two of them started talking for a long time.

"Professor Chen... Ha ha, congratulations! Parkinson's surgery can be completed!" Hu Chuanbang exclaimed, "This is the first time I heard that surgical treatment of Parkinson's has such a good effect!"

Zhao Furun nodded and smiled: "Yes, Parkinson's is a worldwide problem. If it is really done, Professor Chen, the Lascaux Medical Award, the Nobel Prize in Medicine, I can really look forward to it!"

As old licking dogs, they are very conscious!


ps: There will be later.

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