When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1665: : Standing on the opposite side of the world, are we afraid?


"Actually! Parkinson is not a purely degenerative disease, but an autoimmune disease based on progressive disease!"

After saying this, Yang Lan and Qi Kai's expressions suddenly changed!

Because the meaning behind this sentence may overturn Parkinson's perception in the past!

After so many years of research on Parkinson, no one has ever thought about him and autoimmune diseases together!

What is an autoimmune response?

Under normal circumstances, the human immune system does not respond to its own components, which is called autoimmune tolerance.

However, when our body's own immune tolerance mechanism becomes unregulated or destroyed, resulting in damage to our own tissues and organs or an immune pathological state with abnormal functions.

To put it simply, generally speaking, the defense system does not hit one's own people, but when some special reactions occur, this own soldier does not know his own people and starts to hit his own people.

This is the body's autoimmune disease.

If you say so... In fact, the civil war is all about autoimmune reactions, right?

Now that I have studied it, to be honest, even Chen Cang himself did not react!

He could not imagine that Parkinson's turned out to be an autoimmune disease to a certain extent!

This result is almost incompatible with all existing Parkinson's ideas!

Even Chen Cang began to wonder!

"Could it be wrong?"

Yang Lan and Qi Kai were short of breath, looking at each other solemnly.

The three people just stayed in the laboratory without saying a word.

Chen Cang looked at the state of scientific research assistance and guidance. At this time, the remaining time was less than one day.

Time must not be wasted.

At this time, they overthrew the long-standing geocentric theory just like Copernicus who had discovered the heliocentric theory.

However, once this idea comes out, what it receives will surely become a huge torrent of ideas.

The room is extremely quiet!

Even the air seemed a bit stagnant.

None of them expected to have such a terrible discovery.

a long time!

A word rang in the room

"Professor Chen, this time...you are going to stand opposite all Parkinson's researchers!" Yang Lan's voice was a little excited.

In the Voice of the Future, Qi Kai’s firm voice rang

"not us!"

"What are you afraid of, who would say that the minority people's ideas are wrong?"

"Truth is often in the hands of a few people!"

Chen Cang smiled slightly, he felt that he was right.

A few days of sleeplessness and restless sleep and eating have brought Chen Cang definitely the improvement and perfection of scientific research concepts.

Chen Cang said for a long time, "Three people, a lot!"

In a word, Qi Kai and Yang Lan's hearts warmed.

To be honest, they have always been in the auxiliary position, and they have been able to help Chen Cang.

But Chen Cang's recognition made them feel very warm.

Qi Kai said directly, "Professor Chen, next...what should we do?"

at this time!

Chen Cang has become the core of this humble scientific research team.

After several days of research and development, they seemed to realize that this young man seemed to have unlimited potential waiting to be tapped.

Yang Lan also nodded firmly, "Yes, Professor Chen, tell me, what should I do next?"

"We listen to you!"

Chen Cang smiled gratefully, "Okay!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Cang picked up his pen and wrote on the big screen, "The current progress is here. We have just discovered from the human blood that these patients have autoimmune reactions, presumably from the damaged folded alpha-synuclein! "

"So, the next tasks are two! First, the first is to seek theoretical basis! The second is to simulate experiments!"

"Director Yang, you are an expert in the field of scientific research. You are more professional in neurological research. I hope you can find the papers, literature and theoretical basis that will help our results in the shortest time!"

"Director Qi, your next job is to simulate animal experiments to prove the existence of autoimmune reactions!"

"I will be responsible for finding the key elements!"

Chen Cang's voice fell!

The three of them fist gently, "Come on!"

A Dean Qi who is nearly 60 years old.

Director Yang just after menopause.

A Chen Cang who is less than thirty.

Continue to start the road of seeking truth!

For Chen Cang, every minute and second seems a bit extravagant!

the next day!

Yang Lan shouted in surprise, "Professor Chen, a great discovery!"

"The idea that a malfunctioning immune system causes Parkinson's disease can be traced back nearly 100 years. But so far, no one has been able to link the two together."

"However, in a 2014 study, Dr. Sulzer’s laboratory has confirmed that dopaminergic neurons affected by Parkinson’s disease are relatively fragile, because they contain on their cell surface recognized as foreign by the immune system. Material protein!"

The two messages immediately inspired and inspired Chen Cang and Qi Kai!

Qi Kai's eyes lit up, "That means...our theory may not be wrong!"

Chen Cang smiled slightly!

What is the most important thing about scientific research?

Scientific research confidence!

What is research confidence?

That is, no matter what others say~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you must believe that your research line is correct.

This is the only motivation to keep you going down and forward!

Good news keeps coming!

Early the next morning.

A strange cry broke the silence of the laboratory.

Qi Kai's red eyes burst out at this time!

He yelled out of the window excitedly.

This voice awakened the cock, scolded angrily, and continued to sleep!

Qi Kai was really suffocated, and the accumulation of depression these days finally vented!

Chen Cang slept on the ground, just lying on the experimental platform, Yang Lan used the only bench.

The two were also awakened by this voice!

Qi Kai couldn't take care of apologizing, he said quickly, "Don't go to bed, get up quickly, I found it!"

Chen Cang and Yang Lan were originally sleepy-eyed, they instinctively stood up quickly when they heard these words.

"What's the matter?"

"what happened!"

Qi Kai excitedly passed the results of the experiment to the two of them, and said excitedly, "We are right! Absolutely right!"

"This is definitely an autoimmune response!"

"Look, this is what we found in neurons after contacting blood samples from 67 Parkinson's disease rats and 36 healthy rats with matching shapes and sizes!"

"This is the alpha-synuclein fragment and other protein fragments!"

"We analyzed these samples to find which protein fragments would trigger an immune response!

It was surprisingly found that very few immune cell activity was observed in blood samples from healthy rats.

In contrast, blood samples from Parkinson's disease rats have been exposed to alpha-synuclein before, and they are clearly able to recognize this protein!

What does this show?

It shows that these α-synuclein fragments show a strong immune response. "

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