When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1666: : Multiple crafts, never starve.


Qi Kai's discovery has made phased progress!

And Yang Lan continued to dig deep into the foundation of the idea, and he really found some supporting theoretical basis!

Last night, Chen Cang was two o'clock.

The time for scientific research assistance status is officially over!

And at the moment of the end!

Chen Cang also made a major discovery!

Looking at Qi Kai who was excited and uncontrollable.

Chen Cang smiled, got up and took out his research results.

"It now appears that our research has achieved phased results!"

"According to our existing research results, we have enough confidence to establish hypotheses and start researching!"

In fact, scientific research is a gamble!

Yes, the difference is that scientific research is a hypothesis based on theoretical and experimental foundations.

Facing this hypothesis, we began to continuously verify in depth, and then solve the problem!

Of course, long-term scientific research is also likely to fall short.

The failure of a project may be a waste of many people's efforts.

Therefore, before any large-scale issue, problems and assumptions need to be established and then solved.

At this time, Chen Cang combined his own results with those of others, and now he has indeed got a conclusion and idea!

Qi Kai and Yang Lan looked at Chen Cang, "Professor Chen, don't sell it, hurry up!"

Although Chen Cang looked calm, he was actually extremely excited.

After so many days of hard work, they finally got results, it's strange to be unhappy.

Looking at the two of them, Chen Cang said with a smile

"If this is the case, our conjecture can basically be established!"

"Young healthy cells can degrade and recycle aged or damaged alpha-synuclein.

But this recycling process declines with age, and it also declines in certain diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

If the abnormal alpha-synuclein protein begins to accumulate and the immune system cannot detect it, then this protein may be mistakenly identified as a pathogen that needs to be destroyed! "

"So, Parkinson is mainly to make this autoimmune response stronger!"

"So, I guess, in fact, the aggravation of Parkinson's graded symptoms is the aggravation of this autoimmune response and aggravated the patient's symptoms."

Talking about this, everyone was silent!

Qi Kai and Yang Lan listened to this conclusion and took a deep breath.

Originally thought how excited and excited they would be.

However, at this moment when the conclusion is in front of you, everything seems to be much calmer!

Because of what?

Because they found that there is still a long way to go.

Even if they have walked ahead of all Parkinson's research institutions and research laboratories in the world!

Because, with a direction, the road to the future must be determined to go down.

Whether right or wrong, this is their way!

Chen Cang smiled, "Well, everyone, don't be so heavy, okay!"

"Those who don't know thought our research failed!"

Qi Kai smiled, "Yes, be happy!"

"Today, we have a celebration party!"

Yang Lan's woman doesn't let his eyebrows "Yes, what are you afraid of! That's it!"

"We are all standing on the shoulders of giants, and are we worried about falling?"

Qi Kai smiled and said, "Professor Chen, can your shoulder support us both?"


Chen Cang is the giant of the two of them.

Chen Cang is assisted by the state of scientific research assistance.

Amazing results have been achieved in five days.

Under the leadership of Chen Cang, Yang Lan and Qi Kai did indeed make a small breakthrough every day!

without any exaggeration!

Now if they publish the results of the experiment.

It will definitely cause industry shock!

It is a twelfth-level vibration!

It can be said that their conclusion stands on the opposite side of countless people.

The way forward is always lonely.

Science is not the same as life, what needs to be constant exploration.

Chen Cang watched Qi Kai and Yang Lan "the celebration party can be held, but there is still a lot of work to be done."

"Of course, this is future work, our current laboratory is no longer enough!"

Yang Lan and Qi Kai smiled when they heard Chen Cang's words.


Chen Cang said

"Next, our direction is clear."

"First of all, we should analyze these immune responses in more Parkinson's disease patients, and try to identify the molecular steps that lead to this autoimmune response in animal models and cell models!"

"Secondly, seek early intervention. Since it is an autoimmune response, what we need to do is to increase the immune system's tolerance to alpha-synuclein, which may help alleviate or prevent the deterioration of symptoms in Parkinson's disease patients."


Surgery can solve those Parkinson's patients.

But you have to think so.

How high is the cost of surgery?

How high is the cost of early drug intervention?

This is a medical resource that can be saved.


At this stage of Parkinson's, it will take at least ten years for surgery to become popular.

This process is very long!

Surgical treatment cannot be considered to overcome the disease.

After Yang Lan and Qi Kai listened, they became ambitious.


Qi Kai suddenly said, "But... in this case, what we need is a molecular-level scientific research laboratory to establish Parkinson's autoimmune reaction steps and models."

Yang Lan nodded, "Moreover, our team needs to expand again."

"We need scientists in molecular biology and top professors in the fields of pharmacology and pathology."

Chen Cang nodded, "Well, indeed, let's talk about this later, let's rest today."

"Everyone is tired during this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let’s take a break and make adjustments. Director Yang and Director Qi, you are responsible for finding people, and I’m responsible for asking for money!"

"Clear division of labor!"

The three smiled at each other.

"Fight for a better tomorrow!"

"Come on!"



Everyone is very happy today!

In the morning, everyone gathered all the research materials and sealed them.

These are confidential after all!

Then, at noon, the sky was gray and Qi Kai felt that it was a victory after all, and he needed a celebration!

So Qi Kai and a few students directly killed a few chickens and stewed them in a pot.

Yang Lan enviedly wanted to report Qi Kai's abuse of public power.

Chen Cang felt that Qi Kai, as a national civil servant, raised chickens openly, and his work style... awaits verification.

However, it is undeniable that Qi Kai's students have a high level of stewed chicken.

Chen Cang couldn't help but praised, "Yes, Xiao Wang, your level of chicken cooking is not inferior to those restaurants!"

The students are also very humorous, and his answer makes Qi Kai extremely proud!

"Hey, thank you Professor Chen, my teacher said, I can't do scientific research in the future, I can go out to be a chicken in the future!"

"Actually, I do ducks very well!"

The three suddenly laughed.

Chen Cang smiled, "Dean Qi, you... don't teach something good, don't do promising scientific research, let someone be a chef."

Qi Kai couldn't help but vomit, "Being a cook can afford to buy a house, they, cut it!"

"Don't talk about them, I have been a professor for half my life, and now there is no money for the owner of my lamb shop downstairs, do you believe it?"

In a word, Chen Cang was choked.

Yang Lan did not say anything, but sighed silently.

Sometimes, there are some things that are uncomfortable not to be said, but even more uncomfortable to say it!

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