When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1685: : Good news, good news!

The secretary's words have attracted everyone's attention here!

Qilianshan directly got up and walked over, repeatedly asking: "What's wrong?"

Yu Shuangyong and Zhang Mu also walked forward curiously, looking at the secretary and the tablet in his hand, full of curiosity.

Secretary Zhang said excitedly: "Dean, look at this news!"

"This time it's saved!"

"I know that Professor Chen is a person with great ability. He said that if he can do it, he will definitely be able to do it. He really did it.

"Professor Zhang, you... don't have to go anymore!"

Seeing Secretary Zhang, an honest man who is always calm and excited, was so excited that Qilian Mountain was also quite moved!

He quickly took the tablet, and when he saw the title, his expression suddenly changed!

"Give me reading glasses!"

"Quick! Get me reading glasses!"

The secretary nodded quickly, smiled and passed the reading glasses to the dean.

The folded glasses trembled in his hand for a long time and couldn't open.

Several headlines kept popping up in his mind!

"Dongyang Province leader Kong Xiangmin invited Professor Chen Cang to jointly build a high-tech development zone and open up a pharmaceutical R&D technology park. This will be the first batch of projects to settle in the Dongyang High-tech Park after its completion!"

Qilian Mountain is really excited. He has spent a lot of time before he puts on the reading glasses.

Take a look at the tablet carefully!

"Recently, the Dongyang Provincial Leadership Group Meeting conducted in-depth discussions on the development planning of the high-tech development zone..."

"During discussions with Professor Chen Cang, a leader in the medical industry in Dongyang Province, and planning for the future..., the Dongyang Provincial Government decided to divide two buildings for research and development of new drugs in the medical industry, creating the first large-scale national scientific research institution!"

"At the same time, we will vigorously introduce talents and try out a special treatment strategy for cutting-edge talents."

"Rationally divide low-rent housing, provide free housing services for cutting-edge talents, divide and partition the community, create an academic community, set up high-quality bilingual kindergartens, elementary schools, and junior high schools, and regularly invite experts and professors in the community to become schools Visiting professors to enhance children's scientific research awareness!

At the same time, we will also arrange employment for family members..."

News is video!

When Qilian Mountain saw these two large office buildings in front of them, the whole person was so excited that it was difficult to attach!

And dozens of low-rent housing communities specially designed for talents are strictly restricted.

Employment of family members!

Child's school!

Create an academic park with a strong atmosphere.

To be honest, even after seeing Qilian Mountain, he was a little moved.

Looking at these two large scientific research buildings, Qilianshan and Zhang Mu were shocked!

Chen Cang really did it!

At least, Chen Cang had already won a place for them.

Where can I find such a scientific research building?

Where can such a talent plan be achieved?

Thanks to Chen Cang.

Without Chen Cang, where can I find such a superior environment?

Yu Shuangyong couldn't help but said: "This... Kong Xiangmin is really courageous. It is really a courageous and courageous leader to be able to spend so much time in introducing talents!"

"Such a leader is rare!"

At the same ministerial level, Qilian Mountain and Kong Xiangmin are still quite different.

We must know that Dongyang Province is a first-level government, grasping the lifeblood of a province's economic, technological...etc. development.

Qilian Mountain heard the sound, but shook his head: "Yes, nor is it."

"It is undeniable that the leader of Kong Xiangmin is indeed a courageous and courageous leader, but Chen Cang's side is really what makes him determined to do this."

"Kong Xiangmin is actually betting!"

"He bet Chen Cang."

"He feels that Chen Cang's past few years in Ammonium will build Ammonium into a distinctive city, a city that can even be dominated by cutting-edge medical care and scientific research."

Hearing Qilian Mountain's analysis like this, Yu Shuangyong suddenly realized, but asked a little curiously:

"Dean Qi... Isn't it possible to build such a city by one person? Chen Cang..."

Qilianshan shook his head directly, and interrupted him:

"No, Chen Cang can!"

Hearing the affirmative tone of Qilian Mountain, Yu Shuangyong stopped arguing.

Zhang Mu, who was silent all the way, was actually the most important party this time!

After he saw the news, he robbed the door directly!

He wants to tell everyone the news.

Let everyone wait!

hold on!

Someone is working hard for them.

Although Chen Cang didn't mention a word, Zhang Mu knew that he had to pay if he wanted to harvest. How much did Chen Cang pay?

Thinking of this, Zhang Mu blushed.

Professor Chen, someone who can even be said to have never met can work hard for them.

But he is hiding in a passive way.

This time.

Zhang Mu decided that he would follow Chen Cang and bring this group of brothers and sisters to make a big business.

Can't disappoint Professor Chen.

Can not disappoint the people of Dongyang.

Zhang Mu dialed Chen Cang's phone.

He said sincerely, "Professor Chen, thank you!"

Chen Cang knew what had happened, he smiled: "Dean Zhang, don't worry, the appointment for the week has not arrived yet!"

"In a few days, I will bring the most sincere gift, and give everyone a satisfactory explanation!"

This directly stunned Zhang Mu!


Is this not enough?

One week appointment.

It was already the fifth day.

What exactly is Professor Chen going to do?

Does he have any hidden cards?

Thinking of this, Zhang Mu's heart was full of curiosity.

But no matter what you say.

He decided to share this good news with everyone in the research institute.

Let them stabilize the military spirit.


The next thing made Zhang Mu directly dumbfounded!



After Zhang Mu returned, he directly summoned all the staff to the conference hall for a meeting.

The people who asked to be there at three o'clock in the afternoon, but less than two o'clock, the venue was full of people.

Everyone looked at Zhang Mu with excitement.

This surprised Zhang Mu a bit.

He looked at the appearance and attitude of the people below, a little surprised!

Could it be...

Do you already know the good news?

After thinking of this, Zhang Mu was relieved immediately.

He had already told everyone about the week's appointment a few days ago.

Everyone is waiting!

Zhang Mu slowly came to power.

He picked up the microphone and bowed slightly to everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing more than 500 people at the scene, Zhang Mu was a little expectant...

If... If you could not separate, how good would it be?

After a while, Zhang Mu said lightly:

"Look at everyone, have you seen the news?"

When everyone heard the sound, cheers burst into flames!



"Professor Chen is mighty!"

"None of us want to go abroad."


Seeing the excitement of the people below, Zhang Mu was stunned.


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