When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1686: : I'm not leaving!

Zhang Mu looked at everyone in the audience, and suddenly hesitated for a moment.

He thought he had the news first.

Unexpectedly, everyone knew.

Also, with such big news, Zhang Mu nodded his head relievedly: "Yes, now that we have such a platform, and the treatment given by the other party is also very good, it solves our worries, I think... is a good choice!"

"Now that we have a base, we also have a future!"

As soon as these words came out, the huge conference room suddenly fell silent!


Something is wrong!

Because it only took less than 3 seconds from the excitement just now to the silence.

This is how it is done!

Zhang Mu was also taken aback when he saw this scene.

He looked at the secretary suspiciously, frowned and motioned: I was wrong?

"President...what are you talking about?"

"What has a base? What is a platform?"

"Yeah, did anyone want us?"

"real or fake?"

"President, what happened!"


Seeing everyone below whispering and discussing, and with a look of puzzled and inexplicable expression, Zhang Mu felt that he must be sick at this moment.

What happened?

Could it be that what these little rascals just said is not a topic of themselves?

No matter how stupid Zhang Mu was, he guessed that what he might have said to everyone was not the same thing at all!

He quickly said: "Everyone, be quiet, let me ask a few questions!"

After hearing the sound, everyone fell silent.

Zhang Mu then continued to ask: "Xiao Li, tell me, what were you talking about?"

"Why Professor Chen is good?"

"What happened?"

This little Li heard the teacher call himself, and quickly stood up and hesitated: "Teacher... don't you know?"

Zhang Mu was anxious: "If you ask you to say it, you can say it quickly, harp!"

Seeing the teacher's fire, Xiao Li quickly said: "Teacher, haven't you read the latest "Nature" magazine? Professor Chen has made breakthroughs in Parkinson's neuropathology research!"

"Even, Professor Chen's concept directly overturned the previous understanding of Parkinson's by major institutions in the world!"

"Now, the Internet has gone crazy!"

"The key point is that at the same time, Professor Taidanis's research theory and conjectures about Parkinson's are also published in the SCI "Physiology Review" with an impact factor of 30 points!"

"Now, the competition between these two theories in major medical research forums has reached a fierce stage."

"But now, many veteran experts and professors have come forward to cheer for Professor Chen's theory!"

Xiao Li is talking about passion!

Everyone at the scene was also proud and excited.

They didn't expect Professor Chen to be so versatile.

Not only has deep research on clinical medicine.

He even has such a profound insight into the physiopathology of the nervous system.

Not only that!

Professor Chen's theory is not daring!

Once established, it directly overturned the research on Parkinson's for a century.

It directly proves that Parkinson is not just a pure degenerative disease, but an autoimmune disease of the human body.

This discovery has an unprecedented impact on existing theories!

Zhang Mu's face changed!

Hurriedly asked: "What is the name of the article published by Professor Chen and where can I see it?"

Xiao Li: "You can see it on the cover of the journal Nature!"

After hearing the news, Zhang Mu quickly got up and left.

He said in a hurry: "The meeting will be over!"

After speaking, Zhang Mu didn't wait for everyone to respond, got up and left the scene first, and hurried back to the office.

Twelve minutes anxious!

At this moment, Zhang Mu suddenly realized that the one-week appointment Chen Cang gave himself was not joking.

He may be sure!

Thinking of this, Zhang Mu's walking pace was a bit faster.

Quickly turn on the computer and subscribe to the magazine. When he saw the photo on the cover of the journal Nature, he was suddenly excited and hard to attach!

Because there is only one person's avatar and one title on the huge cover!

It is Chen Cang!

In his hand he held a sci-fi structure of a human brain, with a name on an ion next to it: "Folded alpha-synuclein!"

The name of the paper below is:

"Parkinson is actually an autoimmune disease-mysterious visitor: folding alpha-synuclein! 》

This title is very impactful!

No matter who sees this name, they want to see it!

After all, this is the same as suddenly telling you one day that cancer is actually a cold.

Can this have impact?

As an expert in physiopathology of the nervous system, Zhang Mu's face changed after seeing this topic!

Although he is not mainly researching Parkinson's now, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's actually have different research routes to the same goal.

In order to get by analogy, he also went to study Parkinson's theory many times.

So after seeing this content, Zhang Mu took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

He is a scientific researcher!

Looking at the problem is also from the perspective of scientific research.

No matter how influential Chen Cang’s paper is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ no matter how many stormy seas it raises.

Zhang Mu's heart at this time is very peaceful!

When he is facing academics, he will fade away from the appearance of a middle-aged neighbor man dressed as a neighbor, revealing sharp and wise.

Line by line!

He took it seriously.

Data, he will think and analyze by himself.

He will seriously consider every theoretical derivation.

He will carefully consider every logical judgment!

that's it.

Four or five hours passed.

Zhang Mu finally finished it!

After reading it, Zhang Mu directly patted the table and stood up!

this moment!

He made up his mind.

Just by it, enough!

What laboratory building, I can rent it to school without it!

No equipment? You can pick it up!

If you pull down your old face, you have to grab it!

Because what is this?

This is the future!

Look at the data and text on the big screen.

Zhang Mu is almost certain that in time, they will be able to produce results!


Must cooperate!

Cooperation without money!

The son gets married in the school district room?

Make money and buy it yourself!

Lao Tzu also has his own dreams and pursuits!

At this moment, the old man Zhang Mu was possessed and directly picked up the phone and called Chen Cang!

"Professor Chen, I, Zhang Mu!"

"I want to follow you!"

"I'm not leaving!"

Zhang Mu's tone is quick, firm and decisive!

This made Chen Cang stunned.

"Professor Zhang...this...what happened to you?"

Zhang Mu is of course happy to join.


There seemed to be something wrong with his tone.

So Chen Cang is also a little confused.

Zhang Mu firmly said: "Professor Chen, I have read your paper!"

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