When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1698: :Older gingers are more spicy! (2 in 1)

   Wu Tongfu has always felt anxious these days.

   The reason is also very simple, that is, Chen Cang is leaving.

   Seeing Wu Tongfu like this, Xiao Zhehai couldn't help but persuade him: "Okay, Lao Wu, how big you are, you still have troubles."

   Xiao Zhehai is now obscurely trying to raise money and work hard.

   came out to make throwing knives every three times, and the people on it were not surprised, and they were not held accountable.

   After all, the reason for discouraging flying knives is because the level is uneven, and it is difficult to hold accountable, and it is easy to induce conflicts between doctors and patients.

   But Xiao Zhehai, as the dean of Ruijin Hospital, the country is eager to let him undergo surgery for a few more years!

   Think about it, such top experts, so dedicated, go out to perform surgery skills, spread excellent surgical skills, and improve the diagnosis and treatment skills of local doctors. This kind of thing, so everyone is tacitly aware.

   Even this can alleviate the current uneven distribution of medical resources.

   Xiao Zhehai can be regarded as a person with pursuit.

   Besides, he didn't do anything illegal, so the National Health Commission would not pursue his problem at all.

   Wu Tongfu couldn't help but said, "I'm not worried about Chen Cang leaving!"

   Xiao Zhehai was taken aback, and said with a smile: "Isn't it worried? Don't worry, you can see how nervous you are!"

   Wu Tongfu suddenly said, "I am not nervous because of this."

   "I'm worried that when this kid Chen Cang leaves, he will take away all the people in my emergency center!"

   As soon as I said this, the room became quiet.

   Xiao Zhehai was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "What you said is a bit exaggerated, how is this possible!"

   Wu Tongfu couldn't help but said: "Don't tell me, this... is very likely!"

   Wu Tongfu recalled what happened some time ago, and couldn't help but said to Xiao Zhehai: "Do you know the topic that our hospital did some time ago? It's the topic of Marfan syndrome surgery!"

   Xiao Zhehai nodded: "Ah, I know!"

   "Of the three awards this year, it is clear that one is yours!"

   Xiao Zhehai glared enviously at Wu Tongfu: "I really don't know where your kid's **** luck is!"

   Wu Tongfu sighed, "I'm not talking about this. At that time, we didn't want to criticize the subject at all!"

   "You don't know the scene at that time."

   "At the time, you didn't know that, after a few of our deans discussed, when we did not approve, our heart surgery and general surgery directly exploded!"

   "It's Xu Ziming and He Zhiqian. They directly mobilized the doctors and nurses in the department to use nearly a year of department bonuses to cooperate with Chen Cang on this topic. Just say it, you are not afraid!"

   "It was so exciting at the time, so many people in the department responded one after another, and I wondered, whoever can't make it through the money, more than a hundred people in the two departments are willing to pay for their own projects!"

   Saying this, Wu Tongfu sighed: "Just tell me, how scary it was then."

   "And... Chen Cang was amazing at that time, but he is not as exaggerated as he is now!"

   "Do you know what nickname our hospital has given Chen Cang now?"

   Xiao Zhehai was also shocked by what Wutong said.

   shook his head dumbly: "I don't know... what is it called?"

   Wu Tongfu smiled helplessly: "Chen Cang is now an academician student tutor!"

   Hearing Wu Tongfu's words, Xiao Zhehai was stunned!

  Academician student...Tutor?

   He has heard of master tutors and doctoral tutors, but this is the first time he has heard of academician tutors!

   Can academicians also be trained?

   However, after thinking about it carefully, Xiao Zhehai couldn't laugh.

  In Chen Cang's hands, maybe this academician can really be trained.

  Think about Xu Ziming. This guy is really not outstanding in the field of cardiac surgery, but he just took the exam for the heir of Chen's non-stop heart technology and won a world biomedical award, and won this year's academician!

  Look at Zhou Hongguang. This makes it clear that he can't get up. After all, Ji Jianye stopped him, and he himself got Parkinson.

   It's alright now, he was easily pushed up, and by the way, a Parkinson was conquered!

   It is said that...Gong Daizhen, who is in the direction of skin plastic surgery this year, also went to Chen Cang.

   If you think about it carefully, Chen Cang deserves the title of...academician tutor!

   Thinking of this, Xiao Zhehai instantly understood Wu Tongfu's inner fear.

   To be honest, the fear of being dominated by Chen Cang is really terrifying.

   Wu Tongfu's worry is that there are a few more lines on his forehead: "Hey, tell me, can I not worry about it?"

"Following Chen Cang, there is no shortage of awards. This time, that Wu Hui! He is the current backbone of Parkinson's surgery. He was a little-known deputy chief physician in the hospital at the beginning. What about now? Corey is everywhere, **** it, some meetings I haven't attended!"

   "There is also He Zhiqian. Although he didn't say it, he made it clear that the next academician, the heir of Chen's digestive tract reconstruction technology, went straight up! Who dares to get stuck? The whole world of digestive surgery is not Chen Cang's decision?"

   "Now Chen Cang is a golden stone. Whoever meets can give you his potential and talent!"

   Xiao Zhehai sighed after listening.

   Seeing Wu Tongfu suddenly felt a little more distressed.


   Wu Tongfu's next sentence almost choked Xiao Zhehai without a mouthful of water.

   When Xiao Zhehai was about to comfort Wu Tongfu, Wu Tongfu quietly said:

   "Actually...I'm not afraid of your jokes, if I were not the dean, I would like to follow Chen Cang!"

  As soon as he said this, Xiao Zhehai couldn't laugh or cry, and coughed after drinking his tea.

   Wu Tongfu's eyes lit up: "Cut, don't look at me like that."

   "I ask you, if you follow Chen Cang and win the Nobel Prize, can you leave?"

   A word stunned Xiao Zhehai.

   Xiao Zhehai couldn't help but said: "It's a bit exaggerated, right? Nobel Prize..."

   Wu Tongfu threw the news aside directly on the table: "Exaggeration? Look at this news!"

   Xiao Zhehai took the newspaper curiously, and he was dumbfounded at this look!

   "The former Dean of Alzheimer's new drug research and development team Zhang Mu and Academician Yu Shuangyong followed Chen Cang back to Dongyang Province to establish the Chen Cang New Drug Research Institute."

  "The winner of the Albany Biomedical Award and the academic leader in the field of Parkinson's Taidanis joined the Chen Cang New Pharmaceutical Research Institute with his team!

   "The Dongyang Provincial Government encourages..."

   Looking at this eye-catching news, Xiao Zhehai was dumbfounded.


   "This is too realistic!"

   Wu Tongfu couldn’t help saying: “You said I’m worried or not. Almost 500 researchers in the Alzheimer’s Research Institute of New Drugs in the capital have resigned and followed Chen Cang!”

   "You said...When Chen Cang leaves, how many resignations will our hospital have?"

   Wu Tongfu is more and more entangled!

   Looked at Wu Tongfu in melancholy.

   Xiao Zhehai also understood instantly.

  Tedanis came from New York, USA with his belongings, so what else can I say?

   "Hey...Old Wu, if you want to start, you can't blame our comrades for not being firm enough. If you blame it, blame it. Chen Cang's temptation is too strong!"

   At this point, Xiao Zhehai's eyes suddenly brightened, and he was thinking about it!

   "By the way, Old Wu, I have a way!"

   When Wu Tongfu heard this, he quickly got serious: "What can I do?"

   Xiao Zhehai said with a smile: "After Chen Cang went to Amyang, what do you think he needs most now?"

   Wu Tongfu rolled his eyes: "Of course I need people most!"

   Xiao Zhehai couldn't help but said: "Yes, if you are short of people, you can give them to them. Isn't this a good way to get multiple benefits?"

   Wu Tongfu was about to stomping and cursing in anger, suddenly his eyes lit up and he reacted.

   "You mean... I take the initiative to give to others?"

   Thinking of this, Wu Tongfu stood up excitedly and clapped his hands in applause!

"it is good!"

   "This method is good!"

   "Old Xiao, you are so cunning, you are so scheming!"

   At this point, Wu Tongfu got up and stopped drinking tea. He went to the desk and sat down and took out the pen and paper directly from the drawer.

   and then read while writing:

   "Good idea, really good idea. Chen Cang's emergency building has seven or eight floors. I can't afford such a small building at the Capital Emergency Center?"

   It didn't take long for Wu Tongfu to write and paint, and after communicating with Xiao Zhehai by the way, a satisfactory plan came up.

   Then, Wu Tongfu sorted out his expressions, and said to Xiao Zhehai: "You go, I have important things to talk to Chen Cang!"

   Xiao Zhehai was displeased when he heard it. This showed that the bridge was demolished across the river.

   Then, Xiao Zhehai said: "This...Old Wu, I actually have this idea too!"

   Wu Tongfu suddenly pointed at Xiao Zhehai and laughed.

   The two old foxes couldn't help but look cunning.


  Chen Cang is seeing a patient here, and just after giving the doctor's order, the phone here rang!

   "Professor Chen, come to my office."

   Wu Tongfu said kindly.

   This makes Chen Cang a little curious.

   You know, during this time, Dean Wu saw himself as if he had the hatred of taking his wife.

   What happened today?

   He anxiously handed over the work to others, got up and walked towards the administration building.

   After entering the office, Wu Tongfu greeted Chen Cang to sit down.

   "Chen Cang, a year has passed in an instant, I still remember when you first came!"

   Wu Tongfu preemptively played a beautiful emotional card.

  Chen Cang nodded: "Thank Dean Wu for his care over the past year!"

   Chen Cang is telling the truth, Wu Tongfu really takes care of Chen Cang.

   Wu Tongfu nodded and smiled slightly: "Hey, you have to go back too. To be honest, I can't bear it!"

   "But the task on your side is also quite arduous. The emergency building that has just been built is about to start operating, and you are under great pressure."

   "Calling you over today, I have a few things to talk to you, it can be regarded as my experience of coming over!"

   Chen Cang's eyes lit up: "Thank you, Dean Wu."

   Next, Wu Tongfu really talked about a lot of life experience, including hospital management, the way of getting along with talents, the adjustment of interpersonal relationships in departments... etc.!

   Xiao Zhehai is also the old dean, they are very experienced.

   These things are precious experiences, and Chen Cang is also content.

   Then, at about noon, Wu Tongfu suddenly said: "Hey...I still feel a little worried about you."

   "Let’s do it, Chen Cang, the emergency building has been built. It’s best not to have your staff in one step, because it’s important to adjust and supplement at any time so that the department’s talents have a gradient and try not to have faults."

   "Furthermore, keeping hiring at all times will also allow you to continuously absorb new talents!"

  Chen Cang nodded, indeed, the talent gradient is very important.


   If there are fewer people, it can't be operated at all.

   Chen Cang was about to speak, Wu Tongfu said directly:

   "I have a way to solve your dilemma."

   Chen Cang's eyes lit up: "What way?"

   Wu Tongfu slowly said: "The Capital Emergency Center Hospital can establish a cooperative relationship with the Dongyang Second People's Hospital and become a brother hospital."

   "In this way, we can send people to study with you regularly, and you can also send talents to us for further training."

   "Furthermore, you are familiar with our hospital, and you are accustomed to using talents!"

   "You have just started, in the past two years, I will appoint more people to help you, first to solve your problems, and second, I can learn from you!"

   "Of course, you don't need to pay the salary yet. Our hospital pays the salary. What do you think?"

   Chen Cang's eyes lit up when he heard it!

  The expression in Wu Tongfu's eyes was full of gratitude: "Thank you, Dean Wu."

  , Xiao Zhehai of Ruijin Hospital also nodded and said with a smile: "Professor Chen, our Ruijin is actually very good, and we can also establish a cooperative relationship."

  Chen Cang nodded: "Thank you!"

   Wu Tongfu smiled: "Professor Chen, don't worry about using it. If you don't use it well, let them go!"

   "Yes!" Xiao Zhehai nodded.

   Chen Cang really did not expect that Wu Tongfu gave himself a gift before leaving.

   To be honest, Chen Cang is really flattered.

   Compared to the Capital Emergency Center and Ruijin Hospital in the capital city, the Second Provincial Hospital is too small.

   With the help of these top hospitals, Chen Cang can almost foresee the rapid development of the hospital ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Chen Cang couldn't help but ask: "This cooperation..."

   Wu Tongfu said directly: "When your hospital's emergency building is officially put into use, it will be officially listed: Capital Emergency Center Hospital Cooperative Hospital."

   "By the way, so is our Ruijin!" Xiao Zhehai nodded.

   This is really good news!

   After the cooperation between my own hospital and these large hospitals outside, it can increase patient confidence.

  Moreover, I can regularly communicate with the experts of these hospitals for some intractable diseases.

   can solve a lot of troubles.

   So, can this make Chen Cang unsatisfied?

   After Chen Cang left, Wu Tongfu and Xiao Zhehai looked at each other slightly and laughed.

   is really effortless!

   **** is still old and spicy!

   In this way, Chen Cang would not take people away.

   can also have a friendly and cooperative relationship with Chen Cang's Provincial Second Court.

   did not break contact with Chen Cang.

   is really a good idea!

   do multiple things in one fell swoop!

   Together, they decided to go out at noon.


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