When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1699: : It's all caused by eggs! (2 in 1)

   Chen Cang is not very busy during this time.

   The feeling of throwing his hand at the shopkeeper made him very comfortable.

   Zhang Mu, who has many years of experience as a dean, has already arrived at Amyang first, and had a meeting with Kong Xiangmin.

   The next work will start slowly.

   During this period of time, the Ammonium Yang High-tech Development Zone was also busy dealing with the "Chen Cang New Pharmaceutical Research Institute".

  Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

   After Chen Cang went home, he took the initiative to cook food, but Qin Yue has been busy recently, not because of work.

   But because I have to go back to Yangyang with Chen Cang for a while, I need to deal with some things.

  Chen Cang found Sun Guangyu and gave him a clinical cooperation project in order to make Qin Yue go home.

   After Sun Guangyu saw it, his eyes brightened and he smiled very knowledgeably and said that Qin Yue would follow Chen Cang to do this clinical study.

   Chen Cang is naturally grateful for this.

   Sometimes, there are always more solutions than problems.

   After Qin Yue came back, he looked at the food on the table and was very happy.

   They are still looking forward to moving to Ammonium.

   After all, their house is also ready, and they can live separately when they go back. The house there must have more space than the house in the capital and the decoration is better.

   After all, this is someone else’s house. At the beginning, Chen Cang and Qin Yue did not think about investing too much in renovation.

   But this house is not cheap. After all, it is surrounded by hospitals, elementary schools, commercial districts, and parks.

   House prices here have always been in the high-priced areas of the capital.

  The only drawback is that the children upstairs and downstairs are noisy.

   are all children in this elementary school. They often run around when they are noisy. Sometimes it does affect rest.

  While eating, Qin Yue couldn't help but said, "Hey? Why aren't the kids upstairs making noise today?"

   Chen Cang rolled his eyes: "You said that after we go back, you can't hear the noise and can't sleep?"

   Qin Yue smiled: "No, I just think it's very lively to have a child."

  Chen Cang nodded and smiled: "Okay, when you go back, we will have children!"

   Qin Yue suddenly giggled: "You think you are playing games when you give birth, so you can get pregnant if you are pregnant!"

  Chen Cang also became happy, and pulled Qin Yue over to snuggle together, pointing to her belly and saying:

   "Have you heard, kid, you must be pregnant, your mother misses you!"

   Qin Yue rolled his eyes: "Naive!"

   The two of them were about to go to bed after washing, and suddenly they heard the noise upstairs.

  Chen Cang smiled suddenly: "Look? What do you say! Your mouth was bare!"

   However, Qin Yue frowned slightly and stood up: "No, it seems that something is wrong!"

   Hearing what Qin Yue said, Chen Cang also listened carefully.

   Indeed, today’s steps are a bit messy, what happened?

   Then, before the two of them had reacted, they remembered the knocking on the door.

   Chen Cang's expression changed, he quickly got up, approved a piece of clothing, and went out.

   After opening the door, I saw a man standing at the door with an anxious expression on his face and said, "Doctor Chen, you can help me see what's wrong with my child!"

   In a building, Chen Cang knows the upstairs and downstairs as well as his neighbors. They often go up and down the elevator and occasionally talk to each other.

   Moreover, Chen Cang himself is a small celebrity, and many people know him and greet him actively.

   When Chen Cang heard this, he frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

   The man's face was a little horrified: "Diarrhea, all blood is drawn out!"

   Hearing this, Chen Cang suddenly became serious.

   Have you hit 120?

   The man nodded: "Just hit it! I thought that you were also close, so I came to ask you."

   Chen Cang looked pale when he saw the man was really scared, so he nodded quickly and said, "I'll go up with you."

   The man is a New Oriental teacher who teaches English, and his wife is in IT. They are very busy every day.

   Chen Cang was about to get up, Qin Yue put on clothes and walked over in a hurry: "I'll go with you."

   While talking, the two followed the man upstairs.

   After opening the door and coming in, Chen Cang saw the two children lying on the sofa, wearing down jackets and thick quilts. They were obviously shivering.

   The other is nausea and vomiting in the trash can!

   Their mother was in a panic, sweating profusely, holding the refrigerator contents in her hands to cool down the child's forehead.

   But it was obvious that she was already a little flustered, she was already standing there at a loss except to cool down.

   Seeing Chen Cang and Qin Yue coming in, he said quickly: "Doctor Chen, please help me see what happened to these two children!"

  Chen Cang nodded and walked over.

   The face of this young mother was obviously just crying.

   The two children are 4 years old.

   are all boys. The older one is 11 years old and the younger is 7 years old. They like to make noise at home on weekdays.

   Parents also care, but little boys, especially two, are really easy to make trouble together.

   The two children are already very sensible.

   When I met Chen Cang and Qin Yue, I would also be called uncle and aunt.

   The 11-year-old boy was lying on the trash can, vomiting too much, and yelled: "I'm so uncomfortable, mom save me, vomit..."

   The little boy was already feverish, and he was speechless.

   Chen Cang couldn't help asking: "Is there a thermometer at home?"

   The man shook his head: "No, there is anti-fever medicine at home, I dare not give it to him."

  Chen Cang put his hand directly on to feel his body temperature.

   Through the perception of the gloves, Chen Cang estimated that the temperature was above 38, and he couldn't feel it.

   Obviously, although the conditions of the two children are not the same, if they are sick at the same time, the first consideration is a disease.

   Thinking of this, Chen Cang asked: "I went to see the stool, did you flush it?"

   The little boy’s mother said quickly, "No, keep it, just wait for you to come up and take a look."

   Chen Cang nodded and followed into the bathroom.

   Chen Cang has a strong ability to recognize secretions.

   After seeing it, there is almost no hesitation, and he can firmly affirm: "Mucous pus and blood!"

   Qin Yue frowned when Chen Cang said this.

   You know, mucus pus and blood are rare.

   Especially these two young children.

Generally speaking, stools with mucus pus and blood, or pus, blood without mucus, etc., are mostly considered to be inflammatory bowel disease, which is ulcerative colitis, or Crohn's disease. .

   Chen Cang cannot be diagnosed with this stool alone.

   Thinking of this, Chen Cang simply said: "Go and collect some of these, and take it to the hospital for a check."

   The man nodded quickly, got up and went to collect.

   And here, Chen Cang came out, walked to the child, and asked:

   "Xiao Nan, how do you feel uncomfortable?"

   The little boy is called Xiao Nan, and the smaller one is Xiao Bei.

   Xiao Nan felt painful tears: "Uncle Chen, my stomach hurts, I feel nauseous, I want to vomit, but I can't vomit, and then I feel dizzy and my stomach hurts."

  Chen Cang nodded, and said to Xiao Nan: "Come on, lie down, uncle touch his belly."

   After finishing speaking, Xiao Nan's mother let him lie down on the sofa, and then Chen Cang cautiously placed his hand on his stomach and gently slid.

   After some inspection, Chen Cang frowned.

   "Did you eat anything today?"

   Xiaonan shook his head: "We all ate at home, we didn't eat randomly..."

   Chen Cang is also a little unclear about the reason.

   Now the gastrointestinal manifestations of little boys are more obvious.

   In contrast, Xiaobei is mainly feverish.

   Chen Cang kept shrinking his conjectures, trying to extrapolate what he thought of.

   The little boy’s mother also said: “I rarely let them go out to eat randomly, usually at home.”

   "Because the school is in the community, they come back together after school, and I put the cooked rice in the refrigerator at home. Xiao Nan is also sensible and can eat it by heating it in the microwave."

Not long after, Chen Cang said: "Go to the hospital first, take a blood test, and then check the stool. I suspect it may be acute gastroenteritis...or bacillary dysentery. Of course, food poisoning cannot be ruled out. "

   "What did you eat today?" Chen Cang asked suddenly.

   The little boy’s mother quickly said, “I made rice in the rice cooker, and the dishes were cooked in the refrigerator this morning. I had porridge for dinner and the buns. We are all fine...”

   Xiaonan suddenly said: "Mom, I have bibimbap with eggs for lunch."

   After Chen Cang heard this, his eyes suddenly narrowed: "Bibimbap?"

   The little boy’s mother also asked curiously: "Bibimbap? Who made it?"

   Xiaonan said, "I made it myself... I also ate bibimbap yesterday. Many of my classmates have eaten it, so I went home and made it myself!"

   The little boy’s parents were obviously puzzled: "What kind of bibimbap and how to make it? Who taught you?"

   Xiao Nanqiang endured his stomachache and said, "Mom...I can make it myself. It's very simple, it's the bibimbap in Japanese anime."

   Chen Cang heard it and knew what was going on.

   He couldn't help but sighed.

   This kind of thing has been encountered more than once in the emergency department.

   Especially this year!

   In recent years, with the advancement of Japanese TV series and Japanese animation, many people have begun to learn and come into contact with the diet and lifestyle habits of Japanese animation.

   Bibimbap is one kind!

   The production method is very simple!

   In a bowl of steaming rice, pour a raw egg, add some soy sauce, and eat together.

   also looks good in taste and appetite.

   Children always have a herd mentality.

   For them, things that are tempting and curiosity are all they want to try.

   As a result, there is such a scene!

   Xiaonan wants to imitate, it must be because people around him do it.


   Actually there may be nothing wrong with bibimbap, but they chose the wrong egg.

   Chen Cang couldn't help asking: "Where did your eggs come from?"

   Xiaonan answered honestly: "In the refrigerator."

   Chen Cang said to the child’s mother: "Take me to the refrigerator."

   It seems that the boy's mother also found a clue, got up quickly, opened the refrigerator, and saw that there were indeed a lot of eggs missing.

   Chen Cang asked: "These eggs are ordinary eggs? They are not sterile eggs, right?"

   The boy's mother nodded: "Well, they are all ordinary eggs."

   At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the middle-aged man hurried to open the door.

   Two people from the emergency center came in and asked anxiously:

   "How is the child now?"

   Just finished speaking, he looked up and saw Chen Cang: "Professor Chen, you are here too!"

   Chen Cang found out that it was Zhang Yuan and nodded: "Well, first pick up the child in the car and go back and say."

   Zhang Yuan saw Chen Cang there, and he suddenly had the backbone!

   After all, Chen Cang represents strength.

   Zhang Yuan walked and said, "Professor Chen, what's wrong with them?"

  Chen Cang said: "I suspect that it is Salmonella infection, which caused Salmonella food poisoning!"

   The parents of the little boy behind him were anxious and asked quickly:

   "Doctor Chen, what kind of food poisoning?"

   Chen Cang explained:

  "Actually, there are many germs in raw eggs.

  Salmonella, for example, will continue to exist in the eggs and enter the human body if it has not been processed at high temperature to become mature.

   may cause acute gastroenteritis and even food poisoning caused by salmonella infection.

   Then there will be abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, chills and fever, etc. "

   "Furthermore, the children's intestinal flora is not perfect, and their resistance is insufficient. When facing these things, they cannot effectively defend themselves, which leads to fever!"

   Hearing Chen Cang's words, Xiao Nan's parents suddenly became nervous!

   "Doctor Chen, is it serious?"

   Chen Cang also shook his head helplessly after hearing the sound: "It's really hard to say, don't think this is just a simple food poisoning."

   "I haven't done any confirmation yet to determine if there is a parasite infection, because raw eggs may increase the infection rate of hookworm infection!"

   "Hookworms easily invade eggs through the eggshell. If the eggs are not fully cooked, pregnant women and children with weak resistance will experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and fever after eating eggs contaminated with pathogens."

   "It seems that Xiao Nan's situation may not be very serious."

   "But Xiaobei, it's not necessarily the case. The pus and blood should be Beckham's. If there is pus and blood, there must be intestinal bleeding."

   "And if Salmonella enters the blood, it is easy to aggravate the infection and induce a series of serious conditions, such as sepsis!"


   Chen Cang is now looking at Xiaobei, who is hot!

  As soon as these words came out, the boy's parents' expressions changed suddenly.

   After all, something like sepsis is terrible when it sounds. Who is not afraid?

   "Don't worry, I'm just talking about the dangerous situation, and I have to wait for the results of the inspection!" Chen Cang comforted.



  Ps: I recently read reviews ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and found that many parents regard this book as a reading material for their children. For veterans to think about it, there should be more popular science articles so that everyone can enhance this medical awareness.

  The safety hazards of raw eggs:

   First, infection with acute gastrointestinal disease.

  Second, it is not easy to digest and absorb.

   Third, increase the infection rate of hookworm

   Fourth, increase the burden on the liver!

   Actually, current technology cannot completely avoid eating raw eggs and infection with bacteria, but we have ways to reduce the risk!

   Here are some effective suggestions:

   1. Purchase pasteurized eggs or egg products in large regular supermarkets;

   2. Only buy eggs stored in the frozen food section of a grocery store;

  3. Put the eggs you bought home in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator and do not buy or consume expired eggs;

   4. If you find cracked or dirty eggs, it is best not to eat them.


  Ps: They say that I am too short. I think I should write more chapters in the future, and veterans try to adjust them.

   There are fewer today, count four, and more tomorrow, because there are too many things to prepare before changing the map...


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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