When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1717: : Ask Professor Chen?

   New Year's Day!

   Such a special day, a big fire, so that this originally full of festive days, a lot of helplessness!

   But in fact, when you think about it carefully, such a day may be happening every day.

   It’s just that there are not too many people paying attention.

   The rescue room of the surgical emergency center at this time.

   brings together cutting-edge forces in the field of orthopedics from the capital.

   Professor Yan Zhengjun from the People's Liberation Army Hospital, Professor Yang Wenwu from Jishuitan Hospital, and Professor Qu Jinguo from the Capital Third Hospital gathered in the office.

  Remote consultation can no longer solve the problem.

  The scene must be based on the actual situation to determine how the patient is, so as to formulate surgery or conservative treatment plans!

   Do you choose manual reconstruction and cervical brace, or choose to complete the operation?

   These are not clear in the video.

   The capital is not big. After these directors heard the news, they drove toward the capital emergency center in a hurry.

  As a doctor, even if you are as expensive as an academician or a top-level hospital, you still need to come forward when encountering a special case of a patient.

   At this time, Lao Wu's specific parts were in the neck, between the neck and the thoracic spine.

   In this position, once a serious spinal cord injury occurs, it is bound to cause serious consequences, ranging from disability to death!

   Moreover, the thing that Lao Wu rescued this time was the research result of the Institute of Chemistry. To put it bluntly, Lao Wu did meritorious service this time!


   For Lao Wu's family and comrades in arms, it is really hard to say.

   has come out, it is really helpless to be hit by something.

   Lao Wu is actually only 25 years old this year. He is just a little older. His family is the capital, and he is very generous.

This may be because Lao Wu received a very serious family influence. As the son of a martyr, Lao Wu’s father was a criminal police officer. As a result, when he was seventeen or eighteen, he was seriously injured on a mission and fell down this time... I never got up again.

   Old Wu was originally called Wu Jun. He envied his father as a criminal police officer since he was a child. However, his own conditions were limited. Later he became a soldier and a fire fighter.

   His mother strongly opposes Wu Jun's choice, but... it's really not a son.

  At this moment, in the emergency hall of the hospital, there is only Wu Jun's mother who is less than fifty, sitting in the office, crying like a tearful person.

   Where is this middle-aged woman sitting, she is really desperate.

   She doesn't understand why this is happening, is it really her own Kefker?

   She looked at the rescue room, her eyes full of despair, she really, really, really didn't want to get another medal of heroic mother!

   She is living in duty, is it really that difficult?

   Six sons accompanied her and kept saying:

   "Auntie, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Old Wu!"

"Blame me!"

   The middle-aged woman forced her lips back, not letting herself cry.

  Because they have already changed shifts, several of Old Wu’s comrades and the team leader stood by, looking at his aunt, blushing a little.

   Not long after, the captain of the fire brigade hurried into the doctor's office and saw the captain coming, everyone turned around quickly.

"team leader!"

   The captain of the fire brigade called Cha Sha. At this moment, he was dark and his eyes were full of anxiousness. He looked at the crowd and said in a panic: "How is it?"

   looked down at the woman who was sitting on the chair with her mouth crying, and suddenly panicked: "Sister-in-law...I...I, how is Xiaojun?"

   "Talk to you!" Cha Sha's voice was cold, and it seemed to have some bad feeling.

   Six sons quickly said: "Captain, it's all my fault. I didn't protect Wu Jun!"

   "He... he is in the rescue room now, maybe the cervical and thoracic spine has received a falling object, the spine is fractured, accompanied by spinal cord injury, it may be high... high... high paraplegia!"

   Six sons gritted their teeth and finished speaking with vigour.

After    finished speaking, Cha Sha was completely stunned, paraplegic in a high position!

   Everyone understands what the high paraplegia means. To put it bluntly, this is not as good as death for a strong young man in his twenties!

   is not an exaggeration at all!

   This is a disease that tortures the family and the soul.

   Che Sha looked at Wu Jun’s mother and couldn’t help bending down, apologizing: "Sister-in-law...I...I'm sorry for you!"

   "I didn't take care of Xiaojun."

   Chesha's voice is full of apologetics, he really owes the Wu family!

   Back then, he and Wu Jun’s father went out to perform a mission. At that time, Wu Jun’s father and him captured the criminals and solved the 10-year big case at the time. It was originally a chance for the two of them to rise up!

   However, I didn’t expect a child of the other party to shoot suddenly. No one would have expected this!

   The shivering child squatting in the corner would shoot with a gun!

  At a critical time, if Che Sha's father didn't come out and rescued him, then Yuta Che Sha is like today!

   Unfortunately, the departure of his comrade-in-arms also kept Che Sha...

   After leaving the detective team, he moved several times to the fire.

  The things of the year have been kept in his mind.


   When Wu Jun came to the door, Che Sha was stunned.

   A young man in his twenties, like his father, is generous and humorous.

  He promised to take care of him!

just now……

it's good now.

   Don't talk about taking care, now they are all paraplegic.

   Thinking of this, the shame and regret in Che Sha's heart made him afraid to face Wu Jun's mother!

   At this time, the woman took a deep breath and said hoarsely: "Don't blame you... the captain."

   "This is fate!"

   "It's the life of Jun'er!"

   "Their old Wu family hasn't come yet..."

   "This time, it's completely gone."

   The woman's voice was low and hoarse, but it hit the people around her like a punch.

   Liu Zi couldn't help but blurt out: "Mom! You will be the mother of Liu Zi from now on!"

   "I will take care of your old man in the future!"

   "Yes! Mom, you are our mom!"


   three or four voices sounded, causing the woman to burst into tears and cry loudly.

   Since Wu Jun's accident, he hasn't said a word, and now... she can't help it.

   Chasha quickly turned around and walked outside.

  He wants to ask the best doctor, the best expert, to see a doctor!

   The fire brigade is not an ordinary position, and the level of Chesha is not low.

   After a few phone calls, I didn’t expect that the powerful orthopedics director who could be reached was already gathered in the rescue room!

   This makes Che Sha not happy or unhappy!

   After all, if you didn’t come here, you still have a chance to be famous. Now the top experts in the capital have come. If you still have this diagnosis, the trouble...but it will be big!

   Chesha stood at the door of the rescue room, sighing helplessly!

   This kid's temperament, once high paraplegia occurs, he will definitely not survive.

   can't just forget it!



   At this time, in the rescue room, several experts still did not make up their minds what to do!

  Because spinal surgery is different from other surgery.

  Because of a vertebral fracture, the vertebrae have been embedded in the spinal cord.

   has caused concussion and contusion of the spinal cord, resulting in compression of the spinal cord.

   The changes in the vertebral body and intervertebral discs have caused serious damage to the vertebrae. Now the operation is a lot of trouble.

   And, the most important thing is that Wu Jun's fracture situation is still quite special!

   Now the bone fragments and intervertebral disc traction in the spinal canal, once the opening is opened, it will inevitably cause the spinal cord frustration to increase!

  Once it causes hemorrhage and swelling of the tissue, it will inevitably cause softening and necrosis, which can easily induce the loss of spinal cord function!

   To put it plainly, it means high paraplegia and even death!

   Rather than opening the mouth to cause secondary damage and unable to perform effective surgery, it is better to wait for a good plan!

  The functional recovery of spinal cord injury mainly depends on the degree of spinal cord injury, but early removal of the compression on the spinal cord is the primary issue to ensure the recovery of spinal cord function.

   has now passed the traction of temporary links and control of oppression!

   However, this is only a relief method after all, in order to strive for a better surgical plan.

  Surgery treatment is an important part of comprehensive rehabilitation treatment for patients with spinal cord injury.

  The purpose of the operation is to restore the normal axis of the spine, restore the inner diameter of the spinal canal, directly or indirectly relieve the compression of the spinal cord nerve roots by the fracture or dislocation, and stabilize the spine!

   However, surgery is the last resort.

   Once a closed neck cervical spine injury is accompanied by spinal cord injury, a skull traction must be performed first.

   At this time, several directors are about to explode now!

   There is still no key plan.

   Yan Zhengjun, director of the People’s Liberation Army, said suddenly: “The intraspinal hemorrhage is not serious. There is still time to ask for foreign aid. If you wait until the hemorrhage in the spinal cord, it will definitely cause the nerve function to gradually worsen.”

   Yu Yonggang frowned: "Please foreign aid...who can there be?"

   "The most powerful people in the field of orthopedics in the capital are already concentrated here. If everyone has no solution, who can do it?"

  Yu Yonggang is telling the truth.

  Jishuitan’s orthopedic director Yang Wenwu is a brave person. He sighed and said directly: "Get ready for surgery!"

   "I still invite foreign aid now, who can I invite? For those who are celebrating the New Year, where can I find it! The patient's current situation can be delayed for up to 24 hours."

   "But with these twenty-four hours, the wait is not as good as us, it is better to complete the operation as soon as possible now, maybe the nerve damage is not serious, and it will not be necrotic!"

  Qu Jinguo of the Capital Third Hospital looked at the film, thoughtfully: "This operation is choking!"

   Several other people turned around and looked at Qu Jinguo: "What have you found?"

  Qu Jinguo couldn't help but shook his head: "I think we are a bit too optimistic about the patient's condition!"

Everyone was taken aback, and Qu Jinguo pointed to the film and said, "Look, the soft tissue is not this color. It is obviously caused by spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injury... Once it is severed, nerve regeneration and recovery are basically irreversible."

   "I think the possibility of high paraplegia is higher!"

  Qu Jinguo is not the enthusiasm of everyone, but the patient's situation is indeed so dangerous.

   Qu Jinguo said: “Let’s communicate with family members first. After the communication is over, we will contact Director Xue Zhengren and Yang Ming to see if the spinal cord is possible to recover.”

   Hearing Qu Jinguo's words, Yu Yonggang nodded: "Well, I'm going to talk to my family."

   At this time, the director of the Institute of Chemistry has come to the hospital.

   After seeing Yu Yonggang, he hurried over!

   "Director, how is it? The patient... is there any help?"

  Yu Yonggang glanced at the director of the Institute of Chemistry and couldn't help but sighed: "The situation is a bit complicated, and it doesn't make much sense to say anything now. I can only say that paraplegia is more likely!"

When the director    heard this, his expression suddenly changed: "We must save him. This has saved us much loss!"

   "We will definitely bear all costs!"

   "Can you hire an expert?"

  Yu Yonggang is helpless. To tell the truth, no one can do anything about it. Heroes cannot be cured. Who wants to see this kind of thing?

   He gave a wry smile: "We have invited the best doctor in the capital!"

   The director of the Institute of Chemistry said directly, "What about foreign countries?"

   A word made Yu Yong just stunned.

   He did not go to find his family, and went straight back to the rescue room.

   "Which of you know that spine surgery is done well internationally?"

   The others were taken aback!

   "I have some connections with Carmen-Halmi from GICUP, Italy, I can get in touch!" Qu Jinguo, director of the Department of Orthopedics of the Third Hospital of Peking University, said directly.

  GICUP is a global alliance for precision treatment of paraplegia, which brings together experts from all over the world.

   After all, this is not a rare disease.

   This can only be said to be a critical illness!

   There are millions of patients with spinal cord injury and paraplegia in my country, and more than 10,000 new cases are increasing rapidly every year.

   This kind of disease has a very high mortality rate and disability rate. Most of it occurs in young adults, and it brings a heavy burden to the country and society!

   But, even if there are more patients!

   When there is no breakthrough in the core technology, no one can do anything about it.

   Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the country has established a global alliance on precision therapy.

   Here is a gathering of top experts and scholars from all over the world. It is also a non-profit organization.

   is equivalent to the remote consultation function!

  Qu Jinguo is a domestic member of the alliance.

   He quickly contacted the organization and sent the patient's photo and situation!

   "Hello everyone, this is a firefighting hero in our country. He is only 25 years old. He suffered a spinal injury 2 hours ago and caused..."

   "This is a film. We are working on a surgical plan. I hope everyone can discuss it!"

  Carmen Hammill is the Director of Spine Surgery at the University Hospital of Siena, Italy.

   At the same time, many countries including the United States, Britain, Sweden, etc. have also seen Wu Jun’s inspection results.

   After reading it, everyone started the discussion!

thirty minutes!

   The time is neither short nor long.

   But the result is extremely frustrating~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These top experts have been silent after reading it!

   Even Carmen, the vice chairman of the Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance, said helplessly:

   "Professor Qu, you know, the patient's spinal cord is severed. How to solve the problem of nerve regeneration and functional recovery is only a problem!"

   "We are still undecided about this method!"

   "Now we can participate in the shaping and curvature treatment of the spine, but the nerves...we are really powerless!"

   Carmen’s words made everyone despair!

   Is there really no chance?

   "I respect this hero very much. I am now in Japan. I will take the fastest flight to the capital. Anyway, I will participate in this operation!"

   Carmen Hammill’s words warmed everyone's hearts!

   But, but also helpless.

   Even if it comes, can you save it?

   Just when everyone was desperate, a weak voice rang.

   Everyone turned around and found that it was just a little nurse.

   "Director Yu, how about... ask Professor Chen?"




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