When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1718: : Professor Chen, it's really a **** and man!

   Everyone was taken aback!

   turned to look at Yu Yonggang, a little curious, who is Professor Chen?

   "Professor Chen?"

   "Who is Professor Chen?"

  Jishuitan’s Yang Jinwu felt familiar: "Professor Chen? So familiar..."

  Yu Yonggang also suddenly realized it!

Yes indeed!

   Why did I forget this guy.

   Yu Yonggang said quickly: "Go and let Chen Cang come..."

   Before the words came out, Yu Yonggang suddenly stopped.

   Then he suddenly remembered that Chen Cang had been away for a while.

   But Yu Yonggang is still not used to it.

   is always called Chen Cang from time to time.

   Thinking of this, Yu Yonggang sighed.

   "Director Yu...Professor Chen has returned to Anyang." Xiao Ke still reminded him in a low voice.

   Yu Yonggang nodded and waved his hand: "Well, I see."

   At this time, several other people also reacted!

   "Director Yu, are you talking about...Professor Chen Cang?" Yang Wenwu asked curiously.

   "Hmm!" Yu Yonggang nodded, but still said: "Professor Chen seems to have a spinal fracture in orthopedics...I haven't seen it before, and I don't know how he is!"

   Several people nodded.

   Chen Cang must be amazing.

  The directors of these orthopedics departments have all heard of Chen Cang's name, which means that Min Chen Cang has broken the circle in the medical circle, and he is also a famous name in the capital medical circle!

   "Would you...make a call to ask? After all...this is also a neurosurgery operation, maybe Professor Chen has also been involved!" Qu Jinguo couldn't help but say.

   Yan Zhengjun at the People's Liberation Army Hospital also said: "Yes, many people, many ideas, Professor Chen...cannot be inferred according to common sense."

   After a few people pondered this way, Yu Yonggang didn't say anything.

   directly dialed Chen Cang's phone number. Chen Cang had just paid a New Year greeting to himself last night, and he also sent a lot of red envelopes to the six departments of the emergency department of the Capital Emergency Center.

   While waiting for the call, Yu Yonggang said, "Hey...Don't expect too much. After all, Chen Cang is not omnipotent, let alone the treatment of this spinal cord injury is still an international problem..."

   Before I finished speaking, the phone connected.

   "Director Yu, happy new year!"

   Yu Yonggang nodded quickly, without politeness, but went straight to the subject: "Chen Cang, the Institute of Chemistry is on fire today, there is a fireman..."

   "The risk of high paraplegia is very high now!"

   "I will send you a photo on WeChat, please watch the film first."

   Chen Cang nodded and said: "Okay!"

   Yu Yonggang quickly took pictures and sent them to Chen Cang.

   Then the entire emergency room fell into silence.

   Everyone is waiting for Chen Cang's reply.

   One minute later, a jingle rang, and the original inconspicuous WeChat prompt sound was very clear.

   Because everyone is waiting for this sound!

   Chen Cang's words are simple: "Prepare the operating room, wait for me!"

   Chen Cang's words are concise and concise!

   But everyone in the rescue room was immediately stunned!

  Preparing the operating room? wait for me?

What does    mean?

   Several people glanced at each other, and saw the doubt and shock in each other's eyes!

   Could it be... Chen Cang can?

   Can Chen Cang do this operation?

   Thinking of this, everyone is both surprised and happy!

   Can Chen Cang have this operation?

   Even Yu Yonggang was shocked and unbelievable.

   After all, this is not an ordinary operation. This is an international problem involving how to solve the nerve regeneration and functional recovery after the spinal cord is severed!

   This is also the most difficult and challenging world problem in the world.

   "Does...Professor Chen... also does spinal surgery?" Qu Jinguo of the Capital Third Hospital said thoughtfully.

   Yu Yonggang coughed awkwardly: "This...should it be?!"

   Yang Wenwu heard this and said: "Director Yu, didn't Chen Cang stay with you for a whole year? You don't know if he will perform spinal surgery?"

   This sentence makes Yu Yonggang want to scold his mother!

   You and Chen Cang's life you don’t know what his next operation will be!

   One year, one year has a fart!

   "This... time is too short, and Chen Cang... hasn't had time to do this orthopedic surgery!"

  As soon as these words came out, several people were stunned!

What does    mean?

What does    have not had time to mean?

   Yan Zhengjun asked curiously: "Director Yu, what do you mean..."

   Yu Yonggang sighed, "After Chen Cang came to our emergency center, he didn't stay by my side for long!"

"First, I went to do cardiology surgery and performed non-stop heart surgery, and then went out to win prizes, and then I did not rest long before I came back to do digestive surgery, and then you saw what you saw...What kind of world digestive surgery? The society is established!"

   "Then it is to do large blood vessels, do Marfan syndrome, which is the aortic dissection operation, and take a group of people to the AATS Association meeting!

   "Then you saw it too, Parkinson. Before I left, I started to enter the neurosurgery department and conquered Parkinson's surgery by the way!"

   Speaking of this, even Yu Yonggang suddenly realized.

   My Cao!

Yes indeed!

   This kid has been here for a year, but the time in my six emergency departments is not as long as the heart surgery?

   Thinking of this, Lao Yu was a little aggrieved.

   Everyone glanced at Lao Yu and sighed deeply.

   This is called advanced training!

   "This is probably the most advanced training in the world!"

   "Yes! Learn one, master one!"

   "This can be called mastery? This is called breakthrough one."

   "I suddenly felt that Professor Chen might really do this operation!"



   Here, Chen Cang has just booked the hotel, put down his mobile phone and said to Qin Yue: "There is a severe spinal cord injury and fracture operation in the capital. I have to go there now."

   After Qin Yue heard this, his face suddenly changed: "How are you going? I'll see you off?"

  Chen Cang shook his head: "No, it's too late. Let me contact the helicopter of the First Hospital of Dongda University below. Save some time."

   Qin Yue nodded: "Then you pay attention to safety, I will arrange things at home!"

   "Is there anything I need to prepare?"

  Chen Cang shook his head, touched Qin Yue's head warmly, and said with a smile: "I need you to stay, thank you wife!"

   After speaking, Chen Cang walked outside, and then called Wu Hui and Wang Qian before leaving.

   "Come with me to the capital! There is a spinal cord injury operation."

  Wu Hui nodded. He is now single, spending the New Year with his parents. After receiving a call, he glanced at his parents apologetically: "Mom and dad, Professor Chen...has an operation. He is going to the capital..."

   Wu Hui's father said quickly: "Go ahead, don't let Professor Chen wait in a hurry, you can have today, thanks to Professor Chen! You have to be grateful!"

   The old father thought Wu Hui was going to help.

   Wu Hui said quickly: "Dad, Professor Chen wants to take me to learn things."

   When the old father heard this, he said immediately: "You bastard, what are you doing in the cold, hey...you say you, it's hard to meet a noble man in half my life, so I can't cherish it!"

   Wang Qian happened to be peeed on his pants by the child, and he quickly got up: "My wife, there is a hero waiting for me to rescue him. Look at the child first!"

   Say goodbye to parents and get up!

   Here, Chen Cang called Qian Liang directly. He and the Dean were not familiar with him, so it would be better to contact Qian Liang directly.

   Qian Liang also got in touch with the Capital Emergency Center and quickly contacted the helicopter.

ready to go!

   Chen Cang sat on the plane, thoughtful.

   sighed, the Provincial Second Hospital is still too difficult, even the application for rescue helicopter is more troublesome, and you have to borrow from the older brother.

   When I come back, I have to react with the old husband, and the Health and Health Committee must do a good job of coordination.

   That's right!

   is definitely the old man’s pot!



   After getting off the plane, Chen Cang took the two and walked directly to the operating room!

   To be honest, Chen Cang couldn't guarantee that he would be able to do the next operation.

   On the plane, Chen Cang thought a lot!

   Color skills brought Chen Cang's cognition across this era.

  Chen Cang needs to transform it into a method that can be used in the current era!

   Otherwise, don't really be sliced ​​and studied.

  Yu Yonggang is already waiting for Chen Cang at the entrance of the hospital.

   After seeing Chen Cang, Lao Yu unexpectedly felt warm in his heart. I haven't seen this kid for a long time, and I still miss him a little!



"follow me!"

   Lao Yu didn't say much nonsense, and walked directly inside with Chen Cang.

   On the way, Lao Yu couldn't help but said: "This is the Chinese New Year, call you over."

  Chen Cang: "We are in this industry. If it is troublesome, let's say... it's not your business."

   "But... Director Yu, you have to prepare some Chinese New Year wine when you leave. My dad is just like this!"

   Yu Yong just smiled: "You can't do without you!"

   "By the way, this operation...do you have a spectrum?"

  Chen Cang nodded: "The problem is not big."

   Seeing Chen Cang's self-confidence, Yu Yonggang is quite proud to be honest.

   After all, I worked under my own for a year.

  In the operating room, Yu Yonggang gave Chen Cang an introduction.

   Everyone nodded, they are really full of expectations for this operation.

   While preparing, Chen Cang asked casually: "What medicine did you use?"

   "Methylprednisolone is used to inhibit lipid peroxidation of cell membranes, and mannitol is used to prevent spinal cord edema."

   "Gangliosides are used to repair and nourish nerves."

  Chen Cang nodded: "Give hyperbaric oxygen!"

   "Prepare for surgery."

   In this operation, lead clothing is required. After all, X-ray lateral cervical spine radiographs need to be taken during the operation to determine the location and details of the fracture.

   The operation has not started yet, and he is preparing for anesthesia. The patient suddenly becomes short of breath!

   The faces of everyone around him changed!

   I have difficulty breathing now, it is clearly a complication of spinal cord injury~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Once the upper cervical spinal cord injury is prone to quadriplegia, if the diaphragm and intercostal muscles are paralyzed, breathing difficulties can occur, often leading to rapid death!

   So, everyone really can’t take it seriously!

   To be honest, don’t think everyone is a top spine surgery expert, but no one knows how to perform such an operation.

On the other hand, Chen Cang, at this time, just put his hands on his abdomen and said faintly: “The patient only has abdominal breathing. It should be that when the lower cervical spinal cord is injured, the limbs are paralyzed below the injury level, and the upper limbs are segmental. Sensory and movement disorders.

  Because the chest breathing muscles are paralyzed, there is only abdominal breathing, which is not a big problem! "

   Chen Cang’s remarks were an understatement, and his calm and relaxed attitude really made everyone confused.

   They saw Chen Cang for the first time.

   Unexpectedly, this meeting gave people such a superior feeling!

   is really not as famous as meeting.

   A few people glanced at each other, and unconsciously produced a sentence in their minds:

  Professor Chen... It’s a **** and a man!


  Ps: I'll have it later, wait a moment, and ask for a monthly pass by the way, thank you!


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