When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1722: : Being a doctor is really hard, you still have to learn carving?

   When Wang Qian heard this, he was suddenly excited!

   This is... let me be the group leader?


   Is it... the main participant, the second child?

   Thinking of his PhD supervisor working under his own hands, Wang Qian was sour in his heart for a while. My spring starts at the age of 32!

  Chen Cang was also on a temporary basis.

   He is now completely rationalizing his skills.

   Just let these experts provide a clinical process for their nerve transfer grafting to reconstruct the spinal cord!

   After finishing speaking, Chen Cang said to the crowd: "As for how to use the limited donor nerve fibers to connect the nerve fibers in the innervating paralyzed area, I am about to start. Please take a good look!"

   "Director Yu, come here and see clearly!"

   Chen Cang's special care made Yu Yonggang, who had been a black face for a century, blush!

he thinks……

   walked through Chen Cang's back door by himself!

   is a bit twitchy.

   However, at a critical time, you have to be generous, so maybe you can also overtake corners and become the youngest emergency academician in the new year?

   Chen Cang took the microscope and started the operation!

   Everyone is serious!

   Because of the next thing, it will be a turning point for the rest of their lives!

   Including Wang Qian is also one hundred and eighty kilograms of meat all attentively.

   At this time, Chen Cang's hand was steady and clever, and directly cut the lateral adventitia and part of the perineum at the selected point of the recipient nerve.

   "You have to remember this incision, you need to preserve the angle, because it is done under the premise of maintaining proper muscle tension, whether it is the strength or the angle of the wedge, it must be kept intact!"

   "The success rate of nerve fiber grafting is largely related to this!"

   The four “primary students” at the master level nodded silently, remembering every word of Chen Cang in their hearts!

  Wu Jun’s condition is not good. Because of the timely treatment of the spinal injury, the traction and decompression were carried out as soon as possible, and the pressure was reduced, so the subsequent damage was not serious.

   But the patient has lost control of the diaphragm, and abdominal breathing alone cannot be completed, and must be supported by a ventilator.

   So the next thing to do is to connect the phrenic nerve!

   However, the length of nerve fibers is limited.

   After the nerve is severed, under the traction of other tissues and itself, there will be a process of breaking. In addition, some nerves have been damaged and must be removed, resulting in the need for an extra nerve fiber to graft!

   According to Wu Jun’s previous medical examination.

  Diaphragm control is indeed.

   Poor elbow reflex.

   The cervical spinal cord above C4 level is injured.

  The cervical spinal cord between C5 and C8 is also injured.

   Therefore, Chen Cang needs to match these nerves as closely as possible!

   In this way, it has become a game of finding thread.

   So then.

   These directors looked at Chen Cang piously and found the place where the phrenic nerve was at will.

   Everyone kept their eyes on, watching how Chen Cang restored the phrenic nerve to work!

   At this time, Chen Cang suddenly and decisively chose a nerve branch, and then shifted it, just perfect link with the phrenic nerve in a relaxed state!

   After seeing this scene, Qu Jinguo, director of the Capital Third Hospital, suddenly realized!

   "This is... the accessory nerve branch!"

   "That's right! If the accessory nerve branch is selected here for displacement, it can achieve a perfect position in space without affecting normal functions!"

   "Yes, in this way, even if the spinal cord is injured, it will not affect normal work!"

   "Too thoughtful!"

   "It's a genius idea!"

  Chen Cang was very calm, still taking care of it calmly, as if he had only done a trivial thing, but this time, everyone was really shocked!

   bypassing the hard-to-recover repairs in the spinal nerves, instead choosing a graft-like anastomosis like this to achieve the work of the diaphragm!

   This is simply a typical representative of the curve to save the country!

   So, these directors really realized it!

  Sometimes, not everyone can change their thinking.

   Just like the same steam movement, only one person invented the steam engine!

  There are many, many skills in life.

   Of course, it also takes countless attempts to achieve.

   Then, Chen Cang began to repair the nerve damage in the elbow.

   This time, Chen Cang went the other way and chose the main branch of the accessory nerve. After exposing him, he grafted and sutured the musculocutaneous nerve!

   The stitching process, Chen Cang is very fast!

   even a little dazzling!

   This is the time to test the basic skills.

   Chen Cang's nerve anastomosis is also excellent.


   Everyone tried to write down the nerve grafts used by Chen Cang.

   These are all precious experiences!

   Everyone can be sure that with the recovery of these main nerves, plus the almost non-destructive treatment of the spinal cord, it is bound to have a good recovery function for the entire operation!

   The possibility of Wu Jun being rescued is increasing!

   Besides, this is not the most important thing.

the most important is!

   Professor Chen proposed that it may save more and more patients and prevent them from becoming paraplegic.

   Even for those patients who are already paraplegic, there is still a certain light!

   Of course, the nerve grafting anastomosis technique still has great limitations.

   But even so, this is already a great breakthrough in the history of spinal cord repair!

   An unprecedented breakthrough!

   But Professor Chen passed on these techniques to them without reservation.

   So, it is conceivable that their hearts are not excited?

   The operation goes by every minute!

   Chen Cang started to perform bone graft fusion after completing the nerve repair!

   is actually to select a segment of bone trimmed to the size of the bone window.

   For spinal cord repair, the part-time job of fusion of bony landmarks like the spine is leftover craftsmanship.

   Even giving Chen Cang a bone, he can carve a cervical spine logo!


   Without him, only open and hang!

  Eye of Perfection has always been talented in tinkering. Chen Cang feels that even if his son is not a doctor, he can still be an artist!

   While talking, Chen Cang directly took the patient's iliac crest bone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to trim it into a sample that was just right for the size of the bone window.

   Everyone who watched this scene was a little surprised!

   Could it be...

   Is the gap between us and the master here?

   Damn, do you still need a good sculpting skill to do an operation?

   At this time, a staff member hurriedly walked in: "Director Yu, Professor Carmen Hammill has arrived at the hospital!"

   Yu Yonggang was taken aback for a moment, forgot this person!


   The operation they are doing is a secret, can't the other party know?

   However, I am embarrassed to come all the way to help...

   Chen Cang said: "Let him come, it won't affect."



  Ps: I'm afraid that everyone will be anxious, so I will send 3 chapters first. I beg you to give the veteran the monthly pass that is about to expire at the end of the month.

   By the way, there are 3 chapters in the evening!

   Thank you QQ for reading "Marginal People" for the 200,000 rewards, thank you for your support.

   Thank you for your 10,000 rewards.


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