When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1723: : Is this 3D printing?

   I heard that Professor Chen agreed.

   However, Yu Yonggang is still a little worried!

   Not only him, but Qu Jinguo, Yang Wenwu, and Yan Zhengjun were all a little twitchy.

   It’s the same as getting a bunch of candies, but someone will divide it.

   All of a sudden, a few "children" of the master class began to have emotions!

   But, Carmen Hammir came from afar to help. He was kind, and it was not good to stop him!

   For a while, several people stared at Chen Cang.

   Yan Zhengjun of the People's Liberation Army Hospital couldn't help but said, "This...Professor Chen, this thing is a core secret, and it cannot be passed on to these foreigners."

   "It's not that I have shallow knowledge, but...this thing, it's not the same, a good relationship is a good relationship, we can also help, this kind of core operation skill, I still think it is not good to spread..."

  Although the others did not express their opinions, they still nodded their heads, meaning similar to Yan Zhengjun's.

   Everyone is a little selfish!

   Not to mention their group of domestic champions who often participate in international conferences!

   Regardless of that country, this core technology will be kept secret.

   Do you really think that attending the meeting is the same as Chen Cang?

   is to speak up?

of course not!

   Most people are standing below to listen.

   or just to visit.

   The real core technology is generally not taught to you. Most of them let you understand what kind of surgery we have such a technology, and that's it!

   If you encounter this kind of difficulty in the future, you can talk to our big brother.

  Want to learn?

no way!

   Didn't pay the tuition, just want to learn something?

   As for those things that do not need to be kept secret, they will be made public if they should be made public. It is not important!

   Chen Cang heard the sound and smiled: "It doesn't matter, he can't understand it."

  As soon as he said this, everyone around was stunned!

Yes indeed!

   The operation is finished, can he take it apart?

   Want to watch?

   This is impossible.

  Everyone is an adult, no one will ask for a video too much. What is the difference between asking for a bank card password?

   "Yes, so is it!"

   "Professor Chen, seal it up! Put this bone in and fix it, don't let him come and see it for a while."

   Chen Cang smiled, and suddenly found that these old experts are surprisingly cute.

   It seems that there is something good at home for fear of being found robbed.

   Yu Yonggang asked the staff to go out and called Carmen Hammill in.

   There was also an Asian man who was a stranger who accompanied him. Hearing the greeting, he realized that it was him!

   "Sorry, I am late." Carmen Hammill was very polite, "The plane was delayed for a certain amount of time."

   At this point, he saw that Chen Cang had not yet completed the fusion of the spine and vertebral bodies, and he was relieved immediately: "Fortunately, it is not late!"

   But Chen Cang did not look back.

   Immediately afterwards, he picked up the carved iliac crest bone with his right hand and slightly pressed it towards the defect area!

   The intensity is not too big or small.

   But it just fits very well!

   Seeing this scene, Carmen Hamilton hurried over!

   "You can't use too much force here, you need to use a hammer to hit slightly, so that the front of the bone fragment is 1mm lower than the front of the vertebral body, and the back of the bone fragment cannot exceed the posterior edge of the vertebral body, so as not to compress the spinal cord!"

After    finished speaking, Carmen Hamir hurried over, but when he saw the results of the operation, his eyes widened and he was speechless!

  This...this... just press it in with your hands?

   Seeing Carmen like this, Qu Jinguo couldn't help but want to laugh!

   Haven't seen the world?

  What a vertebrae with bare hands!

   There are so many things I haven’t seen!

   "No, Professor Qu, excuse me, this operation is not Wu Jun's spine fracture? Is this vertebra still intact?"

   "I watched the film, the vertebrae have been completely fractured and embedded in the spinal cord!"

  Carmen just finished speaking, the Japanese expert on the side suddenly said: "No! Professor Carmen, look, this is not a vertebra!"

  As soon as these words came out, Carmen Hammill quickly lowered his head and looked carefully!

  As the pinnacle of spine surgery, he naturally knows the vertebral body well.


   Even so, he didn't recognize that this is not a vertebra just now!

"so similar!"

   "It's so alike!"

   "Is this your artificial vertebral material in China?"

   Japanese expert Fujiwara Sawei also carefully observed: "This vertebrae is done so well, basically the same as the original damaged vertebrae!"

   "Is this a 3D printed cone?"

"Definitely is!"

   "No wonder this doctor just sent it in gently with his hands!"

   "China's technology for artificial vertebral bodies has really made me insightful!"

Fujiwara Sawei nodded: "Yes, look at the vertebrae, they are absolutely tailor-made, the curvature of the vertebral body, the size of the foramen on both sides, the shape of the spinous processes, and the physiological curvature of the spine after insertion. of……"

   "It's perfect!"

   "This is definitely the most perfect vertebral fusion surgery I have ever seen. This trip is worthwhile!"

  Carmen lowered his head, looking at the vertebrae, he was surprised!

   After listening to the words of Fujiwara Saei, who is also the vice chairman of the World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance, everyone is really

   This compliment made everyone blush!

   Even Chen Cang was a little embarrassed to be praised.

   I have to say that I still respect the strong from the bottom of my heart, and I am not stingy in boasting people.

Lao Yu, who was on the side of   , passed this scene and couldn't help saying: "Actually, this is not 3D printing technology!"

   When Fujiwara Sawei and Carmen Hammill heard this, they were stunned and turned to look at Yu Yonggang, both eyes were like a curious baby, without talking, just staring at him!

   Lao Yu was staring at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ uncomfortable, so he had to say: "Actually, Professor Chen Cang carved this by hand!"

   "This is not artificial bone either. This is my own bone, taken from the iliac crest bone. The shape of this vertebra is actually carved by Professor Chen!"

   Hearing Yu Yonggang's words, Qu Jinguo and others also nodded!

   Fujiwara Sawei heard it, he was taken aback, and then he laughed!

   Carmen Hammill also laughed along with him: "Ha ha ha!"

   "This professor is so humorous!"

   "Yes, I like the humor of Chinese people!"

   The two smiled, and directly criticized Yu Yonggang with a smile. He was stunned and looked helpless...

   Me, he’s telling the truth, why don’t you believe it!

   So, Lao Yu pointed to the patient and said, "Look, the iliac crest bone! This is not the place to collect materials, and you see, these are bone slag, which Professor Chen just carved!"

   Say this!

   Fujiwara Sawei was immediately shocked by the facts in front of him!

   Carmen Hammir is the same, looking at Chen Cang with shocked face for a long time!

   just said: "You are... you are... Professor Chen Cang?!"


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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