When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1725: : Professor Chen, you deserve it!

  Chen Cang was also laughed at by this group of heroes!

   But his smile seems to the dog-licking fan Fujiwara Sawei, this is a kind of empathy for the patient to recover after the operation!

   Professor Chen!

   You deserve it!

   Carmen Hammill also believed that this is a medical miracle.

   After all, this kind of surgery is still a forbidden zone. It is very difficult to complete it!

   is an international problem.

   Except for some miracles, they couldn't think of those possibilities.

   But when the two were happy, Fujiwara Sawei smiled and said, "Professor Chen, can I take a photo with you?"

   "Just wear the surgical gown like this!"

   Chen Cang nodded and smiled: "Yes!"

   Carmen Hammill picked up the phone and took a picture of the two together!

   Fujiwara Sawei was very excited and said with a smile: "My dream is to have an operation with Professor Chen!"

   Chen Cang smiled slightly: "There will be such a day!"

   Fujiwara Sao nodded excitedly.



   Wu Jun is recovering well at this time!

   makes everyone happy.

   At this moment!

   outside the operating room.

   A large group of people are waiting for the end of the operation!

   Wu Jun’s mother, a comrade in the fire brigade, a staff member of the Institute of Chemistry...

   A group of people crowded at the door, there was no answer!

   There is no snow during the Spring Festival this year, the sun is very bright, and it feels like a sunny March.

   Unfortunately, no one can laugh.

   Instead, sighs came and went one after another!

   When Wu Jun’s mother thought of her child dying, her heart seemed to be held tightly by a big hand!

   The last time she sat here, she was accompanied by a teenager, Wu Jun!

   At the time, she was scared, but not desperate.

   But this time, the fear in her heart continued to spread, almost swallowing her!

   At that time!

   Wu Jun’s father just didn’t come out of the operating room.

   The picture at the time was still so clear at this moment, and it could not disperse in her mind for a long time.


   She is standing here again.

   She was really scared.

   Although the doctor said that the risk of paraplegia is relatively high, but... after she heard the news, to be honest... she was a little lucky.

  Because she can take care of him!

   Compared to death, it doesn't matter if you are paraplegic.

   As long as the son is alive.

  As I thought about it, tears rolled down my eyes.

   Six sons were aside, looking at Wu Jun’s mother: "Auntie, I'm worried! Angkor, he is a lucky person, he will be fine!"

   "Our boss has searched all the experts in the capital, and we will be fine!"

   The comrades around him also enlightened: "Yes, Auntie is fine!"

   "Lao Wu gets sick from now on, we will visit you regularly to take care of you!"

   "Yes, don't you..."

   Seeing this group of children, who are all as old as her own, she was really moved.

   You can’t blame others, you should blame yourself!

   She is now afraid that when she meets Wu Jun's father when she is dead, she tells him that she failed to take good care of her son...

   The director of the Institute of Chemistry looked at the women, and he also had a lot of calculations in his heart!

   Things started because of them, and Wu Jun rescued precious things and saved them and avoided huge losses.

   If Wu Jun had an accident, they would also compensate his family...

   Although it's a little useless, but... it's always your heart!

   Hero, you must be good.

  Doctor, you must also save the hero!

   For a while, many people began to look forward to it.

Just at this time!

   Suddenly there was a sound of opening the door.

   Then, a hospital bed was pushed out of it!

   Seeing this, everyone quickly got up!

   stood up one after another!

   This is like waiting for trial, which makes people uneasy.

  Wu Jun’s mother was sitting in a chair, her eyes covered with her hands, she did not dare to open it!

   She... is really scared!

   At this time, the room suddenly became quiet.

  Wu Jun’s mother heard the sound, and suddenly felt a thud in her heart, and her heart fell to the bottom!

   The most scared thing... really still happened?

   Tears fell desperately from his fingers, the sound of sobbing and sobbing became the last sound!

   just when she was about to die!

   suddenly heard a familiar sound.


   A cry of "Mom" completely stunned the woman.

   What a familiar voice!

   has been in her ear for more than 20 years.

   I don’t know why at this moment, it’s so pleasant, I won’t be tired of listening forever!

   She slowly opened her eyes, a little, a little, and a little more, raising her head!

   Suddenly, he saw Wu Jun's face facing him, smiling and crying.

   Seeing this, the woman stood up tremblingly!

   looked at him excitedly, shaking hands, feeling at a loss.

   wanted to hug, but was afraid of hurting him.

   can only stand aside, look at the child, and keep saying: "Okay...good...good boy, so good!"

"that's nice!"


   The mother and son have lived together for more than ten years.

   has become mutual support!

this moment.

   There were tears in the eyes of the two of them, and there was a laugh in the tears, and what was hidden in the laugh... is the deep affection of mother and child!

   Is there anything more sincere than this feeling in this world?

   There are enthusiastic applause around!

   Wu Jun’s companions also laughed happily.

   Chesha sighed, wiped the corners of his eyes, to be honest... this scene is a bit moving!

"Thank you!"

   "Doctor, thank you, if it weren't for you... our home would be gone!"

   The woman almost wanted to kneel on the ground and kowtow!

   Chen Cang quickly stopped!

   This fifty-year-old woman seems to her to express her excitement only by kowtow!

   If anyone could save her son, she would have no complaints about how many heads he knocked!

   The laughter and laughter outside the operating room add a lot of warmth to the first day of the first lunar month!

   The operation is over.

  The patient was sent to the intensive care unit by Qiao Chengan, and he was supervised!

   Carmen Hammill and Fujiwara Sawei did not stay long either, and left that day.

   Sitting on the plane, Menhamel looked at the picture he took of Fujiwara Sayu, and inadvertently looked towards the operating table.

   This look!

   suddenly stunned him.


   This is not right!

   There is a problem with the operation!

  Because there are problems with the instruments on the operating table, and look at other consumables!

  There are microscopes, perineurium scissors, and...all kinds of instruments!

   Carmen Hammill suddenly thought of a possibility!

   Could it be...

   Professor Chen can actually complete spinal cord repair surgery?

   That's right!

   must be like this!

   Why else would he let off the ventilator?

   Thinking carefully, Carmen suddenly felt that there were more and more clues!

   He hurriedly pulled Fujiwara Sawei who was aside, and said with a serious face:

   "Fujiwara, let me tell you one thing!"

   Fujiwara Sawei was taken aback: "What's the matter!"

   Carmen Hammill said mysteriously and solemnly: "Professor Chen...may have mastered spinal cord repair surgery!"

  As soon as these words came out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ both of them were silent.

   The two know how much influence this surgery will have on the entire world!

  Professor Chen... As expected of you!



  Ps: I just accidentally saw that the book was opened on August 30, 2019. As of today, it has been exactly one year.

   was on the shelves around November, and it has been exactly 10 months now, with 3.76 million updated words.

   Excluding the public’s 200,000 words, an average of 356,000 words per month, nearly 11,600 a day.

  From the new book PK, to the shelf, to now...

   The results of this book today depend on everyone and veterans working hand in hand and fighting together.

thanks for your support!

   August 31, the last day of this month, everyone rushes, come on, keep working hard!

   Six more arrived, the last day, ask for a monthly pass!


   Continue to add more tomorrow!


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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