When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1726: : Chen Cang Studio Chain Store is officially established!

   Fujiwara Sawei and Carmen Hamir looked at each other, and suddenly fell silent!

   This matter is not a trivial matter.

   Carmen Hammill hurriedly turned on the phone, opened the film that Wu Jun had taken before, and watched it seriously again!

   After a long time!

   He took a deep breath: "This is indeed a medical miracle, but it is not a miracle of patients, but a miracle created by Professor Chen himself."

   "Fujiwara, look at the patient's film, this kind of fracture will definitely damage the spinal cord and nerves, and the patient has indeed caused diaphragm injury before, otherwise it is impossible to use a ventilator."

   "As you saw just now, after leaving the ventilator, the patient gradually resumed spontaneous breathing, which shows that the repair of the phrenic nerve has been completed!"

   Fujiwara also put down his hand and took a photo with Chen Cang, and said to himself: "This should be true!"

  Carmen Hammill was taken aback, turned around and looked at Fujiwara Sawei, and asked curiously: "What is true?"

   Fujiwara Sawei: "Of course it is this operation."

   Carmen Hammill couldn't help but said, "You... don't seem to doubt it at all!"

   Before he finished speaking, Carmen Hammill suddenly remembered something. The Fujiwara Sawei in front of him was Chen Cang’s dog-licking fan!

   Will he doubt his idea?

   Thinking of this, Carmen didn't say much, but sighed!

   In fact, the two knew in their hearts that this kind of core surgery would not necessarily be passed on to them.

   For example, a kind of technology, a kind of medicine, don't everyone in the world know that the formula is not good?

   can not save more people?

   But why no one does this! ?

   Because of the position!

   Maybe from the moment we were born, we have been given various labels and positions!

   What does it mean that people are hard to dismantle?

   is knowing these truths, but no one can explain them.

   They did not struggle with this problem!

   Because it doesn't make sense.

   For example, AIDS, no matter if it is conquered in the world, as long as you can save people.

   Similarly, in whose hands is the World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance different?

   As long as we can save more people!

   Chen Cang has such strength, he deserves this honor!

   So, Carmen Hammir couldn’t help saying:

   "If this is true... we need to verify it as soon as possible. It doesn't matter to us, but for the World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance, it is an extraordinary meaning!"

   "Professor Chen’s spinal cord repair technique is bound to help more people!"

   "I think I should go back and tell the chairman the news."

   Fujiwara Sawei nodded.

   The World Alliance for Paraplegia Precision Treatment is actually a semi-profit organization, a paraplegia treatment alliance under the World Health Organization.

   is to help these people and find a way to break through the treatment.

   However, after these years of development, it is obvious that there is still some slowness.

   After all, the core technology: the difficulty of spinal cord repair and fusion is too high.

   The development of this technology can even be said to have stagnated for decades.

   And today, they finally saw a place to break through!

   How can you not get excited?



   Capital Emergency Center Hospital.

   Everyone followed Chen Cang out of the intensive care unit and returned to the doctor's office.

   When Chen Cang was walking through the corridor, he suddenly found that the "Chen Cang Studio" sign was still hanging, and he was taken aback.

   Nurse Yang Jie just passed by and said with a smile: "Professor Chen, your office has been kept. We clean it once a week. You can come anytime and have a place anytime!"

   Chen Cang heard the sound and was a little moved.

   Yu Yonggang smiled: "Yes, I have time to come back and visit more, this is your home too!"

  Chen Cang nodded: "Well, thank you Director Yu!"

   Several other people were taken aback when they saw that a small office could be so effective.

   Yang Wenwu first said: "Professor Chen, our Jishuitan Hospital also wants to prepare a studio for you, what do you think?"

   Qu Jin Guo immediately said: "Professor Chen, this studio must be established. After all, you will be a family from now on. This spinal cord repair is a long-term process. I think we must have your studio there!"

   Yan Zhengjun nodded: "It makes sense, I will call our hospital now! I think Professor Chen will definitely be a famous doctor in the future. The so-called ambitious is not in his senior years, and he has a priority. Professor Chen is also a mentor to us."

   "For the work of the famous doctor's studio, I think those of us who are students should still do it well."

   Yan Zhengjun’s remarks made several people insightful!

   Director Yan, you are an academician of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Hospital, and you are still a soldier!

   When you shoot these flattery, can you consider our feelings?

   Yu Yonggang was stunned by himself!

  This...what should I say?

   I have a studio because Chen Cang has been here for a long time, how about you?

   This is too shameless, right?

   I really took it!

  What does it mean to be old?

This is!

   Chen Cang also smiled awkwardly.

   After returning to the office, everyone sat down.

   Chen Cang looked at the crowd, put a smile away, and said, "As for the spinal cord repair, you should spend more time and more snacks."

   "You can't hide it, everyone should learn as soon as possible and try to master it."

   "Carmen Hamir and Fujiwara Sa, as the two professors, can definitely tell."

   "So, hurry up and prepare as soon as possible."

   Everyone nodded after hearing the sound.

   "Wang Qian, you also saw the operation today. Based on this operation, you will publish a paper as soon as possible." Chen Cang continued.

   When Wang Qian heard it, he felt that he was given a heavy responsibility, and he nodded quickly!

  Chen Cang continued: "In fact, things like medicine should not have national boundaries. After all, saving talents is the core purpose."

   "But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I still hope that our country's medicine can be at the forefront of the world."

   "Our technology is best and capable of saving our people."

   Chen Cang's remarks are selfish.

   It is impossible for people to be selfish.

  We are Chinese, so we naturally hope that the Chinese will benefit first.

   After listening, several directors nodded one after another!

   "Don't worry, Professor Chen!"

  Chen Cang said, "If I didn't guess wrong, I will be very bold in the future. You guys this year... don't pass it."

   "Get into work as soon as possible!"

   Several people nodded one after another.

   Chen Cang did not stay in the capital for too long.

   Instead, he got up and prepared to leave.

   The helicopter is still waiting for Chen Cang.

   So, he didn't stay for too long, got up and left the capital.

   On the plane, Chen Cang suddenly heard the system prompt and remembered!

   At this moment, Chen Cang's eyes lit up.

Yes indeed!

   The full-level boss has finally exploded his equipment, he has to take a look!


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