When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1728: : Chinese doctors are awesome! (2 in 1, thanks to the edge...

   Germany, World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance Hospital.

   Bart Langfei held a meeting to convene the new hospital.

   There are not many opinions on this.

   Because so far, the number of paraplegics in the world is as high as tens of millions!

   This huge number is beyond the reach of the only three precision paraplegia hospitals in the world.


   When Bart Langfei proposed to build a hospital in China, instead of getting consent, he was questioned!

   After all, China's medical development is fast.

   This is like although the total GDP is very high, the per capita GDP is not much!

   And medical and GDP are not the same.

  A doctor in China is responsible for 500 patients on average. Such data is the lowest in the world.

   Therefore, most people do not recommend building a base in China.

   "Bartran is not chairman, I don't agree with your opinion!"

   "Indeed, the development of neurosurgery in China seems to be unsatisfactory. There are Chinese in INC, the world organization of neurosurgery experts, but...the smallest number. I don't think China can take the responsibility of the Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance!"

   "I admit that China's current development speed and momentum in the medical field are good, but... what we need to do is not to invest, but to solve the problem!"

   "Yes, maybe we need a more suitable reason!"

   Everyone expressed their opinions.

   But Bartrand didn't say anything from beginning to end!

   But Carmen Hammill and Fujiwara Sawei spoke!

   "Because of Chen Cang!"

   When everyone heard it, they were stunned!


   "Chen Cang?"

   "Does it matter?"

   Fujiwara Sawei stood up and said: "If I told everyone that Professor Chen Cang can treat paraplegia, would you believe it?"

  Everyone couldn't help but smile as soon as he said this.

   "Professor Fujiwara, maybe you are joking!"

   "I admit that Professor Chen is very good, but spinal cord repair is a problem in the world... And, as far as I know, Professor Chen is now attacking Parkinson, how can he have the time to study spinal cord repair?"

   Everyone talked a lot, but still didn’t believe it!

   After all, this has been a problem that has plagued the world for many years. How can it be broken so quickly?

   This is not realistic at all!

   Bart Langfei, who has never spoken, said slowly: "Look at these two photos, everyone."

   After that, at the beginning, the photos of Wu Jun's preoperative examination and the physical examination report are written next to it!

   After seeing this photo of a comminuted fracture of the cervical vertebra, everyone frowned!

   See many pictures like this!

  In this case, the risk of paraplegia is as high as 90%, and...injury to the cervical spine, which will not die, and high paraplegia!


   Immediately after the second photo, it was a group photo of Fujiwara Sawei and Chen Cang, behind which was the operating table after the operation.

   Fujiwara Sawei explained: "This patient is a firefighter who was dropped from a height and caused a comminuted fracture of the cervical vertebral body!

  Professor Qu Jinguo from the capital invited Carmen Hammill for a consultation, and we went together! "

   "I didn't take a closer look at the operation, but I saw the results of the operation!"

   "The patient can breathe spontaneously, and the elbow reflex exists... This shows that the operation was successful!"

   "That's why...we will come back to see Professor Bart Langfei."

   Hearing what Fujiwara Sawei said, everyone's expressions changed!

   To be honest, after they carefully observed the film just now, they only felt one thing: danger!

   But no one thought that the operation could be successful!

   Everyone glanced at Fujiwara Sawei suspiciously.

  According to everyone's understanding of each other, neither he nor Carmen Hamel are like jokes.


   This kind of thing is not worth joking.

At this time, Fujiwara Sawei suddenly smiled and said: "Everyone should know that I am Japan, but I am actually in my own private opinion. I also hope that the Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance Hospital will be built in Tokyo, but... I also support Bart. Professor Lang Fei’s proposal thought I saw hope in China with my own eyes!"

   Some words silenced everyone!

   As Fujiwara Zuo said, as the vice chairman, he has always hoped to establish a paraplegic precision treatment alliance hospital in Asia.

   And this time Carmen Hammill and Fujiwara Sawei are in Tokyo to investigate Tokyo!

  In fact, this place has always been a more suitable place to establish a paraplegic precision treatment alliance hospital.

  High medical standards, good economic development, relying on many international universities... etc.!

   Fujiwara Saei also hopes to build his hometown.

   So, when they saw Fujiwara recommending China for themselves, they were silent for a while.

   Could it be...

   Is all this true?

   Has the development of Chinese medicine reached this point?

   There was a brief silence in the room.

   A moment later, Bart Langfei said: "It is not necessary to build a world paraplegia precision treatment alliance in Amyang now."

   "But, we can go and investigate!"

   "We haven't visited China for a long time, maybe... maybe the times have changed?"

   "If it is true, Professor Chen Cang can indeed perform such an operation. I even think that he can be recommended as the chairman of the World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance!"

   "If our assessment fails, everything... is considered an assessment."

   After everyone listened, there seemed to be no reason to refuse!

   If Chen Cang really has such an ability!

   In fact, they are more worried about whether Chen Cang is willing to bear such a responsibility!



   After the news of the World Health Organization's visit to China to visit Amyang, to be honest, the entire Dongyang government is excited!

   Kong Xiangmin was even more excited and could not sleep!

   This may be the biggest international influence of the city since its establishment!

   You know, Dongyang Province has always been the inverse province of GDP.

   As the provincial capital, Amyang City was also included in the list of second-tier cities by chance.

   After all, it is a shame to say that the provincial capital is still a third-tier city.

   After receiving the above news, Kong Xiangmin immediately organized all government officials to resume work.

   Starting to work on the third day of the first month, it was a terrible thing for everyone.

   After all, the holidays have not passed yet.

   But this year is different.

   The World Health Organization and the World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance are coming to visit Ammonium.

   The leader revealed that the other party seemed to have plans to build the base in Amyang.

   As soon as he said this, Kong Xiangmin was immediately pleasantly surprised.

   The World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance is not a pure public welfare organization.

   The semi-profit and semi-profit model makes this organization a sweet pastry in the eyes of any country in the world!

   Tens of millions of paraplegics in the world are increasing every year, and this organization has only 3 bases in the world.

   And the city where each base is located is still an international metropolis!

   To put it bluntly, rich!

   Many international organizations such as the World Red Cross, the World Health Organization, and the World Charity Organization donate a lot of money to the precision treatment of paraplegia every year, and this alliance can be regarded as a public hospital.

   However, this public hospital is of a worldwide nature and only admits one type of patient, that is, the paraplegic.

   People need to spend money to see a doctor here.

   But non-profit organizations will provide a large amount of expenses for similar medical insurance.

   If this organization can take root in Amyang, it will be a great honor for the entire Dongyang Province and even the entire country!

  Because before, there were very few global medical organizations in China.

  The main reason is the limited capacity. China itself is a barren zone with medical resources.

   Not even better than Africa.

   is really like this!

   Although the number of Chinese doctors is huge, the total population is too much!

   Even if all the assistant doctors are counted, there are only less than 3.2 million.

what does this mean?

   On average, each doctor will be responsible for 500 patients!

   Maybe some people say there are so many Chinese nurses!

   But, if I tell you, there are only 3.5 million registered nurses in China.

   What kind of concept is this?

  With a huge population base, no matter how many people there are, there are few.

   To put it plainly, our medicine is really just getting started.

   Let me talk about an even more helpless fact: 32.2% of the doctors have a bachelor's degree or above.

   Such a country with a doctor-patient ratio can maintain such social medical stability, protect the health of the Chinese people, and protect its people in critical situations. It absolutely depends on the blood and the spirit of saving people!

  Data is often more convincing than pale language.

   The number of patients treated by Chinese doctors is definitely incomparable to any country in the world.

   So, here, I just want to say: Chinese doctors are really awesome!

   There are only 12,000 public hospitals in China, including township health centers.

   The number of tertiary hospitals, including private hospitals, is only more than 700.

   is such a medical condition, we have built a great red medical wall in China!

   We still have a long way to go.

   But the steps under our feet are firm!

   Therefore, most medical centers in the world are seldom willing to take root in China. After all, there are not enough local doctors in China. Don't you want to eat **** when you come?

   However, this visit by the World Health Organization and the Alliance for Paraplegia Precision Treatment is of great significance to China!

   For Dongyang, it is an excellent opportunity to improve its reputation!

  Any province or city needs benchmarking!

   Just like, Shanxi is coal.

   If at any time, ammonium yang can be equivalent to medical treatment, this is a great success!

   This time, for Ammonium Yang, it is an opportunity to make a new face.

   Above the news of the day.

   Kong Xiangmin sent the World Health Organization down to investigate Ammonium Yang, and told all Dongyang people the news that the Alliance for the Precision Treatment of Paraplegia stayed in Ammonium.

   "This is a test for everyone in Dongyang Province!"

   "Similarly, it is also an opportunity for Dongyang to make a new face and rise!"

   "This time, I beg everyone, let us work hard together to guard the ammonium yang and build our ammonium yang into a beautiful modern medical city!"

   Although Kong Xiangmin knows whether he can stay in Amyang, it is Chen Cang.

   However, Kong Xiangmin cannot put all the burden on Chen Cang!

  All the people and common people in Amyang City should spontaneously establish this kind of situation and cultivate this responsibility!

   After this news was announced, the people in Dongyang Province were instantly excited.

   After all, how many years have they been behind Dongyang?

   Now it's hard to have such an opportunity, how could everyone miss it!

   For a while, on the night of the third day of the first lunar month, everyone began to do what they should do spontaneously.

   did not litter, and even started picking up **** on the ground and throwing it into the trash can.

   no longer honked his horn, but waited quietly in front of the sidewalk.

   Even the street security has improved a lot!

   Zhang Keqin, as the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, personally led the team on the streets...

  Volunteers took to the streets and began to take the initiative to share the work of traffic police.



   And all civil servants must lead by example and get into the work early!

   This year's overtime work makes everyone feel that everything is right!

   The joy of going to work in the third grade of junior high school is beyond your imagination!

   At the same time, after seeing this news, other provinces and cities across the country can say anything besides envy and jealousy?

   The people in the capital said that Anyang should hand over Chen Cang!

  The Demon Capital government expressed its dissatisfaction!

   No one would have imagined that Dongyang Province, a city in central China that does not seem to have much potential for development, unknowingly caught a ride!

   Can this not make everyone envy?

   The whole ammonium yang is in an orderly plan.

   I have limited time, and I don’t have the energy to do so much work.

  What everyone can do is to make the street surface cleaner.

  The preparation time is always insufficient.

at last!

   on the fifth day of the first month.

   The staff of the World Health Organization and the assessment team of Bart Langfei and the World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance came to the Chinese capital.

  The next stop is Anyang City, Dongyang Province!

   Three members of the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization came.

   And the chairman and vice-chairmen of the World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance have come to the capital with all the coefficients!

   Their first stop ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the Chinese Capital Emergency Center Hospital!

   They want to see how the patient Chen Cang had undergone surgery is now.

   Xiao Runfang personally received everyone to the Capital Emergency Center Hospital.

   Qu Jin Guolai is familiar with everyone and is responsible for reception.

  Bat Langfei was very frank, and straightforwardly expressed to Wu Tongfu and Yu Yonggang that they were curious about the situation of Wu Jun.

   These Lao Yus are also well prepared.

   took everyone to the office and first explained Wu Jun's situation before the operation.

   Including impact data, including physical examination and neurological examination, etc...

   But when Bartlettnfei asked to see Wu Jun.

   When I arrived in the ward, I suddenly found that Wu Jun was not in the ward.

   Everyone was taken aback!

   "Where did the patient go?" Lao Yu asked quickly.

   The nurse looked dazed: "It was there just now!"

   At this time, there was a sound of opening the door, and I saw Wu Jun’s mother leaning on the neck brace and the fixed Wu Jun out of the toilet!

   After seeing this scene, everyone who came to visit was suddenly stunned!

  This...Is anyone able to use the toilet?


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